Chapter 4

Rude Awakening


Aish this girl.  I'm gonna kill her.
"Who was that?"  The girl asked looking at the door.  Uhh, what was this girl's name?  Whatever.  She's ugly anyways.  I get off of her and go to my closet and pull out basketball pants and put them on. 
"Oppa why are you stopping?"  She asks wrapping the blanket around her body.
"Put on your clothes and get out. I don't need you anymore."  I say coldly.
"O-oppa"  She says with sad eyes. 
"Don't make yourself so easy honey.  I don't even remember your name." She gasps like she's surprised I can be so harsh.  She gets up and puts her clothes on and walks out of my room. 
"."  I hear her say.  I scoff and walk out of my bedroom.  I walk past her to the front door and open it widely.
"Don't come back."  I can see tears streaming down her cheeks.  Pathetic.  she walks out and I close and lock the door.
"Nana, you are gonna be the death of me."  I mutter as I walk up the stairs to her room.  I open the door to her room and look around, she's not in her bed or on the sitting area.  I go to walk over to see if she's in the bathroom when my foot bumps into something.  I look down and Nana is on the ground, passed out.
"Yah, Bang Nana!  Gwenchana??"  I kneel down and shake her shoulders a bit.  Damn, her body feels hot.  I put my hand on her forehead, she's burning hot.  Well .
"Nana, Nana wake up.  Yah come on, wake up."  I shake her.  No reply.  I pick her up bridal style and settle her into bed, putting her under the covers.  
"What am I suppose to do...Ah I know."  I go downstairs to get a bin of water and a hand towel.  I carry it upstairs and dip the towel into the water and putting it on her forehead.  At least this works when I watch it in the dramas.  
" cold.  Take it off." She says in a hoarse and pained voice. 
"Ani, this is suppose to bring your body heat down.  Keep it on."  She whines a little and then it's silent.  
"Yah don't fall asleep.  What if you die?  I don't know what to do...."  I say uncertainly.  
"You're a shuttup."  She says in English.  What does that mean?  She starts coughing.
"Sunbae, can you get me water?"  
"Arasso."  I go downstairs and get her water.  I go into my medicine cabinet, a thermometer.  I need this.  I search more through the cabinet. 
"Fever syrup: For cough, runny nose, and well fevers.  Arasso this is good."  I grab all the stuff and bring it upstairs.  I set it on the night desk beside the bed where the bin of water is.
"I'm back.  Here, sit up."  I help her sit up and she takes off the towel on her head.  I hand her the glass of water and she takes a sip and starts coughing.  It sounded like a horse going through labor or something.  She's sweating too.  Jesus what is happening with her.  
"Yah open your mouth."  I take the thermometer and stick it in .
"A 102 FEVER?! YAH, WE NEED TO GET YOU TO A HOSPITAL."  She looks at me with a deer-in-headlights look.
"Ani, no we cannot go to the hospital."  She says, shaking her head.
"Why not??"
"I'm fine.  I swear."  She throws the covers off of her and gets off the bed and tries to stand up.  
"Yah you're gonna fall."  I grab both her arms so she doesn't fall over.  
"I'm fine, I'm fine..."  She mutters softly.  
"Fine.  I won't take you to the hospital.  But you have to drink your medicine.  I'll go make you some porridge for you to eat.  Come on, lets go."  I drag her by the arm but she falls to the ground, not moving.
"Gwenchana?  Does it hurt anywhere?"  
"'s just...if I move a lot I might barf..."  Jinja...this kid.  I scoop her up off the floor in bridal style and carry her downstairs.  
"Wait my glasses!"  She exclaims.  I look on the floor and its right by the bed.  I pick them up and give them to her.  We start walking out of the room and downstairs.  She leans her head onto my pex and coughs into her hand.
"Don't get me sick."  She looks up at me with threatening eyes.  We make it downstairs and I set her down on the couch in the living room.  
"'s cold over here...really cold."  She's shaking to the point where her teeth are chattering.
"Aish.  Well if you wore longer clothes to bed you wouldn't be in this predicament."
