The Letter

Happy Birthday, ChanChan-hyung~!


“Hyungs~~!!!” Zelo shouted, running into the house with a piece of pink envelope in his hand. “Hyungs!!! Hyungie~~!!! Himchannie-hyung~!!!” the maknae shouted again and again as he made his way towards the kitchen where the other members were making a birthday cake for the second eldest’s birthday.

All heads turned to the smiling maknae, curious about his attitude. “What’s the matter, Junhong-ah?” Yongguk, who was told by Himchan to not step into the kitchen, asked the younger yet, taller boy. The other members came out as well, followed by a simultaneous ‘whats’ from the four of them.

“Did you buy the butter and chocolate powder?” Youngjae asked. Zelo nodded immediately, earning thumbs up from Yongguk. “Oh, and one more thing! When I was checking the mailbox, I saw this!” he said, holding up the envelope.

“It’s for Himchannie-hyung! I swear it wasn’t there when we checked earlier!” he said excitedly. Upon seeing the envelope, Jongup’s heart skipped a beat and excused himself to get out of the situation.

“Let us see! Let us see!” the DaeJae couple tried to get the envelope from Junhong but he was too tall for them. “Yah, yah, yah, stop it, you guys. It’s for Himchan, not for you.” Yongguk calmed them down, getting the envelope and handing it to the visual.

“Yeah right. It’s for me, not for you two idiots” Himchan smirked. The two pouted, but smiled again in excitement. “Open it, open it, open it, hyung!” Junhong chanted excitedly. “I don’t think it’s from a fan... No one knows our address” Himchan said, opening the said object. “What does it say?” Youngjae asked, not noticing that Daehyun had already went into the kitchen.

“It’s... It’s a poem... Written in English...” Himchan replied. “Read it to us, hyung! We’re curious! Yongguk-hyung will translate it!!!” Zelo said, turning to Yongguk, who just nodded with a smile in response. Himchan nodded and cleared his throat before reading the passages.


Dear Himchan-sshi,

First of all, Happy Birthday! I wanted to give this personally to you, but I couldn’t. I prepared a poem for you, even though I might sound crazy and creepy... I’m sorry about my grammar, English is not my first language XDD


“With hair as black as coal,

Skin as white as snow,

Lips as red as rose,

You’re so beautiful,

From your head up to your toes.


A personality as fun as clown;

I don’t like it but I still think,

You’re cute when you frown.

Always be happy, always be cheery,

Put a smile on your face that’s so pretty.


Kim Himchan it’s your birthday today!

How I wish you could notice me, oh, my dismay!

In my heart you’ll always stay,

My love for you, no words can say…”


I hope you like the poem ^^

With love,

Your secret admirer

PS: Please check the mailbox again



At first, the words easily flew out from Himchan’s lips, but during the end of the letter, his voice became shaky as he was smiling and biting his lower lip. Meanwhile, Yongguk was whispering the Korean translation to Zelo.

“Uwah! That was just so romantic! Right, Daehyunnie?” Youngjae squealed, waiting for the elder’s answer. “Daehyun!” he stopped squealing, looking for the said boy. His eyes landed to the boy in the kitchen. “YAH, JUNG DAEHYUN!!!” he shouted and ran into the kitchen.

“Yah, you piggy! Don’t eat the icing!!!” Youngjae scolded and began hitting Daehyun’s back, running after him as they ran around the kitchen. The three tallest members just watched them in amusement; none was interested to stop the fight.

Just then, the main dancer came out of nowhere as he eyed the three members. “Did I miss something?” he asked innocently, his eyes blinking. Himchan was too absorbed in smiling at the letter that he didn’t even bother to answer the younger, so Yongguk did it for him. “You just missed everything... Himchan got this letter and - - -”

“And the poem was so amazing, cute and sweet, Jonguppie-hyung!!! It’s like reading a love letter rather than a birthday letter!!! Look at Himchan-hyung!!! He personally likes it!!!” Zelo cut Yongguk off. Jongup just smiled wider than before and went into the kitchen instead of asking what’s written in the letter.

“Don’t you want to know what’s inside the letter?” Yongguk asked. “Ani... It’s Himchan-hyung’s letter, not mine...” Jongup just smiled and walked. Besides, I don’t have to know what’s written there... I already know it... I WROTE THAT LETTER >///< ... The second youngest thought and smiled wider and began mixing the cake mix.

Youngjae and Daehyun stopped running after each other because Jongup was creeping them out because of his unusual wide smile. True, Jongup smiles a lot, but not this wide, not to the point that he already looks like a lunatic who just killed someone.

“Dae, I think our dongsaeng’s got a problem...” Youngjae whispered as he eyed Jongup, who was now giggling creepily. “He’s just hungry... No doubt.” Daehyun replied. Youngjae scoffed and hit Daehyun’s back again. “Pabo! He’s not you, Jung Daehyun!!!”



