


“Hyesungie! Hurry! Come up to my apartment, I want to show you something” Eric said, on the phone with Hyesung.

“Okay, I’ll be there in a minute.” Even though Hyesung just woke up, he answered excitedly as he wore his hoodie.

“Hurry!” Eric shouted before he hung up.

In less than a minute, Hyesung entered Eric’s apartment since he lived just one floor below Eric. He liked being around Eric and keeping Eric company even though they have the ‘oil and water’ title. The rumor about them being awkward when the two of them are left alone together was true, but that was a long time ago. Now the member who Hyesung enjoys being with the most is Eric, and vice-versa.

“Eric!” Hyesung called out as he removed his sneakers by the door.

“Hyesungie! Shinhwa has a new member!”

Hyesung shot his head up in surprise. As he looked at Eric, he saw him carrying a small brown puppy.

“Whoa! What’s his name? He’s so cute!!” Hyesung said as he approached the puppy.

“Gomdori. Cute right? Wanna carry him?”

Eric gave Gomdori to Hyesung and Hyesung, with all his might, tried not to crush the little dog.

As soon as he carried Gomdori, Gomdori started Hyesung.

“He’s so cute!!! I want to squish him forever.”

“He’s replacing you as lead singer.” Eric told Hyesung as he stuck his tongue out.

“Good luck with that!” Hyesung replied as they both laughed.

They sat down on the couch and he put Gomdori down between them. Gomdori tried to climb up on Eric’s lap but failed miserably due to his size.

“Aww!! He’s so small that he can’t even climb up on your lap! Or maybe he’s just weak. Hahaha!!” Hyesung was highly amused.

“Gomdori! Stop scratching daddy’s thigh! It’s tickling me!” Eric told Gomdori as he carried the little pup and kissed him before placing him on his lap.

“How old is he?”

“He’s about 3 months old, I think.”

“Isn’t he scared of you? You’re the scariest person I know. When we go to the park, the kids run away as soon as they see you.” Hyesung joked.

“Gomdor-ah, don’t believe mommy. Daddy’s the kindest person in the world.” He told his new ‘son’ as the two parents both laughed.

“Wait, i’m his mom? Why am I a mom? I’m not even a girl. Can’t I be the uncle or something?”

“But we’re RicSyung remember? We can’t disappoint the fans. Don’t you want to be his mom? I think it fits. He likes you a lot, and you like him too just as much, or maybe even more.” Eric explained to his ‘wife’.

“Fine, whatever. But don’t randomly call me ‘Honey’ or ‘Wifey’ or whatever nickname you could possibly think of.”

“I’m calling you ‘Gomdori’s mom’.”

“Of course you will.” Hyesung’s sarcasm never suited him though. “If people start thinking I have a real son named Gomdori, you’re going down with me.”

“Gomdori! Mommy’s threatening me! What should I do?”

Hyesung laughed but Eric pouted as they saw that Gomdori was sleeping.

“Does he have a bed? Why don’t you let him sleep first. He’s probably tired of your nagging. And I’m extremely hungry. I want to eat at the restaurant across the street.” Hyesung told the leader.

“I don’t nag him! And I just ate, sorry. Maybe you can call someone to accompany you?”

“Okay, I’ll eat then. Later, Eric! Good night Gomdori.” He said as he kissed the top of Gomdori’s head.

“Doesn’t daddy get a kiss too?”


“Isn’t your mom fun?” Eric told Gomdori as he placed him on one of his pillows and laid down beside him as he, too, was tired despite it being 9 in the morning. He just finished working out when his ‘son’ arrived. He had to feed him and take care of him so as soon as he laid down in bed with Gomdori, he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

A few hours later, he felt something weird on his eye. He tried opening one and realized that Gomdori was his eye, probably trying to wake him up.

“Alright Gomdori, that’s enough, daddy’s awake.” Eric said without moving from his place. Gomdori didn’t stop his face which made Eric laugh and feel more awake.

“Okay, fine, I’ll get up.” As soon as Eric sat up, Gomdori looked up at him and wagged his tail with full force.

“You’re that happy that I’m awake? Careful, your tail might come off. Are you hungry?” Gomdori just stared at Eric, still wagging his tail.

“Let’s eat!” Eric then stood up and walked towards the kitchen. He suddenly heard Gomdori whimpering and barking. He looked back and saw Gomdori by the edge of the bed trying to get down from it but couldn’t. Eric laughed again.

“Sorry son!! I’ll rescue you!” Eric shouted and ran towards Gomdori who was only about 6 meters away. He then carried Gomdori to the kitchen.

“What do you want to eat? Dog food? I have yummier food. I make cookies with dough. Too bad for you though. Your food is bland, tasteless and brown. But dogs enjoy eating that, don’t frown…” He continued to rap like that to entertain Gomdori. Or maybe just for his own entertainment.

