chapter 5

New Beginning


Day has pass so fast and without they realize the wedding just around the corner, 3 days more to be exact. After go to double date with sehun and suli, soojung and jongin cant help being happy with how they relationship progress so fast. Suli gonna report almost everyday about her and sehun keep calling every night for hours and sehun of course do the same to jongin. Sehun and suli got so many similarities and they like connected right away.  Sehun already had plan in his head that he’s going to ask suli to be his girlfriend on jongin and soojung wedding day.

“i’m brilliant , isn’t it?” the pale guy who smiling brightly clap his hand after finish telling his bestfriend about his plan that going to happen in the day on his bestfriend wedding.

“what a cheap way” jongin reply casually

its in the afternoon and they just hangout in jongin house, since it’s weekend by the way.

“what.. I thought about it and it sound amazing, I’m going to ask her out on your wedding reception that held in a venue near the beach, since it will also give romantic vibe” sehun grinning

“and beside there’s also me and soojung, so in case sulli refuse to go out with you, you have me and soojung as a  back up plan so the situation gonna be less awkward, isn’t it?” jongin guessing

“ah.. you no fun jongin-ah, how can you read my mind so clear and perfectly like are truly my best man” sehun said while fist jongin shoulder playfully

“yes, I can read it soo much clear like as  it written on your forehead” jongin chuckling

they both laugh together and decide to play their favorite soccer game, when suddenly jongin say

“anyways.. just don’t screw up hun, it is either you make a good memories or a bad memories on my wedding day” jongin say not let his eye off from the game

“I’m hoping it’s the first one” sehun secretly smiling, eventhough he is also nervous but he want to keep optimistic about his plan.

Just say yes choi sulli



“so you going to go to my wedding with sehun?” soojung ask sulli who called her about an hour already, telling everything she’s going through whole day, soojung lay comfortably on her bed while flipping the magazine in front of her.

“yes.. sehun just ask me this evening” sulli answer not knowing the lady she’s been talking to secretly smiling widely. Soojung already know sehun plan, she just hope sehun will always make her bestfriend happy like he did all the time they spend together, soojung can feel sulli happiness everytime she’s talking about her day with sehun.

“aren’t you nervous jung, you going to be a married woman in 3 days? “Sulli asked

honestly soojung of course feel nervous but on the other side, she just feel relieve that its jongin that she’s going to married since she already know him for such a long time. Maybe she’s just going to adapt from the bestfriend tittle to a wife.

“mm.. a bit.. but I..” suddenly soojung stop talking as she hear someone knocking on her balcony door. Curiously she got up from bed and walk to the door.

“hello..soojung?? is everything alright? Suli asked

“I got to go sul, something came up..see ya, bye” soojung hung up immediately , she’s curious who is knocking her door in the middle of night like this. Slowly she open the door slightly and take a peek, but there’s no one so she open the door more wide and walk more further to outside

“BOO!!” jongin suddenly appear from the side of the door shocking soojung

“jongin!! You scare the hell out of me” she’s yelling, she almost had heart attack

jongin just grinning and hug soojung

“keke..i’m sorry, it just me okay” but soojung didn’t buy it, she part away from jongin embrace and walk to her room, pouting

jongin follow her behind after closing the door

“oh come on babe..i’m sorry okey, I’m just want to surprise you, beside I bring you this” jongin take out  a chocolate from his pocket and sit beside soojung on her bed

“don’t be mad at me babe” jongin pleading with his puppy eyes that make soojung cant stand mad at him, she took the chocolate while smiling

“give your fiancée a chocolate in the middle of the night like this, are you planning to make me fat kim jongin”

jongin shrug “gain more pounds its okay too babe” jongin answer while putting his hand on her shoulder

soojung just chuckle and start eating the chocolate

“mm.. this is soo good” soojung comment while chewing the chocolate,jongin just smiling seeing how cute soojung eating

“mm.. by the way.. what did you do here jongin, fyi you just came to my room through the balcony so you must be climb up to get here, am I right?

