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“K-Kyuhyun-ssi? W-what are you doing here?”

Siwon asks again, his eyebrows knit together proving how confused he is to see the maknae beside him. The latter, however, is still trying to process the question as he just stares at his lover.

“Siwon-ah, what do you mean?” Donghae nervously laughs as he calls for his brother’s attention.

“Siwon, it’s Kyuhyun hyung”

Minho joins in the conversation, smiling at his friend who tilts his head to one side as he asks him “Who are you?”

Donghae gasps, clasping a hand over his mouth while eyeing Kyuhyun who turns his focus to the floor, tears threatening to break free but he’s doing his best not to cry.

Minho sadly eyes the maknae before paging his superior. He looks at Donghae and they both are obviously sharing the same fear.

A couple of minutes later, when Dr.Shepherd steps into the room, Minho walks to him, briefly informing him of what happened.

Being a Nero surgeon, Dr.Shepherd has been through a lot of cases like this so he’s not surprised since the accident was severe enough to probably damage some of Siwon’s brain cells.

“Siwon, how are you doing? Feeling any pain?”

Siwon shakes his head before letting his sight fall on Kyuhyun again. The latter still can’t seem to face him, and thus Siwon suddenly feels a lot of question marks popping out in his head.

“Good. Let’s check it out”

The doctor pulls out a penlight then shine it into one eye at the time while instructing Siwon to follow it without moving his head.

“What’s your name?” he unexpectedly asks, making Siwon one eyebrow at what he finds a lame question.


“Your full name”

“Choi Siwon”

The younger is getting confused by the second. He doesn’t even know how he got to the hospital in the first place, but what’s puzzling him even more is the way Kyuhyun is acting by avoiding to even look at him and instead focusing his gaze on the floor.

“Your birthday?”

“April 7th

Siwon answers without thinking, making Dr.Shepherd nod his head before asking the next question.

“How old are you?”

Siwon sighs, starting to get really irritated by the questions because he wants to know what he’s doing here instead of being asked all of these ridiculous questions.


That emitted loud gasps from the men in the room. Kyuhyun’s eyes pop out and blood starts rushing fast through his veins. His body freezes in its place from the shock and he feels suddenly suffocated.

“Siwon, what’s the last thing you remember?”

Minho impatiently asks, causing Siwon to close his eyes for a second before opening them again and answering “I was going to school, Hae hyung forgot something at the dorm and we went to pick it up”

Donghae’s eyes narrow trying to recall that certain day. It has already been almost seven years and so it’s hard to remember which day Siwon is talking about.

However, as the younger adds another detail, it becomes a bit clearer to one of the men in the room at least.

“It was the first time I talked to Kyuhyun-ssi”

That makes Kyuhyun finally look at him again, a sole tear escaping the corner of his eye as he intently looks into the younger’s eyes.

“I remember” is all that Kyuhyun mutters as he feels chocked by his tears.

Siwon looks at him confused, his heart breaks a little as his hand unconsciously reaches for the maknae’s face, wiping away the tear strain, but it only provokes even more to come out.

Kyuhyun holds Siwon’s hand, presses a long kiss on its knuckles before looking straight into the younger’s eyes and stating “Siwon, that was almost seven years ago”

Siwon’s eyes widened, staring at Kyuhyun in disbelief before looking at the other faces that were sadly nodding in confirmation.

“S-seven years?” He manages to ask between his shock, retrieving his hand and running it through his hair as he tries his best not to freak out.

Dr.Shepherd has to interfere because it might not be good for the patient to tell him all in one go. So he exits the room after motioning for Minho to step outside with him as he instructs him to get Siwon a CT before they can decide on what really went wrong.

“Siwon-ah…” Donghae calls out, looking at his little brother between his blurry eyes as the tears start streaming down his face.

“It’s going to be okay” He assures him, but Siwon is still lost in his own river of confusion as he tries to force his brain to remember.

“We should take him to CT” Minho announces as he steps back into the room followed by a nurse who will help him transfer Siwon.

With a shaky body, Kyuhyun stands up from the bed, but before he can take a step further he feels a tug on his arm and when he turns around he finds Siwon looking at him with an inexplicable look that gets his heart aching.

The older shoots him a faint smile before leaning down, pressing a kiss on his temple then whispering in his ear “I’m not going anywhere”

The younger manages to prick a small smile at Kyuhyun, nodding his head before letting go of him.

