
Almost Paradise
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  I.   Byun Baekhyun’s dream spring break is rather simple. He wants to spend it playing League of Legends and visiting the comic book store near his apartment in Seoul. He would enjoy spending a day or two reading up on quantum physics and a few more on the works of Salinger, Fitzgerald, and Murakami. What he does not want to do, however, is spend it at his aunt’s place, beach side, in Jeju.   Sometimes, Baekhyun likes to tell people that he is allergic to the sun. While his cousins, the Jeju natives, are all wonderfully tan with sunkissed skin, Baekhyun is paler than the fresh snow after a Seoul blizzard. Instead of tanning under the sun, he just gets sunburned to a crisp. That is why, of course, Baekhyun chooses to hide under a huge umbrella while his cousins scamper on the beach.   “The water is the perfect temperature, hyung!” Tao calls. “Come on; having some fun won’t kill you.”   Baekhyun shakes his head and scoffs. Having some sun probably will kill him. Instead he takes a sip of pink lemonade and disappears back behind a copy of The Picture of Dorian Gray. He considers the hedonistic life Gray leads in Victorian England, and looks for the appeal. What part of that life, one of wild parties, hook-ups, drinking, and drugs, was attractive? Baekhyun wonders if he missed a chapter in the “how to be a teenager handbook.”     Baekhyun is suddenly startled out of his reverie when cold water pours over his head, splashing onto his book. He yelps and springs to his feet, moving the book aside at once.   “You’re no fun, Baek hyung,” Tao informs with a glare. He has dumped a bottle of beach water all over Baekhyun’s head, and now looks quite pleased.   “Brat,” Baekhyun shoots back. He shuns his cousin for the rest of the day, because no one dumps water on Byun Baekhyun and gets away with it.               If Jongin is asked to sum up his life with one word, he would use the word soccer. More or less, the sport consumed his waking hours and lately, as soccer season has started for the spring, it also takes over his sleeping hours.   He dreams about soccer.   Sometimes, it is of finally winning that championship trophy, of being lifted up on the shoulders of his teammates as the captain, and paraded around the field.   More often, however, he dreams of failure. He sees his father, shaking his head in disappointment as he collapses to his knees by the -- line. They are one goal short of the championship, and Jongin has failed. Other times, they don’t even make it that far. He dreams of stupid mistakes and bad games, of losing to easy opponents and letting down the whole school. Time is running out, and Jongin needs to succeed.   “Guys, really? We’re on spring break for god’s sake!” Jongin’s mom’s voice barely registers in his head over the sounds of the soccer ball steadily hitting the wall off of the side of his cleats.   Jongin’s father also ignores her. “67...68....69...70...71...”   “Hey, you two!” she yells again.   This time, Jongin gets distracted, and the next thing he knows, he kicked a little too hard, and the ball bounces off the wall with much more momentum, flying out of his reach.   “,” he mutters, wiping sweaty bangs from his forehead. “Mom, you made me mess up.”   “He was on a roll,” his dad adds, retrieving the ball from across the room.   His mom rolls his eyes. “We are on vacation, and you guys are acting as if we’re still in Seoul! Look outside - the ocean! The beach! We’re at a beach resort, for god’s sake. I know we come here every year, but it shouldn’t be like this. In the past, you hung out with the other kids, Jongin. This year, you’ve barely seen them. Take a shower and get changed, okay? You’re going with them tonight!”   “One more try,” Jongin says, already preparing to start kicking the soccer ball again.   “Now,” she replies, snatching the ball away. “I want you showered and ready to go in 45 minutes. I’ll call Joonmyun and tell him you’re coming.”   No, Jongin thinks in his head as he is shoved toward the bathroom, I need to practice. I need to be with my soccer ball; the big game is in less than two months.   But he doesn’t. Instead, he hums the FIFA 13 theme song, and gets himself ready for a night out in Jeju with the boys.   Jongin has known Joonmyun for several years. Although he lives in Seoul, and Joonmyun is from Daegu, both families vacationed at the same resort in Jeju every spring, and the two boys grew up together. In fact, that is how he knows Chanyeol and Kris, both boys he grew up vacationing with.    “Look who decided to finally show up,” Joonmyun drawls, getting to his feet in the hotel lobby. “Dude, we’ve barely seen you all summer.”   Chanyeol also gets to his feet, and Jongin instinctively takes a step back.   “Did you get taller?” he asks, squinted at his very smiley friend.   “Affirmative,” Chanyeol replies happily. His wavy hair flops into his eyes when he nods, and Jongin thinks he looks like an overgrown child.     "Let's get going," Kris interrupts, not interested one bit in their reunion, "I want to make sure we get a karaoke room and it's probably going to be packed tonight." He glances at Jongin for a moment, and gives him a suave nod. "Wassup," he says.   Jongin rolls his eyes, because nothing has changed. Kris is still forever pretending to be cool. "Let's go," he groans, turning away. "Kris is making me nauseous."             Although Tao is a beach townie and has a ridiculous number of tanned friends, it turns out that his best friends, a slim boy by the name of Oh Sehun, and a shorter one named Jongdae is anything but tan.   “Are you sure you’re a native?” Baekhyun asks, eyeing Sehun’s milky white skin suspiciously.   “I don’t tan or sunburn,” Sehun shrugs, tongue darting out anxiously under Baekhyun’s intense gaze. “I don’t really know why, but my skin color never changes.”   Baekhyun wishes he didn’t sunbur
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twasbrillig #1
Chapter 1: YOU GOT ME THERE ON THE LEAGUE REFERENCE <3 coz im writinf a kaibaek thing to and ive mentioned league <3 do you play? add me? i .
etteine #3
Chapter 5: *thumbs up* oh yeah!
Avikaa #4
Chapter 5: Cutee story.. :)
Chapter 5: Lol funny story
satansquishy #6
Chapter 2: omg Kai is zac efron I think I just died
Chapter 5: waheyyy,,,,without the L word,,, I really really really like this storyyyyyy,,,,,esp chapp 5 ,,,^^
Chapter 5: I still ship layhan byee
Chapter 3: Lmao annie is this really hs musical