“You jelly? I got jelly. I eat this to put in my belly. But I can’t give you any. I’m so sorry, Gomdori-“

“Oh my god! Are you rapping? To Gomdori? I should have recorded this!!” Hyesung suddenly suddenly burst into laughter as he entered the apartment and went towards his eating family.

“It was fun! Right Gomdori?” They both looked at the pup but he was busy eating.

“You must have starved him! Our son is hopeless with your care.” Hyesung said with his arms crossed and an eyebrow raised.

“I’m a great father! I was planning on training him to run so that we could visit the park tomorrow. How great am I.”

“Not great at all. Can I have food too?” Hyesung asked as he opened the fridge.

“Nope. Bwahahaha.” Eric replied with his weird sounding evil laugh, or whatever that sound was supposed to be.

“Why are you so weird? Don’t get too close to the dog, you might spread your weirdness to him.” Hyesung said as he peeled a banana and got himself a glass of milk.

“My gomdori finished his food! What a good boy.” Eric croutched down and kissed Gomdori’s head. “Here, drink your water!” He shouted with a trying to sound cute voice and brought the water bowl in front of Gomdori.

“That’s so weird. And gross. And disturbing. The dog might get deaf too you know.” Hyesung teased with a smile.

“Gomdor-ah. Your mom is no fun. I take back what I said.” he said with his high pitched voice. “Tell mommy to go home.” they both laughed.

“Don’t be mean. Gomdori! Daddy’s being mean!” Hyesung suddenly started to fake cry.

“Look, he’s wagging his tail. He must be happy.” Eric laughed.

“Fine, forget it. Mother’s day was just a few days ago, you know!” Hyesung told Gomdori.

“You love being the mom! I knew you were meant for it. Now let’s call uncle M.” Eric got his phone and called Minwoo.

“Minwoo-ya, Hyesung and I have a new son! Have you eaten lunch?”

“You guys have a what?! Nope, I haven’t, but I’m not hungry. So this son, What kind of prank is this?”

“Hurry and come over here!!” After that, Eric hung up.

“Why do I even know you.” Hyesung said while shaking his head.

“Not only do you know me, you love me too. Hyesungie!!” Eric called as he was about to hug him. Of course, Hyesung tried to push him away, but Eric was still able to hug him somehow.

“Yo Gomdori, my one and only. You’re an only child but don’t feel lonely. You’ve got me and Hyesungie, and soon enough, you’ll meet the rest of your family. Minwoo and Junjinnie, and the cutest one is Andy. But the one you’ll want to avoid is Dongwannie.” Eric started rapping again.

Hyesung, once again, laughed his heart out. “You and your hate for Dongwannie is so amusing.” Hyesung said while trying to control his laughter. He even liked the ‘Daddy’ Eric more than the ‘leader’ Eric. He was even more entertaining than before.

“You stay here and daddy will sit at the other end, okay? Staaaaaaay.” Eric told Gomdori as he sat at the opposite end of the room from where Gomdori was. “Okay Gomdori, come here! Come to daddy!!”

Suddenly, Gomdori runs towards Eric. Eric and Hyesung look at each other with their mouths open and eyes popping out of their sockets.

“How..” Eric started.

“You guys have been secretly practicing, haven’t you?”

“Gomdori!! How did you do that! You’re the smartest son ever! Kiss daddy.”

Gomdori then started Eric.

“He’s so smart! Just like me!” Eric told Hyesung.

Hyesung sighed. “Why did our fans have to pair me up with you anyway.”

“But you secretly like it anyway. And you should be honored.”

“To be paired up with the cockiest person on earth? I don’t think so.”

“You still love me anyway~” Eric teased.

“Gomdori come to mommy!” Hyesung called out.

“He’s not moving. Maybe he doesn’t like you.. Or he really just likes me a lot.”

After that, Hyesung got another banana and sat on the couch watching his son and Eric run around the room.

“Eric!” They heard the door open along with Minwoo’s voice.

“Minwoo-ya!” As Eric ran towards the door, Gomdori followed. “Meet Gomdori.”

“He’s your son?”


“Well isn’t he a cutie. I can carry him right?”

“Go ahead.”

“Aww, he’s me! That means he loves me right? I love you too Gomdori!” Minwoo said as he walked towards the living room.

“That’s just in the beginning.” Hyesung said with bitterness in his voice.

“Oh, you’re here! You don’t like Gomdori?” Minwoo asked.

“He liked Hyesung at first actually, but never followed anything Hyesung said.” Eric replied. “Try putting Gomdori down for a sec.” Minwoo put Gomdori on the floor in front of him. Eric then went to the kitchen. “Gomdori! Come to daddy!” Gomdori then ran to Eric in the kitchen.