When Siwon is out of the room, is when Kyuhyun gives up on holding back and lets way to his sobs. Donghae approaches him, hugging him tightly while soothingly rubbing his back. He can’t imagine what Kyuhyun must be feeling right now because his brother just forgot everything that they have been through.

“Why the hell sixteen?!” Kyuhyun frustratingly yells out, detaching himself from Donghae and walking to the window with his jaw clenched and his anger firing up.

“I HATE THAT NUMBER!” He was about to fist the wall when he suddenly stops mid-way, remembering how Siwon always said he loved his hands, especially when he was sixteen. Thus, he can only scream between his gritted teeth while letting his tears wash away the pain inside his chest.

Donghae doesn’t know what to do. Seeing the maknae in this state is heartbreaking and he doesn’t want him to suffer like this.


After Kyuhyun calms down a bit, Donghae leads him to the waiting room until Siwon is back. The maknae is so scared that Siwon might never remember what they’ve been through, that he might not know how much Kyuhyun loves him and how much they experienced to get to where they are today.

A few minutes passed in silence, as both Kyuhyun and Donghae are immersed in their own thoughts. They hear a knock on the door and a worried Heechul steps inside, immediately walking toward them and crouching before them on the floor.

“Hey, are you okay?”

Kyuhyun shakes his head as he lets the new tears come out “He’s sixteen again”

Heechul questionably looks at Donghae who sadly eyes him before explaining “The last thing he remembers happened seven years ago”

Heechul’s jaw drops open at that, speechless as he can only pull Kyuhyun closer and hug him, while his hand is tightly holding Donghae’s as he assuringly smiles at him.

"How did it happen?" Heechul asks, still not fully informed by the accident's details.

"They said it wasn't his fault. Some drunken ran a red light and Siwon unfortunately had to be there at the time" Donghae explains, making Kyuhyun's tears emerge again as he imagines the scene.



Half an hour later, Minho comes in and makes the three waiting men stand up, anxiously waiting for what he’s about to say.

“Well, there’s definitely nothing wrong with his brain. So nothing is holding him back from getting his memory back”

Heechul and Donghae sigh in relief, while Kyuhyun seems to be bothered by that explanation. He would’ve preferred if something was wrong so they can fix it instead of waiting for Siwon to regain his memory which no one knows where it will happen.

“Can we see him?” Donghae asks, bringing Kyuhyun from his thoughts as he also looks at Minho waiting for him to answer.

“He’s asleep now. We gave him some pain killers because he has a headache”

“Is it bad?” Kyuhyun worriedly asked.

“It’s normal because he’s trying hard to remember what really happened”

“Is it safe to tell him all that happened in the last seven years?” Heechul, who feels bad about his favorite dongsaeng, is really concerned about the latter’s relationship with Siwon. He was there when it all started and he doesn’t appreciate how they have to go back to that time after finally finding their happiness.

“Dr.Shepherd says to take it slow. He needs to remember little by little” Minho sadly exclaims, eyeing Kyuhyun who bitterly laughs as he runs his hand through his hair in frustration.

“Because it’s not medical. His brain decided to forget” The maknae spurts out before turning around and slamming his body on the couch. He covers his face with his hands and closes his eyes, his mind taking him back to where it all started.

Donghae had forgotten some songs sheets back at the dorm and so he had to stop by early in the morning before driving Siwon to school. The younger could’ve easily told his hyung that he would take a taxi or just walk since it wasn’t that far as to not make him rushed, but he wouldn’t miss on a chance to meet Kyuhyun. So a little bit guilty, he accompanied Donghae to the dorm.


So there he was, standing in the middle of the living room, quite nervous but he tried not to show it. The dorm was in chaos as a lot of rushing people were coming out from one room and into another. Some are having breakfast, some are pulling at their hair trying to find something, some are looking for each other and then, there was that someone.

Siwon didn’t know what hit him next, it was the same feeling he had the first time he saw him. However, before he could do anything about it, Kyuhyun was already standing in front of him with a bowl of cereals in his hand, and with half lidded eyes he asked him “Who are you?”

Siwon’s knees became weak and he gulped as he stared at the way Kyuhyun put a full spoonful into his mouth, making a few milk drops to land on his chin. Not after a few dazed seconds that he realized that the latter was clearly waiting for an answer as he stood silent, so Siwon quickly cleared his throat and answered with stutter “D-Donghae’s brother”

That was not how he wanted Kyuhyun to see him or how their first introduction should’ve been. He lifted his head to meet Kyuhyun’s and the latter just nodded before putting the spoon into the bowl and stretching his hand to shake Siwon’s.

