


still at 2pm's dorm :)
 You: so jay ;) ready to get it on tonight? 
Jay: O_O are you trying to seduce me..... 
You: eheheehe.... Is it working? ^^ 
Khun: ~~~!!! Wth :( I thought we've already confirmed that jay is mine to keep forever !!!!!!! 
You: no we didn't confirm that khun, and we most definantly did NOT decide that!!! 
Jay: do I even have a say in this?!?!? 
Taec: obviously not. Now Jay :) lemme take your bags
 Junho: JAY! I learned English today~~ how you doing?? :D 
Jay: I'm good junho! But....imma just leave this weird chick and khun alone to fight. Over me! :) not something I see everyday..... 
You and Khun continue to fight, at some point you make Khun cry and then Wooyoung steps in to try and stop it but you made him cry too.... Very boring fight really.
Later that night 
Taec: so jay how long you plan on staying with us this time? 
Jay: imma just live in the dorm bcuz I know Khun will buy me food!!! 
Taec: seriously all you think about now 
Jay: NO IT ISNT!!! I TRAIN too you know ugh ..... You stupid giant!!!! *throws CASS beer cab at him
Taec: OWWW WTF dude!!!! Why the hell are you such a frigging girl goddamnit!!!! 
Jay: call me a girl again and see what happens to your crotch!!! Imma go Go-Ku on you dude with fire shooting outta my hands!!! 
Taec: you have had too much dragon ball Z in your life dude o_o 
Jay: you can my . Stupid T-REX
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MinhoTae #1
cute!! :DD

i really love it
jessicayoona #2
Lol tarcjay moment hhahah<br />
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update<br />
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*new readerr
Litowun01 #3
oh my gosh; you just made my day <3 /updates tonight I promise XD