Himchan suddenly ran out of the dorm after reading the last line, leaving the leader and the maknae confused. “Where is hyung going?” Zelo asked. Yongguk just shrugged his shoulders and went into the kitchen though Himchan told him not to, considering he always burn something when he goes there.

Himchan went out to check the mailbox again, not surprised when he saw it wasn’t empty. “It’s really here!” he exclaimed and got the flowers inside the mailbox. Three red roses... One meaning. He thought, wondering who his secret admirer was.

He was about to go back into the dorm, when something shiny on the ground caught his eye. He picked up the object and smirked to himself when he knew whose thing it was. Then, he ran back to the dorm, eyes searching for the maknae, who was about to go into the bathroom. “Jello, Jello, Jello, wait a sec!” Himchan said, pulling the other’s shirt using his left hand.

“What is it, hyung?” the taller boy asked, eyes wide. Then, Junhong’s eyes travelled from his hyung’s face to the flowers that the elder was holding. “OMG, HYUNG! Where did you get those???” he asked for the second time, his eyes twinkling.

“Eh? You didn’t see this when you got the letter?” Himchan asked, confused. Zelo shook his head cutely. “Aniyo. I only found the letter there...

“Are you sure you didn’t see it earlier?”

“Hyung, I may be two feet taller than our mailbox but I can clearly see the contents in it” the maknae smiled and went into the bathroom. Then, Himchan ran into the kitchen to boast about the flowers he received.

“Hey guys, look! Someone sent me these roses just now!” Daehyun, who was fighting with Youngjae for the icing, Youngjae, who was preventing Daehyun from eating the icing and Jongup, who just put the cake mixture in the oven, stopped what they’re doing and looked at Himchan.

“Where did you get those?” Youngjae asked, noticing the object first. “Are those even edible?” Daehyun asked, receiving another head slap from the lead vocal. “I got it from the mailbox just now... Junhong said it wasn’t there when he got the letter, and look! They’re still fresh!”

Youngjae(with the bowl of icing still in his hands) and Daehyun walked over to Himchan and examined the roses. “They really are! Do you think that your secret admirer is just around here somewhere?” Daehyun finally stopped arguing with Youngjae.

“That’s nonsense Dae... I didn’t even see anyone around when I got out...” Himchan replied, thinking deeply. “That fan is really lucky, Himchannie-hyung~~~” Jongup suddenly said. His three hyungs looked at him, seeing his ever-smiling creepy face.

“Honestly, hyung, does Jongup ever frown?” Daehyun whispered. Himchan shrugged his shoulders. “Just in our photo shoots and music videos...” the visual whispered back. While they’re on their tiny chat, the lead vocal was deep in thought.

Being a genius guy he is, Youngjae noticed that the Angel’s smile is a lot brighter than usual, to the point that his eyes couldn’t be seen anymore. Youngjae furrowed his eyebrows in suspicion. Maybe Jongup’s the one who made the letter...

“Who is it from, by the way?” Jongup asked, pretending he didn’t know as he sat on top of the chairs in the counter. Hmmm… Pretending, are we? Youngjae thought.

“I don’t know... There’s no name from the sender...” Himchan replied, checking the letter in the flowers and the ‘birthday’ letter. “Ah, I forgot! I still have to do something upstairs...” Himchan excused himself.



The maknae and vocal line were watching a TV drama while Himchan was upstairs reviewing the lines in the poem. “I’m bored… I wish Yongguk-hyung’s here so we can practice rapping...” Junhong sighed and pouted. “Where is he by the way?”

“He went to fetch the Secret-sunbaenim members ^-^” Jongup said, still smiling. That smile never left the dancer’s face and it was there for three hours already. “Why not fetch my heart instead?...” the maknae mumbled, making sure his hyungs won’t hear it.

“Ah, Daehyunnie, let’s go upstairs to see what Himchan-hyung’s doing!” Youngjae said with excitement. “Can’t we just eat the cake now and just buy candies for the others?” Daehyun whined, using his y aegyo towards the younger vocalist.

“Aish! Just come with me, will you?!” Youngjae said and just pulled Daehyun upstairs. “But I’m getting cheesecakes for this, right~?”



Upon stepping on the second floor, they could hear deep, stifled giggles coming from Yongguk and Himchan’s shared bedroom. Curiosity came to them and decided to eavesdrop.

“He must be really happy about the poem...” Daehyun whispered. “Of course he is! //sigh// I wish someone would make a poem dedicated for me too...” Youngjae said a bit loudly, going to his and Daehyun’s shared room, pulling the other’s collar with him

“Yah, Babes, are you pertaining to me~?”Daehyun said in his normal voice, wrapping his arms around Youngjae’s waist and putting his chin on the younger’s shoulder. “Get off of me, you piggy slob!” Youngjae exclaimed, pushing the older boy away and locking the door behind him.

