10: Maid

Flower Boys Upstairs

I walk out of the hospital with the crutches at my side. I look at the sky and breathe in the fresh air. Sammi beside me smiling happily.


"Wow. I didn't realize how much I missed this sky" I smiled.


"I didn't realize how much I would miss having someone else at home" Sammi joked and hit my back with her hand roughly.


I had to stop myself from falling forward with the crutches, "watch it. Or i'll end up in the hospital again" I threatened.


"Yeah. Yeah. Just gives me more time to party alone" she responded. "Let's go already" she said impatiently as she grabbed my bag from the sidewalk and headed towards the cab that would take us home.




We arrived and walked into the house. I quickly went to my room and collapsed on my bed. "Ohhh~ How much I missed you my wife!" I yelled to the bed.


"Your so weird..." Sammi said as she layed my bag by the door and went back to her room. "If you need anything...hire a maid" she said as she closed her door.


I thought for a moment and then smiled, "...will do" I said as I reached for my phone in my bag on the floor. I quickly texted MarKus.


'Yo. MarKus. Come be my maid!!!'

'...maid? I don't have to wear a weird outfit do I?'

'Please don't. Now get over here and take care of me~'

'...Your hopeless. Be there soon Jungie'


I waited patiently for him to arrive. After about half an hour he rang the doorbell. I made Sammi answer the door, using my leg as an exscuse. MarKus walked into my room and smiled, "You look awful" he joked.


"I know. But now that my MarKus is here i'll be all better~" I joked back.


"Don't make me twist your bad lag" he said as he laughed lightly.


I pretended to zip my mouth closed and then just smiled.


"Need anything?" MarKus asked.


"...food" I said with a pout.


MarKus only sighed, "...ok. I'll go see what I can make" he responded and went off to the kitchen.


I layed in my room and relaxed as I stared at my ceiling. I glanced at my phone and opened it to look at my screensaver. Me and AhNiel laying together on the hospital bed. AhNiel was sleeping so soundly that I couldn't help but take a picture at that time. I smiled lightly as I remembered the days events. AhNiel being so concerned and loving. I then quickly blushed as I remember the R scene. I smiled and chuckled lightly, "...I can't believe we did that at a hospital" I laughed to myself as I lightly placed the phone to my forehead. "...hmmm...I should have made AhNiel be my maid...but he might not respond to me" I thought out loud.


"Why wouldn't he respond?" MarKus asked lightly as he walked in with some delicious looking soup and a small bit of eggs with a small glass of green tea.


"Well...since that first day I came out of unconsciousness and he stayed behind...he hasn't really talked to me" I said as I pouted lightly.


"Really? So AhNiel hasn't talked to you for more than 2 weeks?" he asked.


I nodded lightly, "Yeah...i'm actually kind of lonely" I admitted.


MarKus layed the food down on the bed side table and hugged me lightly, "Don't worry Jungie. You got me and Chungie to keep you company if you need us" he smiled gently.


"You know...if you were a girl i'd totally love you" I joked as I gave him a big bear hug.


MarKus laughed at the sudden hug, "That's a scary thought" he joked. "Chungie would get mad if he heard you say that" he winked at me lightly.


I smiled, "Ah that's right...Chungie is in this picture too" I joked.


MarKus playfully hit my shoulder. "Here. You said you were hungry. Now eat. Before the food gets cold" he smiled.


I nodded and began to eat the food MarKus had kindly made for me. As I took he first bite my mind went blank and my eyes began to water. "MARKUS!!" I yelled.


"What? I'm right beside you" he said lightly.


"What exactly did you put in this? It's hot as hell!!" I yelled.


"Eh? It's hot? Really?!" he asked as he quickly took a bite himself. He quickly spit it in the trash can. "Oh my god! That's gross!" he admitted.


"Which spices did you use?" I asked as I looked at the food. It looked amazing but tasted awful.


"Um well...there was this black bottle by the spices so I thought it was vinegar...and I used it" he said innocently.


I opened my eyes widely and then layed back on my bed, "MarKus...that's the mexican hot sauce. It's called Death Sauce for a reason" I said with a sigh as I reached for my orange juice and took a big gulp of it.


"Eh? But I can't read english letters" he said embarrassed.


I sighed heavily and looked at him, "it's ok. Don't worry about it. I can always eat something else later" I smiled. "Thanks though" I said lightly.


"Sorry Jungie" MarKus said as he hugged me. "I'll do better next time" he smiled.


I couldn't help to smile back at the guy, "yeah. I look forward to it" I replied.


"Ah. I'll see you tomorrow" he said as his phone went off. "I actually had a date today" he winked and then waved goodbye.


I went to wave back but he was already out the door. "So much for a maid" I sighed and looked at the food again and moved it to my bed side table. I opened my phone again and stared at the background. "Maybe I should try to call AhNiel after all" I said. After hesitating for a moment I dialed in AhNiel's number and listened to the phone ring endlessly. After 5 rings someone picked up.


"Hello?" I heard a young males voice ask over the phone.


"Um...hello? Is AhNiel there?" I asked.


"Hmm? Niel? Ah no. He is busy right now. I can take a message though?" he asked.


I frowned sadly, "no it's ok...i'll try again later" I said lightly.


"Ah. That's impossible. AhNiel will be with his fiancee later" the young boy said.


My heart struck heavily as I heard the words. "His...fiancee?" I asked.


"Yes. Master Niel's fiancee is visiting for the next few months. I'm sorry. Are you sure you don't want to leave a message?" he asked.


"Ah. No. It's ok. Thank you anyways" I said as I hung up the phone.


Faincee? This was the first time I had heard anything about him having a fiancee. Why had AhNiel never told me? Was I really just a toy to him this whole time? Was I the only one who meant it when I thought about our love. My heart shattered at this fact and I layed on my bed and fell into a sleep of sadness.


Here is a quick and short update. Sorry if it's kind of rushed. I was having some difficulty on how to continue the story so I decided to have a new kind of plot for the next upcoming chapter. Thank you for waiting so long for this update ^^;;;


MinHyun out!!

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Chapter 9: Finallyyy you updated
neon_fighter #2
Chapter 3: Aw poor jungie!!! Shame on you Kyushin!!!! D:< Thanks for the update!!