The first meeting

The town where wonders happen


Ichigo walked into the boy’s dorm with his bags and looked around. "Damn this place is huge,” he said and he walked around. "Anyone here?” No one answered so he just left. He was walking around until he noticed Ragiku in the park. He walked up to her and said "oh hey Rangiku. What are you doing?” Rangiku smiled and replied back "hello Ichigo dear. Could you tell me where the girls dorm is?” "Oh yeah, follow me is right across from the boys dorm" he said with a smile. Rangiku nodded and followed Ichigo to the girls dorm

As they walked into the dorms. Rangiku looked around for a while then headed to the room she was assigned. She sat down her bag and then turned to Ichigo "well then. Want to go to the amusement park after I get done unpacking?" Ichigo said "its no problem and sure!! I'll even help you". So they unpacked Ragiku's stuff. After they were finished Rangiku grabbed ichigo's arm "to the amusement park!!!!" and she bolted out the door.

She arrived at the amusement park with Ichigo and she looked around with an excited looked on her face. "So what do you want to do first?" Ichigo asked "how about there?" she said as she pointed to the scary house. Ichigo started to walk to the scary house slowly so Rangiku could catch up "hurry up slow poke” he said with a smile. They walked into the scary house slowly and looked around. Ichigo gulped and said "wow, its dark". Rangiku laughed and said, "no duh silly is a scary house after all" Ichigo laughed nervously and rubbed the back of his neck "o-oh... right!!" he said. As they walked through the halls Ichigo tripped. Rangiku tried not to laugh and helped him up. "Are you ok?" she asked. "Yeah I’m fine I just tripped over th-" he looked at the skeleton and jumped back and screamed. Rangiku picked up the skeleton and held it up to Ichigo. She burs out laughing and said "its just a skeleton silly!!!!" she continued laughing when suddenly Ichigo knocked her to the ground and got on top of her. Rangiku blushed and flicked Ichigo. Ichigo just simply hugged Rangiku tightly. He noticed that she was blushing so he got off of her and helped her up. They continued walking till he reached the end.

After they reached the end of the scary house Ichigo asked "well then what do you want to do now?" Rangiku shook her head then said "no. You can choose now" Ichigo smiled and agreed. "Well then how about there?" he said as he pointed to the Ferris wheel. Rangiku smiled and said, "lets go then". So they walked to the Ferris wheel

When they arrived at the Ferris wheel Ichigo opened one of the Ferris wheel doors. "Ladies first." he said as he gestured her to get in. After she climbed in the Ferris wheel cart she sat down and looked at Ichigo who was standing outside of the cart. "You coming slowpoke?" she said with a smile. Ichigo climbed an in and said "I'm not slow" and kissed her forehead Rangiku blushed and looked out of the window. Ichigo closed the door behind him as he scooted into the Ferris wheel cart. The ride started up and Ragiku felt tired. So she leaned on Ichigo's shoulder and fell asleep. Ichigo smiled and put his arm around her. Ragiku smiled lightly in her sleep. The ride continued till it reached the very top. The sun was setting so Ichigo gently nudge Rangiku to wake her up. “Hey Rangiku… look“ he said as he pointed to the beautiful sunset setting. Ragiku waked up slowly and looked outside. “Wow…. Its so pretty” she said with an amazed look on her face. Ichigo smiled and said as he stared into Ragiku’s eyes “just like you”. Rangiku blushed and looked away from him. Ichigo rolled back her hair a bit and said, “You’re blushing again”. She looked at him again as said “b-because you say sweet things. Any girl would be blushing”. “I’m flattered,” Ichigo said. “You should be” Rangiku said with a flustered look on her face. Then the ride started up again. About a few minuets later they where at the bottom again so they got off. Ichigo turned to Ragiku and asked what did she want to do next. She suggested they go get something to eat. “Where at?” Ichigo said. “How about the restaurant over there?” Rangiku nodded and started to head to the restaurant with Ichigo.

As they walked into the restaurant Ichigo ran to the table near the windows and he pulled out a chair. “Here you go,” he said as he gestured Rangiku to sit down. Rangiku smiled and sat down. “Thank you Ichigo” she said with a smile. The waiter gave them their menus and they both grazed over the menus. “So what are you going to get?” Ichigo asked as he looked into Rangiku’s eyes. Rangiku showed Ichigo his menu and she pointed to the picture with the panda looking parfait. Ichigo nodded and then told the waiter the order. A few seconds later the waiter came back with their orders and gave them both what they had ordered. Rangiku started to eat the parfait when Ichigo asked how did it taste. She smiled and said, “Would you like to try some?”. Ichigo nodded so Rangiku scooped up some of the parfait then held it up to Ichigo’s mouth cupping her hand at the bottom of the spoon. Ichigo leaned in and ate off of the spoon.  Ichigo nodded and said “its delicious”. Rangiku noticed Ichigo got some ice cream on his cheek so she leaned over and his cheek. Ichigo blushes and asked what she was doing. “You had some left on you cheek,” she said with a smile. Ichigo dipped his finger and dripped it on Rangiku’s lips. “Looks like you got some left on your lips” Ichigo said. Then he kissed Rangiku passionately. Rangiku blushes slightly, but she kissed him back. Ichigo continued kissed her as he rolled her hair back, exposing her face even more. Rangiku petted Ichigo’s cheek softly as Ichigo started to rub her inner thigh. Startled Rangiku twitched and turned as red as a berry. Ichigo instantly pulled back and looked into her eyes. “I’m sorry, did I go to far?” he said with a concerned look on his face. Rangiku shook her hair “n-no… its fine” she said. Ichigo smiled and inserted his hand into her . Rangiku began softly. Ichigo forgot they were in public so he immediately took his hand out and offered to walk her home. Rangiku nodded so they got up and walked out of the restaurant.