Of course it took Siwon a couple of seconds before taking Kyuhyun’s hand and gently shaking it while hoping his own hand wouldn’t sweat.

“Nice to meet you Donghae’s brother. I’m Cho Kyuhyun”

And just after that thought, Kyuhyun smiled making Siwon’s heart miss a beat at how beautiful that smile was. 


When Siwon wakes up two hours later, he finds himself alone in the room and he doesn’t like it. His head still feels dizzy from the pills and so he decides to close his eyes and wait until someone comes to check up on him.

A couple of minutes later, Minho slowly steps inside afraid he will wake Siwon up. However, as he approaches the bed and check on his IV, the younger opens his eyes and startles him.

“Oh, you’re awake”

Siwon can only manage to nod. He slightly opens his mouth to speak but he feels utterly tired.

“The medication must not have worn out yet. Take some more rest”

Minho informs him but Siwon shakes his head and motions for him to sit on the bed.

“Do we know each other?” Siwon finally manages to speak, his question making Minho’s expression soften as he sadly eyes him.

“We’re best friends” Minho proudly says, smiling widely at Siwon and hoping the latter can somehow remember it.

However, Siwon only narrow his eyes and apologetically look at Minho “I’m sorry… I don’t remember”

Minho feels bad for his friend, holding his hand and assuring him that it’s okay “Hey, you will remember. You’ll see”

Siwon nods his head in appreciation, pricking a faint smile but it soon disappears when he remembers he wanted to ask something important.


Minho flinches, hesitating if he has the right to say anything about the maknae or not. Instead, he playfully ruffles Siwon’s hair before exclaiming “You better remember that part on your own”

Siwon looks at his friend questionably, but Minho only smiles at him and stands up “I’ll go call him. He was waiting for you to wake up”

Siwon feels his head spinning around and not because he’s dizzy but because Minho’s words are making him more confused.


A minute later Kyuhyun, Donghae and Heechul step into the room but Siwon’s eyes are only on the maknae who’s having a forced smile on his face that doesn’t go unnoticed by the younger.

“Here’s our handsome boy!” Heechul exclaims, approaching the bed and feeling relieved when Siwon smiles at him, clearly remembering who he is.

“Hey, Chullie hyung”

“You’re lucky you remember me or else I would’ve beaten you up!” Heechul playfully warns him, making the younger chuckle a bit before turning his focus back on Kyuhyun.

The latter takes a deep breath before stepping closer to him and once again taking a seat in his earlier place.

“Feeling better?”

Siwon nods, a blush unexpectedly creeping his face as he shyly averts his gaze away. The scene makes Heechul smirk as he suddenly thinks of something.

“So you like Kyuhyun-ah, ha?”

The diva unexpectedly blurts out, causing Siwon to snap his head in his direction and with widened eyes he retorts at him “Hyung!”

“So, you do”

Kyuhyun can’t help but giggle at the view that takes him to a long time ago when Siwon first came in to his life.

Siwon takes notice of Kyuhyun laughing at him and he turns to face him again before timidly asking “You know?”

Kyuhyun sighs deeply, looking at his hyungs first before facing the younger again.

“You’re planning on confessing to me on your birthday, right?”

The maknae’s question makes Siwon slightly jump off his bed at the shock. The thought of his lost memory momentarily skipped his mind and so he’s startled about how Kyuhyun knew about his future confession.

“H-How do you know?” He blushingly asks, his hands sweating all of a sudden.

“Because you already did”

Siwon looks at Kyuhyun with crooked eyebrows because this all feel so weird to him. He remembers planning on confessing but he can’t remember a thing about actually doing it. However, putting that aside, what’s getting him curious at the moment is Kyuhyun’s answer to his confession.

So he shyly bites on his lower lip, his eyes sparkling from anticipation before he courageously asks “And… what was your answer?”

That question makes Kyuhyun’s body stiffen as he shifts his gaze away, looking at anything but Siwon, trying to figure out what he should say. He can feel his hyungs’ eyes on him, clearly also curious about how he will answer to that.

“Let’s just say that we’re… dating right now” Kyuhyun skips to the happy part, hoping Siwon will be excited about it and maybe it will make him remember something about their relationship.

The younger’s jaw hangs open after hearing those word, his eyes are repeatedly blinking as if trying to process if this is a dream.


He yells out, looking at his brother as if seeking affirmation before turning to Kyuhyun again “We’re dating… as in boyfriends? You and me? you're dating me? ... me?”