“Now Hyesung, you try.” Eric shouted.

“Gomdori come to mommy.” But Gomdori, once again, didn’t come to mommy.

“That's so funny!!” Minwoo started laughing.

Hyesung ignored them and continued to watch TV.

After an hour, the two were still playing with Gomdori in Eric’s room with the door open.

“You should really buy him a chew toy. He keeps chewing on my finger when I call him.” He heard Minwoo say.

“Maybe you could buy it for him as a present from his uncle. Since he likes your finger so much, he might like the toy better if it came from you. Right son?” He heard Eric reply.

“God they’re so noisy.” Hyesung mumbled to himself. He turned off the TV and left.

When he entered his own room. He felt really mad. He was mortified. He was wondering why he was that mad. Just because a dog didn't come to him when he called isn't a reason to be that mad. "I wonder if they even noticed that I left."

After a few minutes of waiting for a phone call or even just a text message, he fell asleep.

-6 hours later-
"Hyesungie! Wake up and eat dinner! It's late." Eric sat on Hyesung's bed.

"Why are you here?" Hyesung asked as he rubbed his eyes.

"I came to look for you since you left without a word. But you were asleep so Gomdori and I watched one of the DVDs you've got there in the living room."

"Gomdori's here?" Hyesung started to get mad again.

"He's sleeping on the couch in the living room. I took a picture and tweeted it. It was too cute."

"Whatever, go home." Hyesung turned and covered his head with his blanket.

"You have to eat dinner first. Don't be lazy Hyesungie~ You want me to bring Gomdori to wake you up?" 

"No! Go away! And take your dog with you."

"Hey, don't be rude."

"Look who's taking."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Eric asked while trying to pull the blanket off Hyesung.

"It means go away."

"Jung Pil Gyo." Eric said with a serious tone.

Hyesung got even more frustrated than before. Eric only calls him by his real name when he's mad. And he didn't think Eric should be getting mad at him right now.

"Fine, we're leaving." Eric stood up and went to the living room.

Hyesung started crying. He was angry. He was pissed. He wanted Eric to ask him what was wrong and comfort him. 

When he heard the door open then close. He stood up, got a tissue box and hid in his closet and cried his heart out.

"You didn't think I really left, did you?" Eric opened the closet door and Hyesung froze.

"So, are you just gonna sit there and cry or are you getting out of there and explain to me why you're crying. You do know that if you choose the first one, I'm just gonna have to carry you out of there." Hyesung was still frozen. He himself wasn't sure why he was crying. How could he explain himself to Eric?

"Fine." Eric tried carrying Hyesung.

"Okay! Okay, I'll stand and get out of here. Why do you have to do such weird things all the time." Hyesung complained and went to his bed.

"Explain." Eric sat in front of Hyesung.

"I'm mad.."

"Okay, go on."

"I don't know.."

"You're not really cooperating here."

"..." Hyesung couldn't even look at Eric. He felt bad that Eric was worried about him but he could even say anything.

"If you don't talk, I'll have to kiss you!" 

"I don't know!! I'm mad at Gomdori! I'm mad at you and Minwoo hyung! I don't know." Hyesung started crying again.

"Are you mad at Gomdori 'cause he didn't come to you? Hey, c'mon. He just needs time. That's not something to cry over."

"I..I d-don't know.." Hyesung continued crying.

They suddenly heard a bark. Eric saw that Gomdori was in the room wanting to join their conversation. Eric carried Gomdori on the bed and Hyesung looked at the puppy in front of him.

"Gomdori, say sorry." Gomdori then started Hyesung's arm. Hyesung smiled.

"See, he's not all that bad." Eric said.

Hyesung started patting Gomdori but was still crying. Eric sat beside Hyesung and put an arm around him and Hyesung leaned his head on Eric's shoulder.

"He's really replacing me.." Hyesung said in a soft voice.

"I knew it. You're always like this. I spend a few hours with someone that's not you and you get all jealous over it. Did you know that you take this RicSyung thing more seriously than I do?"

"...no I don't." Hyesung then looked up at Eric.

Eric suddenly kissed Hyesung and whispered "I love you too."

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Chapter 1: why do you like to ____ enter button so much? because of that story looks bad. there's too much dialogue and only a little description. also, there's no need to write "hahaha" (actually, writing "hahaha" in dialogue unacceptable) if you later write "he laughed".
and worst thing - WHY hyesung calls eric, minwoo and dongwan "hyung"? they are same age friends, they don't call each other like that.
keep working hard and be better in the future.
Chapter 1: Awwww, really cute story:) Love how Sungie got jealous over a puppy!
Chapter 1: hahahaha, your story really fun! I enjoyed eric rapping part! XD