Prologue/ Once Upon a Time

Take a Risk


(( A/N: OK. This update wasn't as fast as I wanted it to be. D: I'm sorry guys. I've been quite busy with school work lately. I have a big project, community service, tests, and a bunch of other stuff. @___@ Here's a quick prologue for you guys. ))

Once upon a time, there lived a woman named Jeon Doyeon. Back in her teenage years, she was the best friend of South Korea’s current president. The two were inseperable and told each other everything. Doyeon was a loyal friend and would never do anything to hurt her other half. She had to admit, she was jealous of the other. The other had perfect grades, extreme popularity, intelligence, and was just over all perfection while Doyeon was just there. Nevertheless, Doyeon continued to support her best friend, hiding all her jealousy for years.

However, in college, the two happened to fall for the same guy. It was typical drama. Doyeon really liked this guy. His charm and charsima drew her to him and she fell hard. As the days went by, she fell in love. Unfortunately for her, the guy chose her best friend. It killed her to see the two of them be so intimate with each other. That should’ve been her, but Doyeon never said anything about it. Maybe if she waited long enough, he’ll come crawling to her.

Seven years she waited, and the two got married. Doyeon was crushed. She continued to wait.

Two years later, Doyeon’s best friend became the president of South Korea and had a child named Hyukjae. Doyeon was tired of waiting. All the jealousy and hatred she kept in was unleashed. She devised a plan on revenge and came up with the perfect idea. Doyeon had someone she loved taken away from her, so what about if she did the same? After a month baby Hyukjae was born, Doyeon decided to pay her “best friend” a visit.

She pretended to be there to catch up with her friend who was busy running the country when in reality, she was just there to kidnap Hyukjae. The mission was a success and she left with baby Hyukjae crying in her arms.

Doyeon moved to live in an isolated house on top of a mountian. She wanted to be as far from civilization as possible because if anyone finds out that she kidnapped the president’s son, Doyeon would be in big trouble.

Hyukjae was a beautiful baby with golden hair and pale skin. Doyeon fell in love with the baby at first sight and pretended as if it were her own child. She taught him how to walk, played with him, and acted as if she was the real mother of Hyukjae.

However, there was one thing; she would never let him go outside. Even when he wanted to play soccer out in the patch of grass, Hyukjae was forced to play soccer inside. Hyukjae got curious as to why Doyeon would never let him outside, but Doyeon would always respond by saying it was to protect him from all the dangers the world holds.

This was all lies. Doyeon was afraid that someone might spot him despite being miles away from the nearest city. She didn’t want to be discovered with the president’s son or have anyone take him away from her. He was just too precious to lose.

Thus, she kept Hyukjae locked up in the house. Only she was allowed to exit the house. This went on for years. However, as Hyukjae’s 21st birthday drew near, his curiousity towards the outside grew unberable. He wanted to go breathe the fresh air, roll around in the dirt, and most of all, see the fireworks they always display on his birthday. Hyukjae always sees it on television and can even get a glimps of it from his window.

Doyeon always fullfilled his birthday wishes, no matter how ridiculous they were. This year, his birthday wish is to go outside for the first time and he hopes Doyeon would fullfill that as well.


(( A/N: LOL. I KNOW IT'S LAME. DON'T JUDGE. I STILL NEED TO PLAN THIS WHOLE FIC OUT SO GIVE ME SOME TIME. <3 I'm sorry if I got your hopes high and didn't meet expectations. 3 ufufufu. It will get better later. I promise. D: ))

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myeolchi5424 #1
Huaaa, i really hope u will update this story :-(
MeinAltire #2
Chapter 1: intersting, looking forward for this :)
please continue
Chapter 1: sounds good :)

can't wait for the next part
Chapter 1: Please update this, it's really good. u should continue.
ionlytoldthemoon #5
Chapter 1: omg this is perfect, I mean you haven't even updated the first chapter, Idek if you will? but it already sounds soooo good! orz and they do fit the roles perfectly! axacabajjww let me spazz for a bit!! Anyway, I really hope you plan to continue this because no matter what it is already really amazing!
please update soon ~

uuuughth, I need to calm down ;; I just got so excited! THank you for writing it <3 I'll look forward to read the first chapter! ^^
kyujae #8
update soon ^^
you just watched the movie?? /gasped/
Great movie right?!! Very hillarious and exciting, yeah :D

and now you write the haehyuk version!!!! There's no way in h3ll am i gonna let this go.

Ahahaha i crack when you make that comparations ahahahaha. And yes, indeed!! They really perfect for those roles!! Kyaaa imagine they make haehyuk version movie for this movie!! /gone to fantasy world/

ow, despite her cruelty, i felt really sorry for doyeon. I mean, unrequited love!!! Just so sad, isnt it?!

Thank you for sharing ^^
this is lovely