Before Kyuhyun can reply, there’s a knock on the door followed by Yesung, Shindong and Kangin stepping inside. They have wide smiles on their faces when they see Siwon safe and healthy. Manager hyung informed them about the memory loss, so they try their best not to make Siwon bummed up about it since they’re hoping their maknae can get it back for him.

“How are you doing, big guy?” Kangin asks as he walks to stand beside Heechul.

“I’m okay, Kangin hyung”

“aaw was he this polite when he was sixteen?” Kangin teases him, earning some chuckles from the other members and a surprised look from Siwon.

“Am I not polite right now?”

Kyuhyun playfully glares at his hyung before holding Siwon’s hand and reassuring him “You are. He’s just teasing you”

The touch makes Siwon blush again but he keeps his gaze locked with Kyuhyun. He can’t believe that they’re dating and that Kyuhyun have the same feelings as him.

“Ky-…” He starts but then apologetically looks at the maknae who instantly understands him.

“Kyu or Kyu hyung, even though I always tell you not to call me that”

Siwon excitedly smiles at him, tightening his hold on Kyuhyun’s hand before asking “For how long?”

Kyuhyun didn’t know it will be this hard to remind Siwon of what happened in the past seven years. His heart is beating fast about having to lie to him about the sad parts that they’ve been through.

“Almost a year”

Siwon’s eyebrows rose to his hairline as he’s drowned in confusion once again. Kyuhyun doesn’t miss on it but he’s not ready to tell him the whole truth. Instead he cups his cheek with his free hand, caressing it with his thumb before stating “Hey, I know you have a lot of questions, but what matters is that we’re together, right?”

Siwon can sense the sadness in Kyuhyun’s tone and so he doesn’t want to insist on knowing the whole thing. He will have to remember everything on his own even though it seems very hard at the moment.

So he just nods his head and tenderly smiles at his hyung. The latter sighs in relief and turns to look at his hyungs, suggestively eyeing them to say something and help him change the subject.

Shindong is the first one to understand as he excitedly claps his hands together “Siwon-ah, so if your mind is sixteen, then you don’t know what you look like now, do you?”

Heechul laughs at that, tapping Shindong’s shoulder for pointing that out, suddenly getting very curious about Siwon’s reaction to his grown up body.

“Oh, right. I’m... twenty three?” Siwon asks after making a little calculation in his head. He then stares down at his body, raising his healthy hand and inspecting it, lifting his sleeve and thus when his sight falls on his bicep, his eyes pop out of their sockets as he himself is amazed by how muscular he suddenly got.

“Whoa! How did this happen?” He surprisingly asks no one in particular, a proud smile on his face as he keeps checking his arm, clenching his hand a few times, loving how the veins appear.

Kyuhyun is just watching him amused, happy that Siwon is okay and healthy even if he doesn’t remember a thing about what they’ve been through.

“Not by raising turtles for sure!” Yesung cuts in, shaking his head and pouting, causing everyone in the room to burst out laughing.

Even Kyuhyun can’t resist it when his weird hyung says something ridiculous like this. He turns to Siwon, his laughter immediately dying down as he watches how his favorite dimples are on display.

Siwon feels a stare on him and when he turns around to where it’s coming from, his face reddens when his gaze meet Kyuhyun’s. They shyly smile at each other, their eyes lovingly communicating.

Siwon holds Kyuhyun’s hand, his heart fluttering as he’s still not used to this new feeling but he can’t deny that he loves it.

“Wanna see something cooler?” Kyuhyun’s question helps Yesung escape the teasing as the guys curiously turn to look at him.

Kyuhyun then slowly sneaks his hand under the blanket, making Siwon’s body shiver when the maknae's fingers touch his skin.

When Kyuhyun lifts Siwon's hospital robe and exposes his abdomen, the latter seems to have his gaze fixed on his boyfriend since the look on his face is more endearing that anything else.

“Show off!” Kangin declares, snapping Siwon out of his daydream as he follows what his hyungs are looking at.

When his sight falls on his exposed stomach, his eyes once again bulge out at his well defined abs. He shockingly stares at Kyuhyun who smirks at him, loving the reaction he got, before stretching his hand and touching his own skin to see if it’s real.

“Whoa! How did this happen?”

“You’re gonna be asking that a lot” Donghae states, making Siwon sheepishly rub the back of his head as his face blushes again.

