Episode 4

Life In High

Zelo's POV

" Why do I feel so awkward with that girl? " Zelo said while he's lying down on the bed. " Hopefully there's nothing to worry about since she's not a troublemaker... "

SooJi's POV

It's another nice morning and Minji and I walked to class together as usual. We sat in class and talked till the teacher came. Me and Zelo still didn't have our first conversation...*buzz...* my phone vibrated and it's a text message from Minji " Quickly take the first step! Talk to him! I can't stand you two being so awkward... xP " I switched my phone off and turned to Minji, she gave me a stare and I turned to Zelo. He was doodling in his textbook so I started talk... " You like hip hop? " I said looking at my textbook and pretending to focus, " Yup...do you know how? " he said as he keeps doodling " Yeah...I do know... " and I looked at him " Jjinja?? Wow, I didn't know..." he looked at me with a surprising look. Finally...we found something in common... Suddenly, he said " You know...this school has a dance studio and I always practice my dances there..." Jjinja? That's cool! " " Want me to take you there after school? " " Sure...but what about the others?" " I'll tell them about it " Minji kicked my chair silently and when I turned around, she smiled and gave me thumbs up. I was glad that we have a conversation now...it's so uncomfortable not able to have one...

MinJi's POV

Finally they talked! I can't wait to tell YoungJae!! But...SooJi still doesn't know me and YoungJae are buddies...maybe I'll tell her later... School's over and SooJi told me that Zelo will take her to the dance studio he's been using. I nodded and thought it's been a while since I hanged out with YoungJae...since SooJi is busy, I'll hang out with him then! I texted YoungJae to tell him I'm at the computer lab, YoungJae agreed to play computer games together and I wonder if SooJi and Zelo are more close...

SooJi's POV

When we enter the dance studio, the studio was HUGE! We practiced hip hop and we got more close. I also learned a lot more dance moves from him, thanks to him my hip hop has improved! We decided to practice hip hop toghether when we have the time and we also found other things in common. But what is MinJi doing right now? She must be with her other friends...

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lastdivinesong #1
Update soon, neh? ^^