Will you be my Girlfriend?

I am your Girl Friend

He remained quiet throughout the ride, and I was getting more and more irritated. What is he doing now? Pulling us both out early from the party!

"Ji," I started, "What's wrong?"

Still, no reply.

It was my third time asking him but he still disregarded my questions.

Giving up, I stared out of the window. He'll be alright, since I was used to his random tantrums at times. He finally pulled into his apartment carpark and we left the car. Our elevator ride was silent as well, except for the humming of the lift machinery.

We entered his apartment and I sat down on the brown couch while Jolie came over to me, wagging its tail. "Hi Jolie," I carried the Shar-Pei and placed it on my lap, its head.

Its owner followed me and sat beside me, though there was a large space between us.

Thud. Thud. Thud. Thud. He was knocking his foot against the side of the coffee table. I looked at him, he still wasn't looking at me. Deciding to ignore him until his unknown anger blew over, I continued playing with the dog, talking to it at times.

THUD. THUD. THUD. His foot hit the side of the coffee table harder. At this time, Jolie got off my lap and ran away into its small kennel.

"Yah. What's your problem? You scared her!" I scolded.

Ji Yong remained quiet and stopped kicking the table. His lips were slightly formed into a pout.

Maybe I should take the softer approach.

"Yah, Ji Yong ah, what's wrong?" I said softly, moving slightly closer.

He breathed out, sighing.

I tugged on the sleeve of his leather jacket now, "What's wrong?" I asked again, my voice still soft and gentle.

"Why must you do that?" He asked quietly, still looking down.

What did I do? So it was something I did? But what did I do? Was it because I was accidentally chatting up the Hi Tech dancer's boyfriend?

I facepalmed mentally at my best friend's inability to fully express his thoughts, and needing me to prompt him further.

"Do what? Chat up some guys?" I said, exasperated, "I was just having some fun."

"No," He turned and finally looked at me. "Tell everyone you're... Just my best friend," he finished off lamely.

"What?" I said, unclear of his meaning. How can he be upset over this? It is a fact that we are best friends and I found no need to put on the girlfriend act in front of our friends.

He sighed again. Okay, what the heck. He was being too depressed for me to deal with. What is his problem anyway? What's wrong with telling the truth to everyone? Plus, they already knew.

"I don't see anything wrong with telling them. Yah Kwon Ji Yong, you're being unreasonable!"

"YOU are unreasonable!" He rebutted.

"I didn't need your help in claiming to be my boyfriend just now! What was that for anyway?" I raised my voice.

"WHY ARE YOU SO SLOW?" He slightly shouted.

Right now, there were tons of question marks in my head. What was he angry about? Me being slow in preparing to go to the club or what?

I remained silent and lifted an eyebrow at him questioningly.

He rolled his eyes.

Stupid guy rolled his eyes at me.

I reached for my purse, "I'm going home now. Talk to me when you're done PMS-ing."

I was walking towards the door, when Ji Yong grabbed my arm. "Wait."

"Wait for what? Wait for you when you're done with your mood swings?" I retorted, feeling the anger rise in me.

He was getting angry all over again, since his grip on my was starting to hurt.

There was a few seconds of silence as I stared at him, his eyes unreadable. Until I felt his rings starting to bruise my arm.

"Y..yah Kwon Ji Yong, let go." I tried to pry his fingers off my arm.

"No." Came the obstinate reply.

I could feel the tears coming, Ji Yong would never hurt me like that, it wasn't the physcial pain that hurt, it was his disregard of whatever feelings I had that hurt.

"L..let go... Ji Yong, you're hurting me." I whimpered, willing myself not to cry.

There was a flicker of acknowledgement in his eyes and he let go immediately. "I'm sorry."

"What the hell man! You're suddenly angry and depressed and then you hurt me and apologize. What do you want?" I shouted at him, not realizing that tears were starting to leak out.

Feeling hot tears run down my cheeks, I turned and went towards the door, twisting the door knob so it would open.

His right hand flew over my hand to stop me from opening the door, while his other hand landed on the wall beside, effectively trapping me between his hands. I turned, my vision was slightly blurred by my tears, but I could tell he was looking at me, and he was very, very close. One of his hands touched my face and wiped my tears.

"I'm sorry..." He breathed.

I waited for him to continue as I tried to control my own breathing.

"I didn't like it that you said we were just best friends. I didn't like how slow you are."

"Why?" I gathered everything in me and asked.

My heart was suddenly thumping wildly, but I didn't know why

"Aish," He ran a hand over his hair. He's annoyed, I know, since he does that everytime he is irritated.

"Because you are my girlfriend."

"H..ha.. ha ha.." I tried to laugh, though I am sure as hell my laughter was super fake. "Stop playing around Ji."

"I'm not," Ji Yong looked into my eyes. My face was getting hot and I was sure I was blushing.

I darted my eyes and looked elsewhere, "Haha Ji Yong, very funny. Take me home now... Quit playing..."

Before I knew it, his hand held my face and turned it so I would be facing him, and his lips crashed down on mine. It was only for a few seconds, but it felt like an eternity, and those few seconds, I thought my heart was about to stop from hitting my ribcage so rapidly.

He pulled away, but still remained close to me, his lips, dangerously inches away from mine.I studied his face, this was the first time in our many years of friendship that I have been so close to him.

His skin was perfect, eyes round, though slanted at the ends. His nose was small and his chin was sharp. As a joke, I had always accused him of doing Botox for that chin, though I knew that it was the weight loss due to stress over his years as an idol.

His lips, the pink, perfectly formed lips that just touched mine had a slight pout, something that I found really adorable.

While I was still staring at his lips, the pout changed into a smile.