“So Kyuhyun…” Heechul starts, getting the maknae’s attention first before adding “You sure know a lot about Siwon’s body”

Kyuhyun’s mouth drops open before he squints his eyes and glares at his hyung, but when Siwon tilts his head at him in curiosity, his face sets on fire and he can only pout as he covers Siwon’s body again and returns to glaring at Heechul.

The latter only shrugs his shoulders while evilly winking at him. Luckily, Minho comes back to the room to check on Siwon's vitals and so the awkward mood is saved.

“Whatcha guys talking about?” Minho asks, and as Heechul opens his mouth to speak, Kyuhyun sends him another death glare that leaves him raising his hands in surrender.

“Just showing Siwon his new body” Yesung says, making Minho pout as he childishly crosses his arms over his chest.

“And I missed it? How could you guys!” Kyuhyun starts laughing at his boyfriend’s best friend before trying to coax him.

“He didn’t see his face yet”

That gets Minho really excited as he runs to the bathroom and comes out a second later with something hidden behind his back. When he’s standing again in front of Siwon, he excitedly pulls out a mirror.

The face reaction is kind of different. When Siwon takes a look at himself, he doesn’t react at all. He just stares at himself, letting his eyes fall on each detail of his face, and after inspecting it all, he adorably puts his fingers on his mouth to block the excited yelp from coming out.

The others, who are intently watching each move, are smiling from ear to ear at how Siwon is trying hard not to sound like a girl who just had her nose done.

Siwon then looks at Kyuhyun, gripping his arm and pulls him to sit next to him, both facing the mirror. The maknae is puzzled at first, but when he notices how Siwon is looking at his reflection through the glass, he can’t help but blush and stare back at him as well.

“This is how we look like together?” Siwon whispers, his hand reaching for Kyuhyun’s and entwining their fingers.

Kyuhyun shyly nods before resting his head on the younger’s shoulder, both forgetting about their surroundings and how there are people in the room until Minho clears his throat because his hand is starting to feel numb from holding the mirror for too long.

“For whatever I did that made us only date for a year although I remember I liked you since seven years ago… I’m sorry”

Siwon declares out of nowhere, making Kyuhyun straightens up and shockingly looks at his lover. His eyes are b with tears and so he averts his gaze away. The guilt he has been feeling for a long time comes rushing to his heart making it break in half.

Before realizing it, tears are already running down his face but it’s too late to hide them when Siwon worriedly looks at him.

“Did I say something wrong?”

Kyuhyun wipes away the tears with the back of his hand and shakes his head before putting a smile on his face. Although Siwon is not convinced that his boyfriend is okay, he can only smile back because he’s afraid he will say something that might hurt him more since his memory is currently blocking everything they’ve been through.

Sensing a lot of questions on the tip of the younger’s tongue, Kyuhyun launches his body on him, wrapping his arms around his neck and embracing him tightly.

“I’m glad you’re okay”

Siwon returns the hug, his heart oddly aching but again he can’t ask why.


Pulling away, Kyuhyun smiles at Siwon before standing up and motioning for the others to let him take some rest.

Siwon feels disappointed because he wants to stay longer with Kyuhyun and he doesn’t hide it, so the maknae approaches him again, softly tugging a few strands behind his ear before informing him “I’ll be here when you wake up”

Siwon eagerly nods his head at that, taking Kyuhyun’s hand and pressing a long kiss on it before reluctantly letting go of him.



“I wanna ask you a favor”

Kyuhyun says once they’re in the waiting room. The guys look at him questionably waiting to hear what he has to say.

“I don’t want Siwon to know about why we couldn’t be together before”

The others start looking between them, wondering if this is a good decision because Siwon will remember eventually.

Sensing the others about to argue, Kyuhyun adds “I don’t want him to suffer through the mistakes I did once again. One time is cruel, a second one will be… please I don’t want to put him through all of that again”

His voice cracks by the last sentence as the tears start gathering in his throat again. He pleadingly stares at his hyungs who nod their heads in understanding. He then turns to Minho and says “You out of all people know what he has been through when he was in LA. Please…”

He doesn’t need to finish because Minho frantically nod his head “Of course. I agree with you”

Kyuhyun then smiles at them in appreciation “You guys should go. I’ll stay with him tonight”

“I’ll stay too” Donghae states as he squeezes the maknae’s arm.

“You don’t have to, hyung. You’re tired”

“So are you. I’m staying”

Kyuhyun doesn’t have the strength to argue so he just smilingly nods.



