Part 1 of Mission: Meeting

Playing the Player (hiatus)

Lee Joon looked to his right and found Minjoo staring emptily at the professor who was lecturing the class on the importance of being to class on time. Her eyes were puffy and red and she looked as if she hadn’t slept in weeks. Everything about her was off. He had seen a group of Minjoo’s girl friends crowded around her in a circle this morning asking her about her puffy eyes and Lee Joon, himself.

            Joon then looked to his left to find Eunyoung slipping a note to a guy sitting next to her. She seemed content and looked perfectly normal to any average eye. But to Lee Joon, someone who saw past the walls she had built to protect herself, she was a little off too. But just a little bit. Her hair wasn’t in its usual perfect bouncy curls, it was a little flat. Her lip gloss was pristine and matched her so well, but it was slightly overdone. Lee Joon was snapped out of his observation of Eunyoung by a light giggling.

            He shook his head to clear his mind and tried to trace the laughter. Joon looked back at Eunyoung and found the boy Eunyoung had been passing notes too was whispering lightly in her ear. She moves on fast, Joon thought. Eunyoung glanced over at Lee Joon, who was still staring at her, and then she continued to talk and giggle with Mr. Flirt over there. Lee Joon tore his gaze away from them and tried to focus on what his professor was saying. 

            Lee Joon couldn’t focus though, his head was pounding. When does it stop! When will it ever stop, Lee Joon thought sadly. It had been a week since the truth had come out and Lee Joon couldn’t get out from his own personal cloud of sadness. He had messed up so badly with two girls that he cared a lot about.

            He had been turning around so many possibilities, so many options and so many choices in his head for the past 2 weeks that he was starting to lose it. He wanted to fix things with both girls but he didn’t know how he could do. If he wanted either one of them back, could he without hurting the other or could he even get them back? Did he want them back? Would they still want to be friends? The questions kept racing through his head and pelting his brain.

            Rubbing at his temples to relieve the pain, his mind started to wander. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Headaches and heartbreaks. What a perfect combo Joon, Lee Joon chuckled at his stupidity.

            “Is there something you would like to tell the class Mr. Lee?” Immediately all of the students’ eyes turned to look at Lee Joon.

            “Uh-um, no sir. I’m sorry for interrupting.” Lee Joon stuttered. The professor threw him one last glare before continuing his lecture. Joon closed his eyes and began rubbing at his temples again. It didn’t seem long before the bell rung and students rushed out of the door. Joon packed up his things and headed out the door for lunch.


            Lee Joon thanked the cashier and headed for a free table. He hadn’t hung out with any of his friends in the past weeks since he was too achy to do anything or go anywhere besides school. Joon walked with his head down until he hit someone causing him to drop his food.

            “Oh my gosh. I’m so sorry!” A girl said as she immediately got down on her knees to pick up the mess. Lee Joon kneeled down next to her. She lifted her head and looked into Joon’s eyes. “I-I-I’m sorry…” She stuttered. Lee Joon felt instantly drawn into her eyes.

            He smiled at her. “It’s fine.” Holding out his hand he added, “I’m Lee Chang Sun. But you can call me Lee Joon or Joon.” She reluctantly gave him her hand and he helped her up. There seemed to be a shock of electricity when they touched. Her smile replaced the look of worry that was plastered on her face a minute ago. She stood their smiling politely at him. Joon cleared his throat. “And you are…?” The girl snapped out of her thoughts.

            “S-sorry. Again.” She stammered. “I’m Hyuna. It’s nice to meet you.” Hyuna held out her hand and Lee Joon shook it. “Do you want me to buy you a new-” Hyuna started.

            “How about I buy you lunch today Hyuna?” Lee Joon asked smiling politely at her. She seemed to ponder the thought for a second before replying.

            “Sure.” Hyuna replied and Lee Joon led her back to the cafeteria lunch line. Lee Joon paid for both of their sandwiches and the cashier from before glared lightly at Hyuna as she walked with Joon to a free table. They sat down and unwrapped their sandwiches. “So tell me Lee Joon, do you buy lunch for all the girls that spill your food?” Hyuna asked.

            “Only the pretty ones.” He replied shoving his sandwich into his mouth and taking a huge bite. Hyuna ducked her head, trying to hide her blush. “How about you? Do you always cause people to spill their food?”

            “Only the attractive ones.” Hyuna said biting down into her own food. Lee Joon’s self-confidence seemed to boost when she that. He had been mentally insulting and hurting himself over the past two weeks. As he thought of this, his happiness seemed to drain out. Hyuna noticed. “Hey, Joon are you okay?”

            “Yeah, I’m fine.” Joon said calmly. He looked over at Hyuna. Everything about her seems to be pure beauty. I don’t deserve her. Not that she even likes me, Lee Joon told himself. He mentally debated this with himself when a girlish laugh snapped him out of his thoughts. He found Hyuna’s hand waving in front of his face.

            “Hello?” She laughed. He caught her hand and smiled. The electricity was back. Joon quickly dropped his hand. Hyuna smiles faded slightly from its laughing grin to a weak, forced smile. “I-I’m sor-. Maybe I should just go.” Hyuna stood up and collected her things. Lee Joon didn’t stop her. “Thanks for lunch.” And with that she turned around and walked away. 




Sorry for not updating in so long my subbies! I've been busy with all my school work...

But here is the third chapter! Hyuna has started her mission! But she has failed the first part :( Poor Hyuna. Her mission will continue sometime next week! maybe...! I feel in a writey mood... Anyways...

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unnie please update o u o
muchLove #2
Chapter 3: New Reader! Your fic sounds interesting, can't wait to read more
Chapter 3: Wah im super excited the mission has begun!
Gah!!! Excited! Lee Joon must die! (See what I did there?)
TaquitosNOMNOM #6
Chapter 2: Oh dang!! This is about to get real!
Please update soon author- nim^^
Chapter 1: Cant wait for more.