A sudden notice

No promises?


After Cheondung ditched me off at the library, I went out to find him, instead of him, I ended up with his sister. She said she wants to talk to me about something. So I just followed her to the school porch where everyone was pretty much minding they're own business. We both sat on the corner of the fountain looking at each other.

" Is... something wrong unnie?" I asked her bravely.

" Apparently, there is, it has something to do with Cheondung," she said.

" What is it?" I asked again.

" You just upsetted him, that's what," she says.

" I know, but it was my mistake, but it's too late now for me to redo it," I said with sorrow.

" Maybe there is a way," she said.I looked up to her with hopeful eyes.

" Do you have any feelings towards my brother?" she asked me. I thought of it for a while, and I said " I only see him as a best friend, nothing more than that,"

" Are you sure? Try to remember the times where you both were having fun together," she reminded me. And so I did, I remembered the first time we met. I accidentally spilled punch on his coat. And I can still remember when I used to call him a freak. Come to think of it, it was actually pretty funny...

And then, we both met each other at the park again. He chased me because he wants to return my purse. After that, we both made up and suddenly he came up an idea stating that he wants me to be his pretend girlfriend. And we both made conditions where we're suppose to keep. But, I broke one, and I guess that made him really sad.

After that, I brought him to my house where we're both are neighbours.I pulled him inside because I don't want the other people to see us both together. And he tried to come up to my room, which he did. And I heard appa came home, so I told him to hide under my bed. But after that, he showed up at the front door. And made an aquaintance to my appa. He likes him very much.

And I can still remember the first day of school, meeting the twins... at that time, Sohee and I are like rivals. But then, it all worked out fine. And Cheondung always like to walk me home... and that first time when I see Mr. Heechul. He'svery ncie... and I guess he has a thing for Sohee, I mean, Sohee didn't even audition to get the part. He just picked her to be the lead.

And that lunch Cheondung and his friends made for me... it was very thoughtful of him. After that... we both played games... kissed... and then, and that adorable gift he gave me a few days ago. And I can still remember how he struggled that he wants me to be his date. And... I just bailed him off, which made him very heartbroken.

Suddenly, I noticed something fuzzy inside of me. I feel like I'm floating, my heart just can't control itself from beating hard. Oh...I hope Dara uniie doesn't hear this. Or what's in my mind I've been thinking. And then, it hit me like a lightning, I can't believe I just noticed it till now.

I love Cheondung Park.

And this time, I mean it, for sure. No more looking back, but the problem is... I like two persons at a time. And... who shold I pick? It's very hard to pick someone who I should be really with. Ah! I'm so clueless right now!

" Are you done yet?" Dara uniie suddenly spoke.

" Yes," I dais.

" Okay, now... what have you noticed after you reminisce all those memories?" she asked me.

" I did noticed one thing... I... actually love your brother," I confessed to her. I looked up to her, and her face was really shining brightly. As if she expected me to say something like that. I stood up and bowed to her.

" Thank you, unnie. For making me realize it now," I said to her. She pulled me in to a hug.

" Go get him, girl," she ordered. She immediately let go and I ran to the doors to find him. I already did found him, he was talking to Mir. I went closer but then, Kwangmin showed up of nowhere.

" Jieun-ah! It's time for reherseals!" he said pulling me away from Cheondung. I tried to let go of him. But he just keep pulling me to the school theater. I turned around and saw Cheondung happily talking and laughing. Why didn't I notice this until now? Urgh! I've been so stupid! When I was dragged to reherseals... I already saw Sohee talking toMr. Heechul.

" Oh, Jieun! Over here!" she called me. Kwangmin let go of me, and I went to her.

" Any hope on Cheondung?" she asked me. Instead of saying anything, I shook my head.

" Why? What's happened?" she asked me worriedly.

" Oh, I have a big mess in my hands, somebody else asked me to the dance, and now... I regret it," I admitted.

" What?! You mean you turned Cheondung down?" she exclaimed. I just nodded.

" Oh, you have to fix that before the dance, Jieun! Who knows what are people are saying right now," she advised me. I just nodded.

" Yah! Ppali! It's time for you to get on stage, Sohee!" Mr. Heechul ordered her.

" Oh, I got to go, remember! Don't flunk! Fix what's wrong!" she said to me as she stalks off. I just let out a heavinly sigh because I was tired of all of this dilemmea.

And now, I have to amek a choice... I have to choose between Cheondung... or Youngmin.

What do you think?


OMG~~!!! IU has made a comeback with her new song ! The song is beautiful, the story line is beautiful, IU is beautiful! In fact, i'm listening to it right now! Waaa... it's so beautiful... I was touched by the song. She is a very great musician! Love her~~~~~ So, like always... comment, subscribe, and take a listen to the song! It will make your heart calm, or at least that is what I feel.


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Japaru #1
Good story
Christle #2
Chapter 20: Make a sequel~~ :D I love that storyy~~~
jhandale #3
Chapter 25: oh m g i was dreaming about this when i read this story :-D
jhandale #4
Chapter 12: its so nice like it
xxw00uxx #6
Chapter 26: done reading .. its so beautiful ff author-nim please make another iu ff .. *puppy eyes* ;)
ThunderxIU :D
minaohmina #8
When I get a Twitter I will follow you !!! Cause I don't have a Twitter yet and I'm too last to make one at the moment bit I will follow you when I have one !!!! And good luck on your new fic ! I will go check it out also !
minaohmina #9
Bwahaha I love it !!!! I hope you come up with another amazing Fanfiction ! I will read it for sure !
Also I'm glad my comments and subscription make you happy :)

Until next time !
MelonCandy #10
:DD smiling like a retard at the ending.. It was totally sweet kekeke deja vu!!