A sisterly-brotherly meeting

No promises?

-continue chapter 14-

Sandara's POV

As soon as Sanghyun got home, his face looks upset. I wanted to know what's going on, so I stopped him from going upstairs and sat down in front of me at the dining table.  It's time for sister-brother meeting now.

" Tell me what happened?" I asked him.

" Is it really necessary?" he asked me back.

" I asked you the question first," I snapped.

" IU... broke my heart?" he said. I gasped of shock.

" What did she do?" I asked him again.

" She didn't do anything, someone else did," he looked down.

" How could he? What were you going to do?"

" He told somebody else to distract me so that he can have a moment with IU, but when I got back, it was too late," the last part of the sentence sounded like he was going to cry. But then I noticed, tears started to roll down his cheeks. I gasped again to see how shock what just happened. He did cried before... but this is just too much! He never cried for things like this before! He is so not like this! Wow, he really is serious.

" Hey, calm down, don't be sad," I consoled him.

" How can I? She always been there for me, and she just bails me off," he sniffled.

" She must have some kind of reason," I tried again.

" I don't know what I'm supposed to do now, noona," he whimpered.

" Let me tell you something, don't let her ruin your life, you just have to keep moving on," I adviced him."

" Move on? I feel like there's no purpose in life! I never loved someone like that before!" he let it out.

" She doesn't know about this right?" I asked him, he just shook his head.

" Well, keep it a secret! Win her back! Don't give up! Take her away from him!" I commanded him.

" Take her back? How?" he asked me.

" Please her! Make her happy! Make her like you again," I said. " That won't be hard for you, am I wrong?" I added. He thought of it for a while, and looked up to me again. Looking all confident, with that smile I know, that makes me trust him again and think of him as not a wuss puss. After that, he went upstairs and cackled.

Okay, now that was just weird. After hearing my advice, he cried, and stopped, and cackled weirdly upstairs. He changes his emotions too quickly, I thought. After that, I also went upstairs and went in to my room. But after that, I went outside again because I heard a loud boom in Sanghyun's room. I crept the door quietly, and saw him wrestling with his bolster pillow with someone's picture on it.

The guy who probably took his precious girlfriend from him, I suppose. I just giggled sotly and closed the door back. He really is serious about this relationship. IU should be lucky to have someone love her although whatever happens. The only thing is, why did she bails him off? I got to solve this thing out if Sanghyun isn't capable for it.


After we left, Dungie's been acting weird lately. After we got home from Seungho oppa's house, he was all moody and doesn't want to talk to me. I'm still wondering what's up with him, did I somehow hurt his feelings. After we're alone, I was hoping for him to talk about the dance he was trying to tell me.

Now that I think of it, what was he trying to get me in to? And then, something struck my mind, something about what Sohee said. About asking me to the dance, was he trying to ask me that? But, if he did, it was too late now, Youngmin asked me a little while ago. I can still remember what he said...


" Let's step outside, okay?" said Youngmin after Cheondung left with Kwangmin.

" Okay, is there something you want to talk about?" I asked him as we both went outside the door.

" Yes, yes I do," he answered.

" Okay, what is it?" I asked him.

" I know we both only known each other for such a little while but...," he paused. My heart was pounding loudly, I'm sure he can hear it too.

" Would you go to the dance with me?" he asked me. At that time, I felt like I'm in one of those fairy tales where Cinderella finally meets his prince! I didn't even try to think twice so I said...

" I would love to," I said confidently. After that, Cheondung just came right out of the door on the perfect timing. I hoped that he didn't hear our conversation. Because that will totally ruin him.

" Ready to go?" he only said. I just nodded and said goodbye to Youngmin. I was expecting Cheondung to say goodbye to him as well, but he just went in front first without looking back. That's when I noticed somethings wrong.

~end of flashback~

I just wish we can talk this out tomorrow at school. I don't want him to keep that face always. And besides... he's my pretend boyriend, I can't just bail him off. So, I will just closed my eyes and dream. Hoping that what Cheondung feels now, would go away.


Hi there again~!!! What I find about this chapter is that it's actually funny. So! Anyways! Youngmin is just evil in this fic, I'm not trying to make him look bad actually. Everybody has their own point, I only see Youngmin as a guy that their parents snooted him much than his brother. That's all~...


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Japaru #1
Good story
Christle #2
Chapter 20: Make a sequel~~ :D I love that storyy~~~
jhandale #3
Chapter 25: oh m g i was dreaming about this when i read this story :-D
jhandale #4
Chapter 12: its so nice like it
xxw00uxx #6
Chapter 26: done reading .. its so beautiful ff author-nim please make another iu ff .. *puppy eyes* ;)
ThunderxIU :D
minaohmina #8
When I get a Twitter I will follow you !!! Cause I don't have a Twitter yet and I'm too last to make one at the moment bit I will follow you when I have one !!!! And good luck on your new fic ! I will go check it out also !
minaohmina #9
Bwahaha I love it !!!! I hope you come up with another amazing Fanfiction ! I will read it for sure !
Also I'm glad my comments and subscription make you happy :)

Until next time !
MelonCandy #10
:DD smiling like a retard at the ending.. It was totally sweet kekeke deja vu!!