As they walked into the room Ichigo escorted her to her room. That’s when Alice Cullen appeared on the other bed. Rangiku waved at Alice and asked her did she just get here. She nodded Ichigo smiled a force smiled and said hello to her as well. Alice said that she just got in about 10 minuets ago. Ragiku smiled and asked her will they be going to the same school. Alice nodded as Ichigo made his way over to Rangiku bed and sat down on it. Ragiku smiled “well then I hope we will be good friends” she said as she walked over and sat down by Ichigo. That’s when Moka Ayashiya walked in. Alice and Rangiku greeted her. Rangiku asked Moka if she was going to the same school as her. Moka nodded. Ichigo held Rangiku’s hand. Ragiku blushed as she asked Ichigo what school was he going to. But Ichigo was secretly trying to put Rangiku’s hand into his pants. That’s when Yachiru popped into the room and glomped Ichigo. “Hi strawberry!!!” she said with a great big smile on her face. Rangiku managed to move her hand without Ichigo noticing. “H-hey yachiru….” He said with a nervous look on his face. “What are you doing in the girls dorm strawberry?” she said with a happy look on her face. Ichigo secretly moved Rangiku’s back into his pants. Ichigo then smiled and said “oh nothing. Just hanging”. Rangiku laughed nervously with a flustered look on her face. “H-he walked me back her yachiru….”. Yachiru looked at Ichigo “oh well you should be getting back to the boys dorm now!!” she said with a smile on her face. Cleo De Nile walked in and leaned against the door “Yachiru is right Ichigo. You need to leave before we get in trouble”. Ichigo said deeply then said, “I guess they’re right” so he kissed Rangiku on the cheek and walked out. Yachiru and Rangiku waved goodbye to him as he walked out of the doors. Yachiru looked at Alice and smiled “Time for bed!!!!” then she ran out of the room and headed to her room. Alice followed her. Rangiku lay in her bed. “Wow what a weird day” Cleo agreed with her. “Well night guys” Rangiku said as she rolled over and fell asleep. The other girls said night back and turned in for the night as well.

At the boys dorm Ichigo walked in and found Sebastian michelis drinking tea, Alexander Sterling in his room reading a book on his coffin, Kaname Kuran laying in the bed beside Alexander, and Shizuo Heiwajima smoking outside of Ichigo’s dorm room. Ichigo walked into his room and started to take a nap. Shizuo walked into the room and blew smoke into Ichigo’s face. Ichigo coughed and swatted the air away “what the hell man?! I’m trying to sleep!!!” Ichigo said with a pissed off look on his face. Shizuo smiled and said “and I’m trying to smoke” Ichigo stared at Shizuo for a minuet the he put a pillow on his head. Shizuo smirked. Ichigo coughed again and stood up. “Dammit I can’t sleep… I’m going for a walk” then she walked out of the room.

Ichigo walked over to the girl’s dorm and threw a pebble at Rangiku’s window. Moka woke up and said “would you please control your boyfriend before I turn him into a midnight snack?” Rangiku blushed and walked over to the window and opened it. “What are you doing here Ichigo” she asked. Ichigo climbed up to the window and entered in. Rangiku got startled and stood back a bit. Ichigo looked her in the eyes and said “I just couldn’t stay way” then he hugs Rangiku. Rangiku blushed and said “shouldn’t you be at your dorm?” “Yeeeaaah…. But I cant even breath in my room… my room mate keeps smoking… so I though that maybe….. I could spend the night here??” he smiled and looked at Rangiku. Moka immediately stood up and screamed no. Cleo walked in the room and agreed with Moka. Ichigo asked Moka why not. “Because we will get in trouble!!” she said and pointed out the window “just go to the hotel”. Ichigo sat on the windowsill. But just as he was saying good night he fell out of the window. Luckily Alice was there to catch him. Ichigo looked at Alice “when did you get here?” he asked with a confused look on his face. She looked at him and said “about the seconds ago”. Rangiku ran toward the window and looked out of it. She smiled when she saw Ichigo in Alice’s arms. Rangiku and Ichigo thanked her and she replied back “it was nothing.” “Well then could you take Ichigo to the hotel for me?” Ragiku asked. Alice nodded and then walked of with Alice. Rangiku sighed and then got back into bed. “Now its time to go to sleep for real this time” she said and then turned over and fell asleep.

At the hotel Ichigo was dropped off by Alice. He thanked her and then rented a room and fell asleep. So then everyone in the girls and boys dorm drifted off into a deep sleep. Waiting to wake up the next morning.

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