I Really Think I Do

From Me to You....

Where was he? I'd been in this practice room for close to an hour and a half and he wasn't here yet. Maybe he got lost. That doesn't make sense though. They said he comes here to practice all the time, so it won't make sense for him to be late. I sighed and finally stopped pacing, deciding as I trudged towards my iPod that was plugged in, that pacing wouldn't make him get here any faster. If it did he would've been here an hour ago. Feeling it would be better to practice while waiting for him to show up, if he was going to show up, I pressed play and got ready as the music blasted through the speakers.

Make it stop

Sound so good I just can't take no more...


Jongup POV

“I still can’t believe you said that,” Daehyun managed to say in between laughs.

“Then again you’re Himchan. Only you would do that.” As though pleased by that, Himchan put his hands behind his head and leaned back in his chair with a smug smirk on his face.

“Jongup hyung.” I turned towards our maknae who’d been quiet this whole time.

“Yeah, what’s up?” he motioned towards my watch before speaking.

“Aren’t you supposed to go help some girl with her dance?” I froze mid-chew. I looked down at my watch and practically spat out my food.

“Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God, oh my God, oh my God I’m super super late! Guys I have to go. Thanks for the food, catch you guys later, bye!” With that I ran out of the restaurant and hailed a cab. One immediately came and I entered, giving the cab driver directions to the studio. I was two hours late! She must be pretty pissed at me. I mean I know I would. No one likes waiting for two hours for someone they’ve never met, and was supposed to be a professional. I anxiously checked my watch again.

“Excuse me, sir, please can you go faster? It’s an emergency.” The driver slightly nodded and picked up the speed. I released a big breath and leaned back in the seat. I’m so screwed.


“Thank you so much.” I shut the cab door and rushed into the building.

“Hey MiEun.” I greeted the desk clerk.

“Hello Jongup,” she replied with a smile.

“Is she here?”

“Is she? I’m surprised she hasn’t left yet. You’re lucky with this one. If she can wait for you this long, you won’t have any problems.” I sighed in relief and thanked her before rushing to the practice room to find her. I didn’t have to look for long. When I got to the hallway where the practice rooms were I heard music coming from one of them. I followed the sound and found a slightly ajar door. I silently opened the door and slipped in before closing the door, but she kept dancing. I guess she didn’t notice me, which was good because that meant I could observe her dancing some more. Her moves were fluid and smooth. She moved easily and matched every beat without much difficulty.

Suddenly she spun and for a second we locked eyes in the large mirror in front of her. There was a short moment of eye contact before she fell into a heap on the floor. I left my spot at the door and ran to her.

“Are you okay?” I asked her in my broken English.

“I’m…I’m good. Are you Jongup?” she asked looking at me. I wasn’t sure what she said, but I guess she was asking about me. A look of realization crossed her face before she spoke again.

“Are you Jongup?” she asked again in perfect Korean.

“Uh…yeah. And you are--?”

“Zendaya. Just call me Zen.” She stood up and brushed her pants.


“Zen. Z-E-N. Zen”


“Forget it. You were supposed to be here two and a half hours ago. They all insisted on how professional you were. Professional my . If they this what they call professional then--”

“I’m really sorry. I was eating lunch with my friends and I completely forgot.” She looked at me in disbelief.

“Is that supposed to make it better? You forgot to come because you were eating? Nice. You know what?” She stood up and began packing her things into her duffel bag. “Maybe you should go back and meet your friends and I’ll leave and we’ll forget ever having to work with each other. You can find another client and I’ll find a REAL professional.” She began walking towards the door, but I grabbed her hand as she passed by me.

“Jen wait!”

“It’s Zendaya,” she replied, yanking her arm away and turning to face me. “What?”

“I’m sorry I was late. Let’s just forget it happened and start all over, hm? How about that?” She looked at me for a while before sighing and putting her bag down.

“Fine, but you’d better be as good as they say. I hope I’m not wasting my time here.” She went and plugged in her iPod again.

“So how are we doing this?” she asked suddenly.


“You know, our solos? Are we gonna practice our solos and blend them into the dance or just practice them separately?” Oh, the solos.

“I think it’ll be better to do them and see how we can transition into the dance.”

“Okay.” She turned back to her iPod and began scrolling through the music before standing back up and getting into her beginning stance. As the song started my ears perked. This was her solo?!

I need a fi fi fi fix. Some type of dru dru dru drug.”  She dropped to the floor on all fours, and by then the room had started to feel much warmer. To distract myself, I stood up and carefully walked to the corner of the room to get some water to cool down. I made a mistake of looking in the mirror when the chorus began. I choked on the water during the hip s and had to lean against the water dispenser so I didn’t fall. She stopped the music and turned to me with a somewhat worried expression.

“Hey…are you okay?” I nodded, wheezing and gasping being the only sounds I could manage. She came towards me and soon I felt her hand gently patting and rubbing my back.