Jongin lay her back on soojung bed

“ right…I just cant sleep .. and suddenly want to meet you”

“what? So the chocolate also a bribe so you can get in here ?“ soojung ask playfully after finishing her chocolate and lay on her bed as well, beside jongin.

jongin smirking “seems like it work ” he turn his body so now he is facing soojung who still looking at front, he can see how long her eyelashes is, how sharp her nose is ,clearly. she’s truly beautiful seeing up close like this,

soojung who aware jongin looking at her for a while now turn her head to face jongin

“what.. is there’s something in my face that makes you cant stop staring babe” she’s asking questioningly, jongin laugh a bit seeing that soojung actually had a little bit of chocolate left on ther corner of , he rise his hand in attempt to remove it when suddenly stop and grinning, he make a hand motion asking soojung to get closer to him, soojung who is curious just obedient and move forward. In an instat jongin pull soojung body and kiss her lip surprising soojung, after got herself compose soojung kiss him back, their kiss is sweet and gentle when suddenly jongin pull back and soojung corner mouth for a couple of second, widening the lady eyes


“what was that” soojung ask blushing with jongin action

“ I just clean the chocolate that you left” jongin answer casually, he’s enjoying seeing soojung blushing actually


she’s so cute


“you can use your hand you know”

“no.. I want to do it….. in my way” jongin ask playfully and hug soojung tight made her rest her head on his chest

“in 3 day.. in 3 going to be all mine”

soojung smile, yes.. in 3 days they going to start their journey as a married couple

“yes… in 3 days” she say


that night without realizing they feel asleep in each other embrace after talking for a while. Jongin who hate the heat unconsciously take off his shirt in the middle of the night and hug soojung again after that, soojung who also tossing around because of the heat found comfortable after laying her head in jongin board chest.



In the morning


“soojung honey… wake up, it’s already mornig sweetheart” mrs jung calling from downstairs, seeing no sound from her daughter she’s walking to her room and knocking on her door, but still there’s no sound, so she trying to open the door who fortunately for her, not locked

she walk to her room straight to her bed to wake her up

“sweetheart.. …wake up.. …it’s al.. …OH MY GOD!! She suddenly screaming


screaming seeing her daughter being hug tigthly  by her fiancé who is half , jongin who get annoyed by the sound tighter his hug to soojung, thinking that it was his mom trying to wake him up and thinking that soojung is his bolster pillow.

“mmm..” jongin make a sound without opening his eyes


soojung act exactly the same, hold jongin tight and buried her face deeper in jongin chest, annoyed by her mother. Mrs jung who just got a brief heart attack, already had herself together again and grinning seeing this to teenager


“well, I don’t know that 3 days is so long for you two.. so you just decide to start making a GRANCHILD for me sooner, I absolutely had no problem” with smile she walk out off the room and yelling.. “yoebooooo… expect a little kid in our house sooonn”


soojung who exactly hear the worn grandchild open her eyes in an instant and shock seeing half jongin, she immediately sat up


“JONGIN!! What did you do, why you don’t have your shirt on??”

jongin who also heard soojung mom words and understand the situation secretly while still closing his eyes, just casually pull soojung to his embrace once again to make her sleep beside him, well he really love to sleep.

slowly opening his eyes she look straight to soojung eyes

“well, as your mother said, it’s okay for her to us start making baby right away” soojung who suddenly got nervous with jongin word interrupt “ wha…” she got cut when jongin continue

“ don’t worry babe, I’m not going to touch you” jongin smile, soojung feel relieve but not long after jongin say

“ at least not for this 2 days” he got closer to her ear and whispering in seductive way “but after that, you will under my control babe” jongin smirking seeing soojung cute shocking face before laughing making soojung embarrass and playfully hit his chest

“ you ert” soojung said






AN : hellooooo I’m back, soo sorry for not updating for quite a long time, just suddenly got writer blocks and my exam coming in the way, I hope you guys enjoy this chap, and I’m planning to make the next chap is their wedding day!! Keke

And as you all already know, EXO is comeback everyone!!! I’m spazzing everytime they release something, kekeke.. and after hearing their medley song, I fell in love with their ‘don’t go’ song, can wait to hear the full ver. And of course “wolf” I actually kinda like it, it’s different that what makes me more excited, and since it’s EXO, I think they going to pull it off  very well. Cant wait for their comeback stage ^^


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Chapter 11: Update soon ❤❤❤❤
Chapter 11: lol sulli XD
my_angel13 #3
Chapter 11: Update soon ! ^^
ernestinethrz #4
Chapter 11: Update soon please please please!!>.<
aqdina #5
Chapter 11: update soon please!
fxkrystal_kpop123 #6
Chapter 10: I´m glad your back autornim keep updating
The letter made me laugh so hard
Their parents really want a grandson hahahha
edjordan_ #7
Chapter 9: eeh yeah man!! Can you update soon please? Really excited for next chap!! Waaahh!!
Chapter 9: my innocent mind pmsl xD
Chapter 9: hot .... haha.. but too short/plak
Add third person please >_< Man! Suho maybe? aww this story will be more interesting xD
nadsuty #10
Chapter 9: where hv u been author-nim?? huhu i miss this story so bad!! thank u for ur great update!!!;D