Chapter 6 - Why didn't you tell me?

What meets the eye

With every tick of the clock, my spirits began to sink lower. Only a few minutes till school ended and I would be out of here and off to the DESIGN FOR INFINITE interview.


Instant slams of laptop lids could be heard, mingling with the pattering footsteps as students squeezed out of the gates to 'freedom.' I saw L standing at the gates waiting for me and I cringed in embarrassment. Did he see me before?

"Heyyy!," he waved me over and I walked hesitantly over to him. He looked at me strangely but decided against to ask about it as he knew that it would do no good.

"Hey, apparently you were one of the finalists for this design competition right?"

I looked at him in surprise and said" How did you know? "

" Oh…Candice told me", he answered nonchantly.

I turned away from the name and he also clocked this into the many questions he had wanted to ask. Rain began to pour lightly and I shielded my sketchbook protectively. L held me tight under his jacket as the rain grew stronger. Breathing in the familiar scent that had accompanied me when I was sad or afraid, I fought against the tears. I wasn't so sure if it was the rain or the tears that poured down my face.

Not that it mattered.

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