They didn’t know that Himchan could hear their conversation as they went to talk about something. “So, what do you want to talk about, Mr. Yoo Youngjae?” Daehyun’s muffled voice could be heard from the outside.

Why am I eavesdropping?  Himchan thought to himself, pressing his ear against the door, just what the two did earlier. “I knew who sent the letter...” Youngjae said in his deep voice.

He knows? Was it him? Was it Youngjae all along? Himchan thought, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “So, who is it?” Daehyun asked.

“It’s Jongup...” Youngjae said with a triumphant smile. Daehyun just scoffed. “How can you say so, Mr. Genius? Do you have any proofs?” the elder asked teasingly. Youngjae grinned. “We all know that Jongup is the shy typed, right?” Daehyun just nod.

“So, he wouldn’t say the poem personally. He’d write it and he wouldn’t give it directly to Himchan-hyung. And, have you seen Jongup’s face? He was smiling wider than usual!” the younger vocalist explained.

“Now that you said it, I noticed that too. Usually, he would be jealous whenever Himchan-hyung receives something from a fan when hyung would be happy about it…” Daehyun said, nodding. “But how do you explain the English poem? I never heard him speaking in English before...” he added.

“Aish hyung. You’re such a babo! Remember he went to Australia when he was young? Of course he have studied basic English before he went there. And besides, if you’re paying enough attention to our songs, his English pronunciations were perfect, no doubt about that

“And, didn’t you notice? Jongup excused himself when Himchan-hyung read the letter. I’m guessing it was the time when he got out to place the flowers in the mailbox” Youngjae said to Daehyun, only to find that he wasn’t really paying attention to him.

“Yah, did you even listen to me?”

Oh, my cheesecake~! Eh, what??? 0-0”

“Ugh, I give up!”


Outside the door...

I knew it was you Jonguppie~! Himchan thought and ran downstairs, holding the said boy’s necklace he found near the mailbox tightly in his hand.

“Guppie! Guppie~!!!” Himchan shouted as he ran, carefully enough not to worsen his recovering arm injury. He went to the living room and saw the two maknaes watching TV.

He sat beside Jongup and placed his head on Jongup’s shoulder. “Eh, Himchannie-hyung! What are you doing?” the dancer asked in confusion, looking down at the elder. Himchan looked up with his wide, cat eyes. “Nothing. I just miss my dongsaeng~ Now give your hyung a hug” Himchan said with a cute pout.

~ ~ ~ SILENCE ~ ~ ~

“WE’RE HERE~!!!” a female voice was suddenly heard. “Hyosungie-noona, you just broke the moment!” Himchan whined and snuggled closer to Jongup, closing his eyes. Jongup suddenly felt butterflies in his stomach.

“Gukkie-hyung~!” Junhong exclaimed when he saw their leader and ran to him.

“Uwah, you guys are so cute~!” Sunhwa squealed when he saw the two cuddling boys on the couch. “Shut it, Sunhwa. I’m older than you by six months so have some respect” Himchan said in a demanding tone. Jongup just smiled.

“Pshh... You may be older but you act like you’re younger than Jello” Sunhwa stuck her tongue out at the birthday boy. “By the way, Kim Himchan, it’s ggod to see you again. Happy birthday” she said, holding out a  present

“Yeah, Happy birthday, Himchan! Welcome back~!” Hyosung cheered. “Happy birthday, Himchannie~~~ ^^” Jieun and Zinger said simultaneously.

“Thanks guys, but could you please give us some time alone?” Himchan asked. The Secret members looked at each other before heading to the dining room.




“Saengil chuka hamnida~~~” The B.A.P and Secret members sang. Himchan then blew the candles, followed by simultaneous clapping of hands.

“In B.A.P’s third single album, there’s a song entitled ‘Happy Birthday’…”

“Yeah, yeah! Daehyun hyung will sing it for you!” Junhong interrupted even before Youngjae could finish his sentence. The members from both groups clapped as Daehyun stood up and cleared his throat.

“Happy birthday to you~~

Areumda-un nae sarang~… You know it feels weird singing it to Himchan-hyung. I mean, he’s not even my love 0-0…” Daehyun naively said and got back to his chair. “Jonguppie will sing it, then.” Himchan said and smiled at Jongup, who gave him a much wider smile in return.

The members from both groups eyed him suspiciously, but he just shrugged his shoulders. “What? It’s my birthday today. All of you are my slaves for today” he said and looked at Jongup, waiting for him to sing the song

“Okay.” Jongup stood up, receiving cheers from the members. He cleared his throat and looked deeply into Himchan’s eyes, preparing himself to sing.

