
Living your nightmare

You heave a sigh. Why can’t you ever pick something to wear? You have to change once more today. You are going out with Jiyong and the other boys. They decided it would be fun to go for some dancing, so you were forced to change once again. Now you really felt the pressure of looking good: you were going out with Jiyong and the other members of Big Bang, and you are going to a club. Without putting much thinking to your outfit you will look like a complete dull girl next to those five stars so you're breaking your brains – again – about what to wear.

Suddenly you hear someone knock on the door. As you rapidly put some clothes on you hop to the bedroom. Straightening your clothes you open the door and are surprised to see the person standing in front of your door.

“Hi” he says friendly.

“Hi again!” you reply merrily. “Please come in! And don’t mind the mess.. I’m trying to figure out what to wear.” He enters the room and observes it.

“Seungri’s way worse” he laughs. You have to laugh too.

“How can I help you..?” you ask, afraid to say his name.

It's like he can read your mind. “You can call me TOP, don’t worry.” A little smile appears on his harsh but gorgeous face. “Jiyong sent me to see how you were doing. I think he’s just nervous you’re being overwhelmed by all of this and he’s afraid you’ll drop out. He already likes you a lot, you know.”

Totally speechless, because you never heard TOP talking so much before and because of what he just said you blush. 'We just met, how can he like me already?' But on the other hand, you’re starting to have feelings for him as well. You’re not quite sure what kind of feelings they are yet..

As you were changing in your bathroom – TOP is still in your room, he was so kind to help you with an outfit –, you couldn’t stop thinking about what TOP just told you. You find it hard to believe Jiyong has feelings for you. 'I’m just your girl next door.' You are fixing your hair as you hear some stumbling coming from the bedroom.

“Are you okay?” TOP asks suddenly really close to the bathroom door. You startle.

“Yaa, I’m fine. You scared me with your sudden words.” You unlock the door and almost bump into TOP. As your eyes shift from his chest – you’re really not that tall – to his face, you hear him gasp.

“You look beautiful! Jiyong won’t believe his eyes when he sees you.” You start to blush, feeling completely shy all of a sudden of how sweet TOP has been to you. You notice the love he has for his dongseangs and how he takes care of them. It's endearing to see he does all of this just for Jiyong.

After tying your shoes you take one more glance at your reflection in the mirror. “I’m done.” You smile once more at TOP and grab your bag.

“Good. You come with me, Taeyang and Seungri. Daesung and Jiyong are already on their way.” As TOP walks in front of you close the door and walk fast to keep up with TOP’s big footsteps.

~ x ~

“Yaa~” Seriously, how can a person be so small seizing so much space? As you sit between TOP and Taeyang, almost squeezed to death – okay, you’re a little exaggerating now – you hear the two of them laugh. Seungri is in the front seat, busy listening to music with his precious headphones.

“So.. Taeyang?” You feel a lot comfortable around the guys now and you start to open up a bit. Still, you find it hard to believe you’re going out with Big Bang and the fact Jiyong likes you, makes you go crazy!


“Why did you mess with GD’s watch? I know it was a prank and it was funny, I have to admit that, but why did you do that?” Suddenly you feel the atmosphere changing. Taeyang turns his body away from you and he doesn’t know where to look. You hear TOP chuckle. Taeyang is nervously fiddling with the strings of his sweater. “It can’t be that bad, can it?” you add cautiously. Taeyang coughs.

“Well..” He hesitated. He is too embarrassed to admit why he did it. He is also afraid you would think he’s a bungler. A little impatience you wait for Taeyang to answer. “I think because I’m a bit jealous of Jiyong.” Taeyang says so softly you didn’t hear it. TOP chuckles again.

“I-I'm sorry?” you say carefully, fully aware of the nervousness and embarrassment of Taeyang.

“I’m jealous, okay? I’m jealous of Jiyong for getting, once again, a beautiful girl going out with him by using his charms.”

Suddenly you felt really sorry you asked your question. Your cheeks turn red and you shift your body awkwardly. You really don't know what to do now, how to make him feel better about himself. You shift your body again but this time you turn to Taeyang, excluding TOP a bit, and you lay your hand on his knee.

“Please don’t be jealous.. You’re being too harsh on yourself. Everybody has their qualities, and to be honest, I think you have more charms than Jiyong has. What girl wouldn’t like those smiling eyes of yours? Or the fact that you’re so caring? I love that about you. It happens to be that I saw Jiyong and liked him. I don’t know what would’ve happened when you were at my door that evening instead of Jiyong..” The atmosphere in the car is so tensed right now it is really awkward, even TOP doesn’t know where to look.

As you were facing down staring at the ground, you feel an arm put around your shoulder. Taeyang pulls you closer and whispers – afraid TOP would hear what he says – something in your ears. “Thank you, I does make me feel a bit better.” You look him in the eyes and smile. As he smiles back with his cute smiling eyes, the car pulled over. “Let the evening begin!” he says cheerfully as the three of you step out of the car into the early night.

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Chapter 12: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh! That was so awesome! I don't want it to be over~ but it was a great ending!
Sara_yong #2
Chapter 12: Really awesome story!!! I love it ♡♡……… and the last chap was really adorable……nice work author-nim ~.^
Chapter 11: Woah... THAT WAS AWESOME!!!!! I love it~ you have no idea!

Do you ever have a song that you like to listen to when you're reading a specific story? For me your story seems to go best with a song called "Goodbye" by Lee Honkgi. I just leave it on reply. ^-^
Woah, I'm really loving this!
Update moooooore XD
Chapter 10: T^T
You have to update! Wah~ *seriously dying*
Chapter 9: Hope everything will turn out okay :|
And awesome writing style btw, hihi

Can't wait for the next chapter!
Chapter 7: Omona, why do I like TOP more than Jiyong? LOL
K, random comment. Off to the next chapter XD
Chapter 9: Jeez. Alex is a real... ... ... I hate him. A lot. But you were going for that. So great job!
Chapter 8: Wha~
I love it! The story is really getting interesting! Can't wait for more!
Chapter 1: I really didn't know you write, mianhe chingu-ah~

This is an interesting one so I shall subscribe :>

Fighting! ^^