"Says the guy that's shirtless."  Shirtless, bwoh?  Oh my god I forgot to put on a shirt this entire time.  I scratch the back of my head awkwardly.
"Sunbae, can you get me a blanket?" 
"Umm I don't have any spare ones in the closet...Ahh hold on."  I run into my room and grab the comforter off the bed.  I go in my closet and get two hoodies.  I go back to the couch and put the blanket right next to her and hand her a hoodie.
"Put it on."  She puts on the hoodie and I put on mine as well.
"This smells like I just got locked in a room filled with Old Spice fumes.  No More Perfume On You, please."
I roll my eyes and put the blanket on her and hand her the tv remote.
"Watch anything you want while I cook."  She nods her head and I go the kitchen.  
Done.  Porridge with chicken and essential vegetables.  I carry it over to her and set it down on the coffee table in front of the couch.  I put down one of the couch pillows on the ground.
"Come here."  She blinks rapidly at me.  "Come sit down here, you can bring the blanket to."
She slides off the couch and onto the pillow. 
"What am I, a bottomless pit...this is a gigantic bowl.  Yah do I have to eat all of this?"
"Of course you do.  You're sick and you need it, you're like bone." She picks up a spoonful of food and puts it into , but it touches her lip.  She drops the spoon in the bowl.
"Aish you should have blown on it first.  Here let me look, does it hurt?"  She shakes her head up and down.  Her lip looks red and a bit swollen, I wipe off a bit of porridge on her bottom lip and she backs up a bit.
"I'm not making a move, there was just food on your lip."  She's blushing, how cute.  I pick up the spoon and pick up some of the food.  I blow on it a bit and bring it to .
"Woah Nigga.  What are you doing..."
"Well you don't know how to eat food apparently so I guess I have to feed you.  Now say ahh."  She eats the spoonful.  
"Does this have onions in it?"  She says with a scrunched up face.
"Yeah, why?"
"I hate onions.  So much."  She sticks out her tongue in disgust.
"Yeah, well you're still gonna eat it."  I grab a spoonful and put it in .  She chews it quietly.  I look up at the tv.  
"What are you watching?" 
"Weekly Idol.  I love this show, it's funny."  
"Really?  Turn it up louder."  She grabs the remote from the couch and turns it up.  I feed her as we watch the show.  She would get giddy as idols do something cute.  The MCs are the best though, this is funny.
She finishes the soup and I go get the medicine from her room.  I grab the cup of water too.  I go back downstairs and get a spoon.  I pour the medicine out and put it in and then give her water afterwards.  She starts coughing a lot.
"Is this grape?  Ew grape medicine is the worst."  she starts coughing more.
"Aish all you do is whine and complain.  It's the only one I have.  I'll buy more medicine tomorrow."  She shakes her head okay and gets back up on the couch and brings the comforter with her.  I pick up the thermometer and get close to her.
"Say ahh."  She backs up a bit and opens slightly.  I put it in and shut .
"99, alright at least you went down.  That's good.  And your head isn't as hot, just warm."  I say as I put a hand over her forehead.  She shakes her head okay.
"I'm gonna chill out here for a bit, I'm too comfortable to go back up."  
"Okay."  I reply and bring up the bowl and stuff to the sink.  Before I go to my room, I look at the tv.  A new episode of Weekly Idol is on.  Hmm, I look over at the clock.  Nearly 4 in the morning.  Ehh might as well watch the rest of this until I'm tired.  I go and sit down at the opposite side of the couch from Nana.
"Aren't you going to sleep?"
"Ani, because of you I can't sleep.  I'm wide awake."  I give her a cold look and turn my attention to the tv.
"Oh that's real stank of you."  Her ghetto accent she says when she says this ridiculous things, just make me laugh.  
"Gomawo Daehyun sunbae.  For helping me, it means a lot." 
"Yongguk hyung would have killed me if he knew you were sick and I didn't do anything.  So it's nothing."  
"And about earlier...mianhae."
"For you know.  Walking in on you..." 
"Yah don't bring that up.  Just act like it never happened."  Just thinking about it made me feel awkward. 
