Chapter 10- Let's bake a cake!

What meets the eye

"Are you jealous? ;) ," chided L. i graoned in annoyance which got misinterpreted by L as pain. I accidentally kneed him in the face as he leaned forward in concern. I fell on my back laughing even though there were faint reminders that my stomach still hurt. Me---jealous?! PPFFT.

" Hey since you're so well already, Let's go back a cake for INFINITE sinxce they had to sacrifice time to take care of you"

"That's because you want to eat cake"

"Says who? D:< "

"Says me! >:) "

"BRING THIS ON!" we both said as we ran around the room trying to catch each other. Needless to say, I caught L first- mainly becuase he was so clumsy.

A short while later, we had found ourselves scratching out heads at the limited variety of food in INFINITE's kitchen pantry.

"How can they live on such little food? D::: ." L cried in mock horror. " I shall go and buy ingredients to male a cake," he announced as he ran off=the door clicked several times as the locks slids automatically in place after him.


I made a mental note to change my ringtone when I could. Glancing at the screen, I saw it was from one of my 'friends'

The text message read:

'Com wiv us 2 hang out tmr. Any1 else can come. ttyl xoxo'

I interpreted as :

'I'm just sending this to you just to be polite in case you see photos o us having fun on Facebook and you get mad at us and tell L how horrible we are. Bring L so we cna glaze our eyes over him. KBye.'

PFFt. Yeah totes, I'd come. As much as I loved shopping, i just didn't weant to hang with them. I bet they'd leave me in a storee then run off with L. Yea, I know I didn't trust members of the same gender as me-you never knew what weapon they might pull out of their cosmetic bags full of makeup which was supposed to make you pretty on the inside and out.

This shopping trip was soo not happening for me.

The persistent buzz of the doorbell jolted me out of my thoughts as I raced over to where the sound was coming from. Peering into the peephole and confirming it was L, I unlocked the door.

"Phew! What took you so long?"

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