I looked up, and found myself staring into his eyes.

"Do you still think I'm still joking?" He asked, hot breath hitting my face, reminding me of the almost non-existent distance between us.

"Y..Yah," I put both my hands on his shoulders, trying to push him away. This must be a joke, a prank or a dare by his friends. What the hell is he doing?

He didn't budge, instead, he took my hands and held them.

"I like you," he said.

At this point of time, my face was hot as hell and I am sure I was burning a deep red.

I looked away, not daring to meet his eyes.

Stupid Kwon Ji Yong, yah, what are you doing?

Thoughts ran through my mind, commanding me to react to him like how I would as his best friend, laughing it off and telling him I like him too. But I couldn't. Every part of my body was frozen and I couldn't listen to my own thoughts. The only things I could hear was his voice and the sound of my heart thumping.

"Talk to me," Ji Yong whispered and moved closer to me, so that his mouth, his lips were right beside my ears.

My tears had stopped by now, but I was more confused than ever. I found it hard to breath, being so close to Ji Yong.

I have known him since we were young, and he had always been by my side. When I cried he would do something funny to cheer me up, when I broke up he would join me in badmouthing him, when I stayed up editing my videos and planning the next shoot, he would buy and bring food for me.

"Ji, I don't understand," I finally said.

He pulled back so he could see my face clearly. He tugged me back towards the couch and we sat down.

The silence was slightly awkward, and I didn't know where to look, since he was still holding my hands and looking at me intently. I always knew Ji Yong had an intense glare, the look that would melt millions of fangirls, the look that would bring s back in place, and this same look was making my heartbeat irregular.

"I like you. I don't know since when, but I always hated seeing you with other guys. So I rejoice when you break up," he admitted, earning a glare of similar intensity from me.

"But you, you are so slow. Sometimes I wonder if you are stupid," he chuckled. Really, Ji Yong? You are calling me stupid now?

"I tell girls that like me that you are my girlfriend, I tell my friends that you are my girlfriend. Isn't it obvious?" He said softly.

"Oh.." I didn't know what to say, I looked down at our hands, he was still holding my hands tightly, as if he feared I would just make a run for it.

He called my name, once, twice. I looked back up at him.

"I want you to be my girlfriend. Not my best girl friend. I want us to be a couple, together, for the rest of our lives. You are the one who gave me encouragement when everything was down, you are the one who stuck with me all this years. I need you," he said while looking at me with an intense but soft look. A look I recognized whenever I laughed at his jokes, whenever I thanked him for bringing me food, whenever I and had fun laughing at him.

"I..." I started, but stopped. What do I say? I don't know if I liked him back.

He let go of my hands and turned, so he wasn't facing me anymore.

"I get it," he said quietly, "Let's go, I'll send you home."

He stood up and walked towards the door.

As I looked at his retreating back, memories flashed through my mind.

He was there when I broke up with a boyfriend of 2 years, I cried on his shoulders as he hugged and comforted me, making me feel that everything was alright. When one of my films was to take part in the Korean Film Festival, he shared my joy and brought me out to party. When I was working late nights, he would turn up unexpectedly with bags of food, and make me take a break - we would talk all the way until sunrise, and he would stay until I fall asleep, no matter how busy he was.

What am I to do without him?

Without realising it, I got up and hugged him from the back. I couldn't say anything - I didn't know what to say. Tears were flowing down uncontrollably, and his white Balmain shirt was definitely getting wetter each second. I didn't know what I was crying for - perhaps it was the thought of him leaving my life that scared me, or his confession that touched me. Either way, I knew that I could not stand to live without him - I love him.

And I bet he knew that too.

I felt Ji Yong turn around in the hug, and he chuckled. Did he just laugh at me?

I opened my eyes and looked at him, he was hugging me back and smiling, the same smile he gave me everytime when we were together, the one that came with a twinkle in his eyes.

"Oh why are you crying?" He cooed and used his hand to wipe my tears away.

"Why are YOU laughing?" I asked irritatedly as I looked away.

"Because you are so cute..." He paused, "And slow."

Is this guy serious? One minute he's being depressed and emo, another he's being fierce, and now he's being so... Nice and friendly.. And loving?

Suddenly feeling awkward, I tried to pry his arms away from me,

"No, you hugged me first, and I'm returning the favor," He looked into my eyes as he hugged me tighter.

"And I'm never going to let you go," and he leaned closer.

I could feel his breath on me now. Unable to look into his eyes any longer, I closed my eyes and prepared myself for what's next.

He kissed my nose. Whoa, a big off-target there mister.

My eyes flew open as I began to scold him, and he responded immediately by shutting me up, with his lips.




Author's Note: Thank you all for your comments and subs! Know that it might be too short (and too fluffy at the end), but this was meant to be a oneshot that I extended anyway.

Hope you all enjoyed this story.

Comments please! Should I make this into a full story? I do have ideas...

Anyway, do check out my main fic Let Me Shine.

Once again, thank you for all the support.

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Sweetdryad #1
Chapter 2: Ahhh it's so cute.
Sweetdryad #2
Chapter 1: Omg. I love this so much!!
Chapter 2: ridiculously cute!!!!! jiyong oppa jjang! good job author nim! I like it :)
TwistedIceQueen #4
Chapter 4: that was short and cute
Chapter 2: aww so cute! i like it ♥
Chapter 2: Waaaa!! This fic is awesome!! I love it!!! Thanks for it!! I'm reading the sequel now!! I'm really curious!! ^_^
Chapter 4: OMFG! ITS SO PERF >< I LOVE IT //crying
mauvearcher #8
Chapter 2: uwahh! gdragon and fluffyness.. :3 good job authornim!! ^^