Everything is going against me...


A one-shot for you guys. I tried something new! Sunbyung that is :D

this is tragic. And the idea is from a friend of mine. I hope you guys like it!


This may be a but confusing at the start. But it will be explained later on. Hahaha ^^



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RukaiT #1
Chapter 1: Woa, a SunByung fic!! It's so rare to see this pairing nowadays, any Sunbyung is good Sunbyung to me :D

I think the overall concept of the story is pretty good, although there are a few details that are a bit farfetched, such as how the interrogation didn't reveal that Sunny bought the second hand car just a week ago, or how Sunny never realised any foul smell in her car, Hyomin has been there for a week !

I think this fic would benefit from a little more description, such as Sunny's state of mind when she was arrested, the confusion she had, and her hopelessness when she decided to kill herself. I feel that these could have been explored a little more. Oh, and more Sunny-Hyomin interaction as well, these two are cute together don't you think? :D

My 5 cents anyway. You should write more!! This has good potential :)