Behind the Mask - TheLandofBrownSugar

Daebak Review Shop {Not Accepting}


Title [5/5]: although a tad bit cliche, this title definitely informs readers of what to expect, the relation to the story is unmistakable.


Appearance [10/10]: I personally liked the graphics used, the paint swishes upon both Sunny's and Hoya's face reflect the persona they put on for the public and perhaps even represent the flaws they possess. Plus, the poster is very pretty.


Description/Foreword [17/20]: since it's a two shot, it explains why there was such a large chunk of the overall story written in the Description; however if you intend to write longer fanfiction, I suggest not revealing so much about the protagonists' (main characters) in the beginning. Personally, I prefer indirect characterization, but revealing a bit of the character's personality in the Description/Foreword isn't an issue. 


Characterization [6/10]: your characterization of both Hoya and Sunny were overall, very well done. Despite that Sunny seemed like that cliche 'queenka' of the school, it was understandable when she explained herself at the last chapter in the company of Hoya. However Hoya on the other hand...let's just say that you started out strong with the 'cold' attitude and portrayed him rather well up until the last chapter where you kind of act out of character.

"Sunny stared at him in disbelief..."

This is where is starts off on chapter three, where Sunny and Hoya are both having that serious but enlightening conversation with each other, but I feel like the fact that Hoya exclaimed he was so alike to Sunny and practically giggled threw off the whole brusque feel you successfully kept intact up until then. Try sticking to the character next time, instead of having him giggle, have the him shake his head. Example:

Sunny stared at him in disbelief, "I can't believe you!" 

"S-sorry..." Hoya lowly chuckled, shaking his head incredulously. "I just never would have thought we'd have so much in common."

This way, Hoya doesn't seem like he's a completely changed character from cold and an outcast, to sociable and cute so quickly. I understand it's a two shot and stories in those types of genres are supposed to happen fast, but this is just a suggestion offered to you, you don't have to follow it.


plot [14/25]: don't take this as a bad thing. it's merely because the story you wrote was a two shot, but perhaps if you plan another two shot, something other than two people meeting with similar personas would be more interesting. Be creative~


Grammar [20/25]: I managed to only spot a few grammatical mistakes and typographical errors, but other than that, for a non native English author, your writing wasn't bad at all. Simple and easy to read. Good job ^^


Flow [4/5]: it's not a perfect score, simply because the last chapter, the last conversation with Sunny and Hoya seemed a bit too fast. Try pacing yourself with writing, especially when they involved those epiphany moments or moments of enlightenment, when you get to the heart of the story.


Pace [8/10]: see comments on 'Flow' above.


Enjoyment [7/10]: personally, I did enjoy the two shot. Again, it was simple, easy to read and had a meaningful moral at the end which I could relate to. However, I don't like docile demure female main characters, but fortunately I'm unbiased so I gave a decent score for your story.


Moral [5/5]: excellent moral. life lesson to be learned by us all.


Grade: [95/120 + 5 points extra credit]

review done by Jae_Ree




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Chapter 11: I'm so glad we didn't get an F on our thanks xD
Cecei I told you you're a better writer than me xDDD
Chapter 2: Username: Whynot

FanFic Title: Coexisting with the Devil

Genre: Angst & Drama

Chapters: 1

Story Link:

Summary: A demon and an angel can never coexist.
That's what the Bible, and society have taught us, but is it really true? Demons are a posion, something toxic that must stay away from, but what is amazing of the body is the capacity of adapting.

Can angel adapt? To the burning and tempting feeling of evil?

Moral Of The Story: At the bottom of all beauty lies something inhuman.

Reviewer: Jae_Ree

Ideal time: 1 week, it's a oneshot so I think it'll be pretty fast hahaha but I'm not rushing or anything

Anything else: English is not my first language
Chapter 11: Thanks for the review mate!
Chapter 3: Username: GayForHan

FanFic Title: Feu Vert (French for Green Light)

Genre: Mystery/Sci-Fi/Romance

Chapters: 2 (ongoing)

Story Link:

Summary: Laura, a girl from another universe travels to planet earth trying to seek peace within her heart and to see what kind of games fate has instored for her. Along the way she collides with Key of SHINee. Will meeting Key help or destroy her way of finding peace in her heart?

Moral Of The Story: Humans can give warmth by just their showing their sincerity.

Reviewer: Pirupi

Ideal Time To Review: 1-2 days

Anything Else: Two idiots who aspires to be inspiration to other people & we're amateur writers. We're new to AFF *bows* Please take care of us.
Chapter 6: Username: TaeminIsBigHeart
Fanfic title: Former & the Latter
Genre: Comedy and Romance
Chapters: 2(for now it's still not completed)
Story link:
Summary: Namjoo is a dongsaeng hatter while Chunji is a noona killer. Chunji will do anything just to make Namjoo fall for him. But there is something more that will be revealed on the fanfic..
Moral of the story: No matter how much you avoid fate, fate will always does what should be done.
Reviewer: Jae_Ree
Ideal time to review: Maybe after 4 or 5 days? I'm not really rushing so please take your time :)
Anything else: I just want to thanks in advance! :)
Chapter 4: Username: GreenGardenPop
Fanfic title: The Girl and the Sea
Genre: Romance
Chapters: 1
Story link:
Summary: She went to the sea every late afternoon to sing her soul out, and she thought that the beautiful strains of a guitar that always accompanied her singing were just her imagination.
Moral of the story: Hmm... Maybe never give up... I'm not sure xD
Reviewer: Kay-Rin
Ideal time to review: 2-3 days
Anything else: English isn't my first language.

Chapter 9: Yahoo! Thank you, and 91%? I thought i'd get like...-9999999% ..And Thank you for correcting the mistakes, I was actually suspiscious about those little mistakes. I kept reading over and over and had a feeling it was wrong but I didn't change it since I just didn't know what it was. And I really didn't know we had to start a new paragraph. o.o *bangs head on wall* I'm a newbie. And thanks for the advice, I will change it. I was actually having a hard time coming with a title, so I put what I saw come out on the story the most. Getting this the next day was faster than I thought, thank you so much <3 i LOVE you three so much. I'll make sure to mention to everyone and anyone I know.
Here is the rubric to make things easier on you guys:


Fanfic title:



Story link:


Moral of the story:


Ideal time to review: (How soon do you want your review? Be reasonable.)

Anything else:
Chapter 7: thanks alot ^^ I'll surely try to improve :)
MORAL LESSON Take all the chances, or you'll regret it. There are always some for us to love, we just need to be patient