She Met Him On Line And Ended Up As An Alien.


The title. Read the title. Shisus.

Park Chae Rin was a normal hated girl because she had flies chasing her where ever she went. She was probably the only girl in th world that had a wash once a year. She was exactly like the stink God in Spirited Away, however she was not obviously a cartoon. Her parents abandoned her as soon as she came out into the world as her face almost scared the electricity away from the city she was born in. However! Kai being Kai liked her as she was picking her nose one day but he decided to talk to her online as her breath killed flowers that hadn't even been planted yet.


It was again, ICT, she couldn't go on the normal computers as she made the metal cringe. So she went outside to the schools vampire hut and went on the computer in there as it was made out of granite and had new accesories of dead people. However, it looked as if someone had went on there already and it was on a chat.

"Hi" The screen read

"I'm a mermaid stay away!!!!!" She warned.


"What do you want?" She said to this thing while typing it to this mysterious person.

"Your fins obviously ¬_¬ "


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