Happy birthday to you~

Areumda-un nae sarang

Baby only for you

Niga isseo haengbokae

Happy birthday to you

Oneulcheoreom yeongwoni

Baby only for you

Urin hamkke halgeoya...  Happy birthday, Channie-hyung  ♥//makes a heart shape//”

After Jongup sang, the room fell silent. No one expected those from the main dancer. He sang the lyrics with full emotion, as if he really meant the song for the elder. Maybe locking eyes with Himchan throughout the whole song was a good help for him to deliver the song perfectly.

“That was so sweet!” Hyosung squealed, wiping the imaginary tears from the corner of her eyes, at the same time breaking the silence. Everyone agreed, except for Jongup because he, again, got back to his shy self again as he hopelessly hid in his chair.

“Okay, let’s eat the cake!” Daehyun announced and got a slice, making sure he got the first and biggest piece. “Yah, think of the maknaes first before you think of yourself!” Youngjae scolded, and the DaeJae couple war began again.

The birthday party passed by in a chaotic way because of the couple war, the four girls screaming when they sense Yongguk’s special attention to the maknae and whenever Himchan and Jongup would have their own world, feeding each other with cakes.


*  *  *


It was then time for the Secret members to leave. The B.A.P members were left to clean the messy place; Daehyun and Youngjae still having the couple war, Yongguk and Zelo cleaning the mess and Jongup washing the dishes. Himchan decided to help Jongup by putting the clean dishes into their appropriate places.

“I know it’s you, Guppie…” Himchan suddenly said, causing Jongup to stop what he was doing.

“It’s me what, hyung?” Jongup asked, starting to get nervous.

“It’s you who made and sent the letter…”

Jongup froze. “H-How did . . .”

“I heard Youngjae and Daehyun. You know those two can’t keep their voices down when they’re excited.” Himchan chuckled. “And, by the way, I think you dropped this necklace near the mailbox.” He added, showing Jongup’s necklace in front of him with a sly smirk on his face.

Jongup’s face flushed as he grabbed the object and hid it into his pocket. “Thanks for the letter.. I really appreciate it. I… I didn’t know you have such feelings for me…” Himchan said, crossing his arms on his chest.

Jongup looked at his feet. “Do you… do you like it?” the younger boy asked shyly.

“No.” Himchan replied flatly, causing Jongup’s face to fall down more. “But I love it, though~” the elder continued. “As much as I love the sender” Himchan said, looking down at his feet, a blush forming on his face. Jongup looked at him, confused, and then the younger realized something.

“Did… Did you just say that you love me, hyung???”

“Yes. I mean, no! But yes, practically, but… Ugh! How should I say this??? I don’t mean the brotherly love but something more than that. I mean, huh? But, yes, I love you but, ugh! I’m confused! I don’t know how to - - -”

Himchan was quickly cut off with his words when Jongup suddenly planted a kiss on his cheek. “Shut up, hyung. I already know what you mean. Happy birthday” Jongup said and continued washing the dishes while Himchan smiled widely at him.

“Jinjja?! UWAH, I LOVE YOU JONGUPPIE~~~!!!” Himchan exclaimed and hugged Jongup tight, showering him with kisses and not even caring where his pouty lips would land. “I love you too hyung” Jongup said, trying to get out of the elder boy’s hug.

After the two had calmed down, Himchan nuzzled his face onto Jongup’s neck, breathing in his scent. “You’re the best birthday gift ever…” Himchan whispered.






“Uhm, sorry for interrupting but could you please wash this too?” Daehyun interrupted the moment, holding a plate and walking over the two and placed the plate on the sink. Himchan and Jongup stepped away from each other, facing an opposite direction. They scratched the back of their heads in embarrassment.

Youngjae, who was previously spying, walked to them from a different direction, pulling Daehyun by his ear.



After the two left, Himchan and Jongup looked at each other. “We need a more private place…” Himchan suggested. Jongup gave him a smile, as if he already had an idea.

“My room. I’ve already kicked Junhong out >:D”



[B-BABYz notes…]

So, I made the poem so I can send it to Himchan but.. meh. I decided to just make a HimUp fic out of it cuz… I love HimUp couple. Period.

WHO SAID HIMUP IS UNDERRATED?!?!?! GRRRR!!!!  *starts making more HimUp*


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Chapter 1: awwwww~ that was really cute <3 Himup is adorable, but Daejae is just...LOL
Chapter 1: Awe, so cute! I couldn't stop laughing!
Chapter 1: This is soooo adorable~~~~ And i really like that Jongup gets jealous when other people give Himchan stuff :)) HIMUP <3
Chapter 1: screaaaams! turns into a fluffball bye
Chapter 1: Yes yes! More himup!!! And the fic was beautiful!!!
Chapter 1: Yes, yes, make more HimUp please~ :D
This was really cute! And DaeJae/DaeFood scenes made me laugh XD
Gosh, how I miss HimUp moments...
Thanks for this ^-^