
Living your nightmare

No, no, NO! For the fourth time you throw your shoes out of the way as you watch your mirror image. “Darn, why can’t I just pick something?” you say out loud. Since you got that note this morning you’ve been stressing out all day about what to wear to your.. Wait? Is it a date, or isn’t it a date? You sigh and plop down on the bed.

“If it’s a date I should wear something nice, if it isn’t I should wear something comfortable, right?” You don’t seem to understand what your problem is. Jiyong just asked you to meet at the bar to apologize and to talk. That’s it. No big deal. “And I seriously need to stop talking to myself” you say once more when you realize talking to yourself out loud is a bad habit.

You get of the bed and observe your mirror image closely. Once again you rummage around in your bag. You have to find something decent to wear and feel comfortable in it at the same time. You decide to take a cold shower to clear your mind so you can think clear again when you pick an outfit to wear. As you undress and walk to the bathroom to take a shower, you hum your favorite Bigbang song.

You take a look at your phone to see what time it is. It's 6:50 AM which makes you a little early. Not that it's a bad thing. It's even surprising you got there this early. After two hours of consideration which clothes you would wear, you made a decision: you putted on a skinny jean with your favorite apricot colored all stars and a basic black t-shirt. You feel comfortable in this and you feel good in it, what more do you need?
While fiddling with your ring, the bartender comes up to you. “You want something to drink?” and gives you a cute smile. His hair, dyed dark brown, is messy and looks a little boyish in a cute way. His light brown eyes are smiling as you frown your forehead and lift one eyebrow.

“Hmmm.. an orange juice please.” The bartender nods and walks away. Checking your phone again you see ten minutes have passed, it’s 7 o’clock now. You feel a little nauseous. You can't be nervous, can you? You don’t really understand that sudden feeling. It’s not like it’s a date or that you like the kid, do you?

“One orange juice for this beautiful girl,” the bartender says while he gives you a wink. You get a little shy and you blush as you’re not used to getting compliments like that.

“Thank you,” not sure you say it for the drink or the compliment.

“Are you all by yourself tonight?” he asks, a little frank. You feel startled by that question and he notices that. “I’m sorry; I didn’t mean to be rude. I was just wondering how a guy could keep a pretty girl like you waiting..” he says bashfully. He glances down and blushes.

“It’s okay, it just that.. It doesn’t matter.” You smile at him. “Actually I am waiting for someone. I wonder when he’s going to show up..” you say with a little disappointment in your voice. At that moment you hear a voice.

“Good evening!” someone says with a lot of liveliness. As you want to turn around to watch who that person is, he’s already sitting next to you. “Hello there,” Taeyang says with a smile from ear to ear.

“Yaaa~, what are you doing here?” You are confused. Why is Young Bae sitting next to you and not Jiyong? The note you found this morning, did it not come from Jiyong?

“Nice to meet you too,” Taeyang says, still with his huge smile on his face.

“I’m sorry,” you say. “I expected someone else.” Watching your phone again you see it's 7:30PM right now and you sigh.

“Speaking of it, where is Jiyong? Shouldn’t he be here at 7 o’clock? He’s never late,” Taeyang says with a mischievous voice. You find it a little suspicious Taeyang has so much fun, he doesn’t stop smiling. You can’t help but adoring his face while he laughs though: the way his eyes disappear is too cute.

“I don’t know..” you sigh once more, you’re fed up. It's too good to be true. All of a sudden Taeyang anxiously starts to look around and says hastily: “I need to go now. It was nice seeing you.” He chuckles. “I’ll see you later.” And just like that he was gone. Now you're sitting alone at the bar again. Taeyang left you behind, to be all by yourself again, waiting for a guy you wonder if he's ever going to show up.

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Chapter 12: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh! That was so awesome! I don't want it to be over~ but it was a great ending!
Sara_yong #2
Chapter 12: Really awesome story!!! I love it ♡♡……… and the last chap was really adorable……nice work author-nim ~.^
Chapter 11: Woah... THAT WAS AWESOME!!!!! I love it~ you have no idea!

Do you ever have a song that you like to listen to when you're reading a specific story? For me your story seems to go best with a song called "Goodbye" by Lee Honkgi. I just leave it on reply. ^-^
Woah, I'm really loving this!
Update moooooore XD
Chapter 10: T^T
You have to update! Wah~ *seriously dying*
Chapter 9: Hope everything will turn out okay :|
And awesome writing style btw, hihi

Can't wait for the next chapter!
Chapter 7: Omona, why do I like TOP more than Jiyong? LOL
K, random comment. Off to the next chapter XD
Chapter 9: Jeez. Alex is a real... ... ... I hate him. A lot. But you were going for that. So great job!
Chapter 8: Wha~
I love it! The story is really getting interesting! Can't wait for more!
Chapter 1: I really didn't know you write, mianhe chingu-ah~

This is an interesting one so I shall subscribe :>

Fighting! ^^