Later that night, Kyuhyun stirs from his sleep when he feels the couch dips in. When he looks up, his face breaks into a sincere smile when his eyes catch Hyukjae sitting next to him.

“Are you okay?”


Kyuhyun sits up, immediately resting his head on Hyukjae’s shoulder. The latter runs his hand along Kyuhyun’s back, glad that he convinced the management to let him go back to Korea.

“You didn’t have to come”

“I know”

“I’m glad you did”

“I know”

Hyukjae and Kyuhyun grew very close to each other ever since Siwon left for the US. Their relationship was good before, but it got stronger with that event. Hyukjae felt obliged to protect the maknae while Kyuhyun found it easy to open up to him about Siwon.

Now that Hyukjae is here with him when he's brought back to the past, Kyuhyun is very grateful for that.

“Where’s Hae hyung?”

“In the cafeteria with Minho”

They fall silent for a couple of minutes before Hyukjae speaks up “It’s not permanent. Minho said he’ll regain his memory soon”

Kyuhyun raises his head, smilingly nodding at Hyukjae before turning his gaze to the floor.

“That’s the problem. I’m not sure I want him to regain it”

Those words make Hyukjae narrow his eyes in confusion “What are you talking about?”

The maknae takes a deep breath before facing his friend again.

“Think about it, hyung. He had suffered a lot because of me. He had gone through a lot of heartaches because of me. That’s why his brain has blocked those memories. I never thought of how much he really suffered until now”

Hyukjae shakes his head in disagreement “Don’t say that Kyu” He then cups the maknae’s face and let their gazes meet, wanting his words to sink in Siwon loves you and you saw how happy he was that you felt the same about him”

“Apparently his pain is bigger than my love”

Hyukjae can’t believe that Kyuhyun will doubt his love after everything they’ve been through.

“Would you stop it? You know that Siwon is not like that. Besides, you suffered as well”

“Not as much as he did!” Kyuhyun snaps, making Hyukjae sigh as he really wants to make him believe that this accident has nothing to do with what Siwon has gone through.

“That’s in the past. You should focus on what’s coming ahead and I know that when Siwon gets his memory back, he will be very upset about your current thoughts”

Kyuhyun doesn’t say anything after that because he still feels guilty and his intuition tells him that it’s his fault that Siwon doesn’t remember anything from the past seven years.


- Tbc -


See? Siwon didn't totally forget Kyu! And I did say it won't be too angsty so they're not going to be apart! 
At least Siwon is in love with Kyu :D

So, Kyuhyun feels guilty? How will Siwon get his memory back?
More of Siwon's reactions are coming up ^^
Oh, and do you guys also think Kyu is a pedo for dating a 16yrd now? hahaha Because someone... does xp

And I gave you a bit of KyuChul and KyuHyuk there XD
I love how they're good toward their maknae



PS: You guys know that I'm used to reply to each comment of yours because I think you deserve it, but I'm really busy lately and don't have the time to do it anymore >_<
I just want you to know that I appreciate it and that I'll get back to it as soon as I'm free again because I like responding to your comments ^^


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forsvinner #1
Chapter 16: Oh, my god. I never wouldve have thought id be here again but after idk how many years, dear author here I am. And boy does this take me back! Thank you! For coming back and finishing the story. Thank you !
babe I really did missed you so much>___<
Glad your back authornim!
Chapter 16: Thank you for your update huhuhuhu. I’m glad you decided to finish this story :”””
And thank you for giving them their happy ending. they deserve It after many hardships They’ve been thru huhuhuhu
*now im gonna wait for you to update mbs too hehehe*
WonkyuLover #4
Chapter 16: OMG OMG OMG !!! Who is it ???? Look who is back ??
I missed you and your stories so much ? thank you for always coming back. Thank you ? I ‘m going to read it now and I also miss “My Baby’s Surrogate” too.
W84eedy #5
Chapter 16: Didnt realize your update....glad that i'm check your story after so many years. Thank u for the beautiful ending
Chapter 15: 5 years.OMG .
alysakyu #7
Chapter 16: Thank you for the update!
Missed reading your stories.. welcome back!
mykyunie #8
Chapter 16: You came back.
I'm so glad you decided to end this fic.
Thanks a lot. Your Wonkyu are among the best.
maybe at some point you also decide to end "my baby's surrogate" I love that story. I have reread it many times and I think it needs its ending too.
welcome again.
Chapter 16: Thank you so much for finishing this beautiful story. I really appreciate it and I really missed you. welcome back Authornim.