"Arasso."  I look over at her, bundled in the blanket.  What a ho, not even offering to share.
"Nana, pass some blanket."  She nods and I move over closer to her, getting under the blanket.  
"Why are you afraid of the hospital?"  I ask, curious.
"I don't know, it's just been one of my many fears.  They're creepy." I scoff.  She is such a child.  I don't say anything else and continue watching.
"Do you know who this idol group is?" 
"Hmmm they look familiar.  I don't know who are they?"
"4minute.  They're Korea's representative group."
"Ahhhh I see.  That one looks the most familiar."  I say, pointing to a girl.
"That's HyunA, Kim HyunA.  She was in PSY's music video 'Gangnam Style'." 
"Oh yeah I remember now.  She's pretty.  But that girl is prettier."
"Jihyun.  Nam Jihyun.  She's the leader and the visual, but she's older than you."
"Well I've dated plenty of older girls as well."  
"You disgust me."  
"The feelings are mutual.  Oh, and don't expect me to be this nice to you again, it's a one time thing.  Only cause you're sick.  The rules still apply, don't bother me." 
"Well I only hope you follow those rules too.  Never forget to put the sock on the doorknob, I cannot unhear what I heard."
"YAH.  You're so annoying, I'm going to bed."  I get up and go to my room.  I jump on my bed and reach for my blanket.  Wait, where's my blanket.  Dammit she has it.
"BANG NANA BRING MY BLANKET IN HERE."  I shout so she can hear me.
"I'm gonna go crazy with her in this house oh my god."  
"I was only kidding, here's your blanket."  She throws the blanket on me.
"My hoodie."
"Sunbae, I've coughed on this and sneezed.  Are you sure?"  I sigh.
"Fine.  Just wash it and then return it."
"I'd rather keep it.  K bye."  She runs and closes the door.  That brat.  I turn off my lights and get in bed, slowly falling asleep. 
I open my eyes and the sun is streaming in through the blinds.  What time is it?  I look at my phone, damn 1 in the afternoon.  Well  I did stay up all morning.  I get up out of bed and into my kitchen to get something to eat.  The maids bow at me as I walk past them.
"Sir, Madam Hana has gone out to the market."
"BWOH?!  She went out?! Yah, I didn't give her permission!"  I shout at the maid.
"Chweseomnida, please don't fire me."  She bows down several times.  
Aigoo Yongguk said not to let her out, what if she was kidnapped?  Hes gonna kill me.  I pull out my phone, ah I didn't get her number.  Aish she broke the first rule.
"What time did she leave?"
"About 45 minutes ago."
"By foot, the market is a ten minute walk." 
"You're lucky I'm not firing you.  Go out and find her, now." 
"Did I stutter?  Go out and find her now.  Or you're fired."
"Oh ne sir, chweseomnida sir."  She bows a final time before running out the door.  
"God hold me back before I kill that girl.  Can't she just listen to me once.  She's such a nuisance...Why me."
A cute chap, where Dae's caring side is more shown :') subscribe and comment on my story pls. I'll love you forever. Oh question, should I get a poster for my story? hmmm...
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Chapter 5: Bahahhaha I can't even right now !! Nigga update soon !! Da queen is waiting ((;
Chapter 5: I love this story!!!!!!
Updat soon:)
commonwords #3
ily boo welchs
Chapter 4: This chapter is really CUTEE !! Unexpected too !! Update today ma nigga . I is waiting like a queen ((; Kekekeke kidding . Love it !!
Chapter 3: Bahahahahaha such a funny chapter !! I'm loving this !! Y-YAH GET OUT !! Bahahahahaha
Chapter 2: Please update again !! It's such a good story !!
Chapter 1: Wah !! You've out done yourself !! CHUKAHAE !! Author-nim UPDATE SOON !! Kekekeke ((;
Chapter 1: Wah !! You've out done yourself !! CHUKAHAE !! Author-nim UPDATE SOON !! Kekekeke ((;
YuniOfficial #10
Please update soon!!!!! :) I wanna read this story so badly!!!!!