Cappuccino and black coffee


“Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.” 
AnonymousHoly Bible: New International Version


Zhang Yixing
Zhang Yixing is a 19 years old waiter in a café named Café Exotic. Yixing loves over anything cappuccino with extra cream and hot chocolate with some marshmallows. Chinese boy has the cutest smile in whole world because of the dimples he has. Yixing is probably the most straightest man you will ever meet in your life, but then this guy, Kim Joonmyun comes and orders black coffee from Yixing. When their eyes meet, Yixing losts his heart and his legs becomes spaghetti

Kim Joonmyun
Kim Joonmyun is 20 years old jobless photographer and black coffee's lover from southern Seoul. When he was walking around the city taking pictures he decided to go and buy coffee from the café next to him. When he ordered what he wanted -which by the way was black coffee, of course, what were you thinking of?- and the waiter gives his coffee to him, he looks up and sees the most prettiest eyes ever and sweetest smile. His heartbeat fastens and suddenly he's in love


Main characters; Yixing, Joonmyun
Other characters; Baekhyun, Chanyeol, Luhan, Sehun, Kyungsoo, Jongin, Kris, Tao
Pairings; Sulay/Layho, Hunhan, Baekyeol
Genre; Fluff, romance
Chapters; 9/?
Starting date; 04/18/2013
Ending date; MM/DD/YYYY


So yeaah, I had this story called Cappuccino love, but it so badly I had to delete it and at the same time I decided to remake it. Here I am, writing new story because I'm loner and I don't have life. Nuh, just kidding, I have a life so I won't update every day

Poster made by 



i do NOT own any gifs/pic used in this story


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Chapter 10: I prefer seme!Lay....he's taller than suho and suho has a cute face, its not normal if the seme is shorter than the doesn't feel right somehow
theWanderlust #2
Chapter 11: i haven't finished reading this yet..but we'll surely wait for you..goodluck on you 10th
Chapter 10: Nice story ! I like your idea. Update soon ! Can't wait the for sulay xD yeppy !
snsdexoaholic #4
Chapter 10: yay finally we have a new chap! will the next chapter have , authornim? I'd prefer Lay on top of Myun in the next chapter.
snsdexoaholic #5
Chapter 9: So lovely and romantic~~~ I love this fic so much!!!
For me, Lay is top and Suho is bottom. Lay's structure body makes him look stronger and hotter than Joonmyun's while Joonmyun has such an angelic and beautiful face :3333333
Chapter 9: I actually prefer seme! Suho and uke! Lay. Idk, usually in Sulay ffs that's how they ship them. :3333333
Chapter 9: I'd prefer Lay seme Suho uke :v
Idk why but I find Lay stronger in attitude than Suho :v and he's taller :v
Chapter 8: Yeah. They're cute. Always. :)
Hunhan ils coming? I can't wait to know what's going to happen!
And to answer your question... well what I'm going to say won't be a great help for you, but... Si, you should chose who you want to be seme... (even if in this fic, I feel like Lay is more thé dominant type.... But you choose authornim, it's yours ! ;)
I'm happy my last comment made you smile! :)
Please, update as soon as you can, I really can't wait!