Chapter 4 - Good morning

What meets the eye




I turned over to see what time it was.

7 AM!?

Scrambling out of bead, I struggled with my school uniform, fumbling with the buttons on my blouse. Puling the jumper hastily over my head, I raced to the bathroom. Hauling my bag over my shoulder, I grabbed my sketchbook and ran outside. In my slippers.

Groaning inwardly, I went back in and wore my proper school shoes. I couldn't miss the bus as L would've been waiting. Running in the most unfeminine way possible, I made it to the busstop and cursed under my breath when I didn't see L or the bus there.

" Haven't I told you not to swear?," L's voice murmured from behind making me trip over nothing.

" Aish! I told you not to scare me like that!," I said in annoyance but I was secretly smiling inside because I was grateful that he had waited for me.

" Of course I would have waited for you, idiot," he said, as if he had read my thoughts.

I stared at him gobsmacked and he smirked

"I'm hundsume aren't I?," He drawled, faking a British accent.

I rolled my eyes towards the sky.

The bus announced it's arrival with a shuddering hiss and the squeaky opening of the doors and we got in, the door shielding us from the cold uncertainty of the morning. And with the doors closing, I could feel the intense glares of iness coming from all corners as they looked upon L and me enviously. If people would stop judging, they would know we weren’t a couple but I guess some people don't change their ways.

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