A Foreign Exchange


Lee Hyukjae, a top student from South Korea, is given the chance to experience the culture of the United States through a foreign exchange program. He has a bright future ahead of him being a straight 'A' student and all. However, he never has time for fun. Lee Donghae, on the other hand, has lost all motivation to pursue a future which is such a shame because he would be top of the class... well, if he actually went to class. Instead of attending class, he goes off to crazy parties where he hangs out with high school drop outs who have also lost their dreams and ambitions. What happens when Hyukjae's host family during his year stay at the United States happens to be Lee Donghae's family? Will Donghae be able to teach Hyukjae to unwind and will Hyukjae be able to get Donghae's future back on track?


does anyone even remember me lol


Sorry for my absence. I've been busy lately and so many things have been going on. :/ I started my junior year of high school and that's been pretty hectic in more ways than one. I've also been taking college classes so I barely have time. Plus, I've been going on an emotional roller-coaster lately so bear with me. LOL. But ayeee. I'm somewhat back. \m/


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MeinAltire2 #1
Chapter 1: I miss this story...
MeinAltire #2
Chapter 1: sounds great, can't wait to
hope hyuk will able to change donghae in a good way
AmvyPayne #3
Chapter 1: its good for the first chapter, i'd like to read more.. please update soon *puppy eyes
ionlytoldthemoon #4
Chapter 1: Good job on your first chapter! It's not disappointing since the first chapter tends to be slow. But omg donghae has a major attidue problem, but I can see where he's coming from, nobody likes being second best it comes to a point where we don't even want to try. I like Hyuk he's such a good boy, let's see how long that'll last though lol. I'm excited to see how this story will develop :)
Chapter 1: I really like the first chapter ^^ can't wait to read more !!!
kardashiankhaos #6
Chapter 1: I love this chapter! Really a huge reminding of me back then (you know, wandering around foreign airport, hoping the host-family would be great and stuff like that) Okay, I'll stop talking about myself #dummy
Anyway, keep up the good work! (y)
Chapter 1: Wooow I like it already , plzz update ofen . Fighting <33
ionlytoldthemoon #8
Omfg I am so anticipating this, it seems interesting and similar yet different from other stories I've read. I came upon this story by chance while searching in some tags and I realized I've read one of your stories, which I absolutely loved btw, so I'm kind of expecting this to be a great story. Good luck with school and I hope you'll update this soon!
kiki-chan #9
wow sounds so cool and fun to read
i will be waiting for it~