Himchan - Those eyes

Shaubie's Kpop Drabble Stop Shop

His eyes were as black as the sky above them, so black that his pale skin glowed in comparison. His hair, just as dark as his eyes, flitted lightly in the night’s wind. It had to be impossible to be so incredibly gorgeous and yet here he was, perfection standing in front of her. When his voice called out her name, she leaned forward, unsure that he had even spoken. He repeated it again softly, but this time he moved closer to her. Normally she would have left; her heel and walked away from him, but she couldn’t move. His eyes kept her locked in place as she heard his feet coming closer. She could smell his cologne and his eyes were getting darker. Could this beautiful creature be here for her? He was too close now, she could see the color in his cheeks and the way his chest was rising and falling as he looked down at her. She couldn’t look up to meet his eyes, but she could feel them staring.

His delicate yet rough hands cupped her cheeks to make her look at him. His lips were moving, but she couldn’t hear anything over the sound of her heart thudding against her chest.

          “I love you”

She heard those words leave his bow shaped lips and her breath hitched. Her eyes caught his before he leaned into her, capturing her lips in a soft and light kiss. She felt like she was floating away, her reality now too surreal. He smiled at her, his lips stretching to reveal an unbelievably perfect smile. The darkness around them seemed to fade and all she could see was the light of his smile. He leaned down again, pressing his lips against her cheek. She felt the heat rise to her face as he continued to plant his lips on random spots on her face.


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