Earth Day prt. 1



2PM's Villa
Jay is visiting Korea once again, and 2PM has come back from Japan after promoting so much and recording their new ablum. Jay's been in Korea for a while. 
2PM has moved into their new "dorm" as Wooyoung called it, and it was on the news too. Jay found out about it and called Taec. 
Jay: Hello? Taec?
Taec: mm.....who is this? :S /still sleepy.
Jay:... wtf. dude; you guys are living in a VIlla now?! 
Taec: ... is that why you called? 
Jay: mmm yeah, pretty much. 
Taec: then you shouldn't have called me. I was sleeping and having the most amazing dream ever until you intrupted it.
Jay: well too bad, are you going to answer my question or am i going to have to call Chansung? Or Khun. T_T 
Taec: yeah yeah, we've moved into a bigger place. it's amazing, and you aren't here. Which is fine because all you care about is Khun anyway. >_>
Jay:sigh, Taec stop being a big baby and give me your address.
Taec: aahhhh too bad, you'll have to call your lover, Khun for that. I do not have the address on hand and now I shall hang up because you've interupted my beautiful dream. Goodbye Mr. Park. 
Jay stares at his phone ... It was the first time Taec has ever hung up on him, he was stunned. Non-the-less, he brushed it off. Taec will get over it sooner or later. For now he has to call Khun for the address, he has a surprise for Taec<3 . Jay dials Khun's number. 
Khun: hello?
Jay: Heeey Thai Freak 
Khun: jeifkldsax I'm not a Thai Freak T_T 
Jay: mm.... sure, what's your new address?!
Khun: mm I'm not really sure :S we just moved and I dont remember it really =/
Jay: THEN ASK SOMEONE WHO KNOWS IT KHUN. Do you not want me there? or are you hiding Victoria there. omggg. Since you all have your own room, you must be hiding her in your closet or something O_O
Khun: omgg T_T no you idiot, I'm not. 
Jay: yah, don't lie. Wooyoung already told me about those things that you do, you dirty boy. 
Khun: T__________T iefklasx i found the address, now get your here. I'll text it to you. sigh T_T 
Jay: kay. see youuu.
Jay hung up. and received the text from Khun 3 minutes after hanging up.
30minutes later.
Jay arrived at 2PM's Villa. ringing the door bell like crazy until someone came and opened it up for him. that person was no other than Ok Taecyeon. Taec just stared at the small boy and then moved aside for him to come in. Taec walked back to his room without saying anything to Jay. 
Jay: T_T stupid t-rex, thinks he can ignore me huh! 
Jay: YAH! CHANSUNG, where are you T_T 
Chansung: hyung? JAEBUM HYUNG?!?!! 
Oh god, i've been so bad with updating T_T sigh. school :( /cries. i have white hair. LOOOL 
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MinhoTae #1
cute!! :DD

i really love it
jessicayoona #2
Lol tarcjay moment hhahah<br />
<br />
update<br />
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*new readerr
Litowun01 #3
oh my gosh; you just made my day <3 /updates tonight I promise XD