Chapter 14- Waking up

What meets the eye

My senses woke before me.


My face felt heavy as if it was buried under layers of maekup. My eyelids were heavy, as if they were weighed down by rocks. Overall, I felt as if I had awoke from a deep slumber, minus the glamour. This room I was in seemed vaguely familiar, the scent echoing someone I knew but the room itself hinted of noone in particular. It seemed that I was in a guest room. But who's house was I in?

Limping my way to the mirror, I saw that I was in a mess. My mascara, in drunken streaks across my cheeks, half of my foundation faded and I was still in the clothes I wore...yesterday?

Opening the door a little, I tiptoed out into the corridor, the carpet suchioning the sound of my footsteps. I looked around and it was then I realised that I was in L's house.

The walls lined with photographs capturing every excruciating detail- from every smile to every frown, from every colour light and dark- all in high deifitnion and quality. I glanced at the large grandfather clock downstairs- it was still early in the morning.

"L?," I called out softly, trying to make as little noise as I could. I peered into his room and found that it was empty. What was he doing so early to not be in his room? I sat dwon on the bed, sinking into the familiar scent which I now recognised, taking in the features of his room.

It was a simple, minimalist style with only a few colour/shade variations. Mainly black, grey and white- it had a professional, clean cut look. It mirrored L. A variety of professional cameras and photobooks adorned shelves, row after row. There were the occassional photobooks lying on the floor- incomplete ones, waiting for more memories to be filled.

Realising that I was probably invading his privacy I got up and made my way to the door, closing my eyes and yawned..walking right into L. He looked as shocked as I was, probably becuase he was half . I did a double take and stumbled as my foot caught on one of his stray photobooks lying on the ground- He ought to clean up his floor before he tripped over himself- after all, he was more clumsy than me.

I closed my eyes, bracing the moment when my head hit the floor but it never happened. Opening my eyes a little as to sllow myself a slight peek, I saw L's face several centimetres away from mine. I felt his strong arm supporting me, still wet from his morning shower. His hair was wet and tousled, hinting of kimchi- He really liked kimchi- did he go and buy a kimchi fragranced shampoo this time?

I blinked at him, my eyes wide in shock, my mind still reeling from the series of unexpected events that had happened in the last few seconds.

L suddenly remembered he was half and grabbed a shirt to cover his bare chest up. This meant he had to let go of me in order to put on hthe shirt.

I fell with an unladylike grunt.

Major awkwardness for the win


After L had tole me what he decided to tell me about what had happened while I was half conscious and how he took me home but found out that my whole family had gone on a holiday without telling me(whcih meant they had locked the house down) he took me to his house, I felt really small and insignificant(Not that I ever thought I was top ahas)

It was pretty sad how my family didn't even worry about the welfare of their daughter, me. What did I even mean to them?

The clatter of knives and forks could be heard as L's family finished having breakfast. I suddenyl felt out of place in L's house, dressed in one of his many checkered shirts. I felt as if I had intruded in this perfect family atmosphere.

L, noticing the sudden change in my mood hugged me from behind and we stood there for a few moments, trying to hear each other's thoughts. Breaking away from him, I stood and faced him.

"Why do you care about me L?"

"Why do you think I do?"

"Because you pity me?"

"No, it's because I love you"

I stared at him doubtfully, trying to tell if he was being serious or not. he locked eyes with me and leant in forward when...


My phone rang. 10% battery left. Incoming call from UNKNOWN

I accepted the call curiously.

"Hello, are you -INSERT YOUR NAME HERE-, INFINITE's current stage outfit designer?"

"Yes, I am, thankyou."

"I have seen your designs and they show a lot of raw talent. Within a year or so, we can help you launch your own fashion label, and help you in kickstarting your career."

My phone beeped.8% battery left.

"Thankyou so much for considering my designs, Is it alright is if I call you back later? My phone is about to run out of battery."

"Sure thing. Just call us back. Our email is....."

With a final beep, my phone automatically turned off. I mouthed an apologetic sorry to L, who looked slightly miffed but covered up with a smile when he saw I looked really guilty.

"L, why do you do that?"

"Hmm... do what?"

"Look angry or sad but smile instead?"

"Why are you always asking so direct and to the point questions?," he asked, half laughing with amusement.

"If you don't like it, then go find Candice," I grumbled, the croners of my lips curling into a wicked smile.

"Why? You jealous?," L winked and grabbed me by the waist ticking me as we rolled around his room, laughing.

"let's skip school today," he announced and for once I didn't object.

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