“You can’t die on me, okay? I still need a partner.” So she had a sense of humor. I chuckled a bit, and looked up just in time to catch a small smile.

“So, is it my turn?” I asked when I had regained stability.

“The floor’s all yours,” she replied with a nod towards the center of the room. I went to my bag and brought out the CD that had the songs for my solo. I put it into the stereo and waited for the music to start. I stood in front of the mirror and watched her from the corner of my eye. She was watching me from behind the cup she was drinking from. When I started dancing I kept stealing glances at her, and I noticed she was watching me, her eyes following my every move. I smirked a little, then just closed my eyes and let myself go. The music flowed through me and my body moved with it. Then came the part that was guaranteed to make even Jen gawk. I glanced at the mirror once more.

Good. She’s still watching me. I turned to her and ripped open my shirt. Her eyes bulged open and she swallowed. Satisfied with her reaction, I walked towards her smirking and took her hands.

“Shall we?” she smiled in return.

“We shall.” We began our dance, even without the music, but there might as well have been music blasting through these walls. Each of us had gone over the steps with different choreographers, but we flowed together like we had been practicing together since the beginning. When I led, she followed. Our body rolls were perfectly in sync, and when it was time for my solo she smoothly walked to the side. She strutted across the floor with an extra sway in her hips, turning around and smirking as she watched me dance up to her.

“Pyungsoaen joshinhan cheokhaedo gatchi isseumyeon.” At this point my arm was over her shoulder and we were facing each other, faces only centimeters from each other. We both froze, breathing heavily, and all I could think was, “Wow, her eyes…”


In all my years of dancing, never had I ever met a person like Moon Jongup. I had met – and danced with – guys who were just as y when they doing everything else as they were when they were dancing. Jongup, however, was very different. The first impression I had of him was a shy kid who didn’t talk too much. That image was completely destroyed, however, when he started dancing. There was a kind of confidence that oozed from him, a sort of…y confidence. The shy, flustered kid that walked into the room transformed into a super confident guy who knew what he was doing, and to be honest…I liked that. I found it quite attractive. Right now we were standing face to face, body to body, and I could feel his breath on my face. My eyes traced every inch of his face from his hairline to his chin, and then back again before falling on his lips. I didn’t realize how pink they were, or how soft they looked, or how they seemed to get closer with each passing second.

Then it happened. I couldn’t see his lips anymore…but I could feel them. They were every bit as soft as they looked and my mind was turning to mush the longer the kiss lasted. It wasn’t an intense or passionate kiss, more like an innocent lip touch. He moved back after what felt like eternity and just stared at me before his eyes doubled in size and his face turned a bright cherry red.


No one’s POV

Zendaya and Jongup were now both sitting in the middle of the practice, neither knowing what to do. Jongup fiddled with his fingers, his cheeks still reddish, and occasionally glanced at Zendaya only to meet her piercing eyes that hadn’t left the blushing boy’s face.

“Why did you kiss me?” Jongup looked up.


“Why did you kiss me?” Zendaya repeated. Jongup blushed more and looked down again.

“I-I don’t know. I mean, you were in front of me and we were so close and…and…you looked so pretty so I just…” His voice became quieter with each word and he just barely mumbled the last part.

“What was that?”

“I said you looked really pretty so I just did it! Are you happy now?” He had returned to being the shy boy, and was now pouting. She smiled slightly and shook her head a little.

“You don’t have to yell you know. I’m sitting right here. I’m flattered you think I’m pretty, really I am. But…” He looked at her, really wanting to know what she was going to say next.

“I’ve never been in a relationship and that was my first time kissing a guy.”

“Really? That was your first time?”

“Yep. Are you going to take responsibility for it?” His eyes widened slightly.


“As in will you be my boyfriend?” Jongup still couldn’t process this.


“Yes Jongup, boyfriend. Do you not know what that means?”

“I do but…you’re asking me to be your boyfriend?”

“Do you not want to?”

“No I do! But we’ve only just met and we don’t know much about each other.” Zendaya nodded and stood up without a word.

‘What is she doing?’ he thought. She walked towards the iPod dock then turned towards him.

“How long do we have till out performance?”

“About three to four weeks. Why?” she pressed ‘Play’ and walked to Jongup.

“In that time we could get to know each other.” She took his hands and pulled him up. “Do you think we’ll know enough about each other by then?”

“Uh, yeah, I guess so.” Zendaya giggled and slowly walked away from Jongup, still facing him.

“I think I like you Moon Jongup. I really think I do.”


Sorry it took me so long to update but here it is! I hope you like it cuz I kinda did this in a hurry. Welp, it's almost 12 AM now and Imma go to bed. G'nite :D

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evearroz #1
Chapter 4: Damn he's so fine lol. Good job! :)
kekechilders #2
Chapter 7: i loved it
Chapter 5: Yongguk! I see you!
Chapter 4: Is good doe >\\\<
Chapter 2: Dash gurd dunaym! Es muy gerd! :)