chap 1

You made me become this....


You, Lee Jieun or IU, skipped through your class. “HELLO! I’m here!” you waved at your friends. “So hyper,” you smiled. “Look behind you,” you turned around and saw your crush, Jang Wooyoung. “He’s so cute,” you thought and he met your gaze. “Found me cute?” he smirked and you looked away. Your class ended with your teacher’s endless scolding at your classmates. “Thank you!” you bowed at your teacher and he left. “Finally,” you mumbled and sighed. “What’s your plan?” your friend whispered. “What plan?” you looked at her. “Tomorrow’s Valentine’s Day, duh! Confess to him already,” you pouted.”What if he rejects me?” you looked down. “Then beats him,” you chuckled. “Just try,” you hesitantly nodded and grabbed your stuffs. “If I confess to him, either I get rejected nicely or get rejected harshly,” you sighed and went home. “Should I or not?” you walked back and forth.”Okay, I’ll do it. How bad could it be?” you slept.

“Why would I date a girl like you? Is your brain damaged or something?” your jaw dropped. “D-Did he just reject me harshly?” you thought. “YAH! Are you even listening!” you looked at him. “Don’t ever think about asking or following me. You look like a loser. I want to date hot girls not some loser like you,” he smirked and walked away. “D-Did h-he j-just yell at m-me?” you mumbled and glared at his back. “I will never forgive you,” you thought. “Jieun!” Your friends hugged you. “Why aren’t you laughing at me? I just got rejected publicly,” your tears fell. “We’re your friends,” you hugged them back. “YAH! JIEUN!” the ever so arrogant girl, Suzy, came. “What a pity. Got rejected?” she scoffed. “Of course you would. I’m so much hotter than you,” she walked off. “I’ll never forgive them,” you thought and your friends brought you home. “Thanks,” they left and you closed the door. “Heard what happened,” your friend, Dongho, texted you. “Shut up,” you replied and turned off your phone. “Just wait and see,” you thought and slept.

You woke up and it was Saturday, meaning no classes. “I’ll show you,” you smirked and took a bath. You brushed your teeth and put on some clothes. You grabbed your purse and phone then headed to the mall. “This is perfect,” you bought some dresses, skirts, short-shorts, skinny jeans, tank tops, crop tops and everything that will make you look like a queenka. “You want hot girls?” you scoffed. “Let’s see,” you grinned evilly and went to the hair salon. You made your hair wavy and it looks good on you. You went back to the mall and bought accessories and high-heeled shoes. You bought some make up and went back home. “What a tiring day,” you sighed. “Girls, come here at my house,” you called them. They arrived after 15 minutes and saw your stuffs. “You want to look like Suzy?” you shook your head. “Much more prettier than that ,” they nodded. “You were always much prettier than her,” Yura told you. “He’ll be shocked if he sees this,” you nodded.

“DONGHO! Sorry for not calling you yesterday! Come here at my house?” he agreed and you waited on the living room. “Who do you think is much prettier? Suzy or me?” you asked him. “You,” he sat down beside you. “I really want to beat up that guy,” he clenched his fist. “Let him be,” you mumbled. “Aren’t you gonna fight back?”he asked and you dragged him to your room. “Suzy will surely feel ugly,” you smirked. “Good hair too,” he noticed your wavy hair. “You used to wear this ribbon but I think you won’t for now,” you nodded.

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Beautiful story