Wants: Part 2

This is What an Ordinary Life Looks Like


Wants: Part 2


Yongguk pulled a teary-eyed Zelo to him, standing up and carrying the small boy, leading the both of them to the couch. He sat down and cradled Zelo to his chest, peppering small, comforting kisses on the toddler's face. “Shhh....what's wrong Jello? What happened?”


Zelo buried his face in the crook of Yongguk's neck, sniffling. “Umma mad...”


Yongguk threaded his fingers into Zelo's hair, attempting to calm him down. “Why's Umma mad Zelo?” He asked, eyes gazing up and turning to the general direction of the Master bedroom. “B-Because...”


Because...” Yongguk prompted the small, emotional child.






Because me made Umma mad....”


And how did you make Umma mad, Jello?” Yongguk murmured into Zelo's hair.


Zelo sniffled. “We at t-the toy s-store....”


And?” Yongguk prompted.


I-I want 'nother t-toy...*sniff* but Umma wouldn't get it.”


Yongguk nodded his head in realization, his nose still buried in Zelo's locks. “Jello, baby, you know you and Umma were at the toy store shopping for your cousin,right?” He received a hesitant nod in return.


Then why did you ask Umma to get you another toy?”


Zelo sniffled again. “B-Because I wanted it....” He whispered into Yongguk’s neck.


Baby, don’t you think you have enough toys?” Yongguk asked.


Zelo opened his mouth and then closed it again, gaping for a few moments like a fish. He nodded almost ashamedly, burying himself further into his Appa. “What else happened?” Yongguk asked when Zelo stayed silent.


Zelo bit his lip. “Jello?”








Did you yell at Umma, Jello?”


More tears escaped Zelo’s eyes as he nodded, his breathing becoming erratic as he began to sob again. Yongguk rubbed his baby’s back. “Shhhhh, Jello, you just know what you have to do now right?”


Zelo hiccuped for a few moments, attempting to calm himself and relaxing bonelessly in Yongguk’s arms. “Jello say sowwy to Umma....”


That’s right Jello, you have to say sorry to Umma. Let’s do it now so you won’t have to wait until later,” Yongguk said, standing up and about to walk to his and Himchan’s bedroom.


Zelo’s eyes widened as he vehemently shook his head no, his arms wrapping even tighter around Yongguk. “Appa no!”


Yongguk looked confusedly down at the small boy. “No what baby? No apologizing?”


Zelo nodded his head, not looking into Yongguk’s eyes.


Why not, Jello?” He asked, tilting the toddler’s head so that their gazes met. Zelo sniffled again. “B-Because Umma n-not gonna f-forgive me...”


Yongguk’s gaze softened even more as he leaned forward and kissed Zelo on the forehead again. “Jello, Umma is going to forgive you, Umma loves you.”


Zelo shook his head in denial. “No! No he’s not!”


Why not, Jello?” Yongguk asked with his never ending patience.




Because...” Yongguk prompted again, pacing back and forth as he soothingly kept a hand patting Zelo’s back as he carried the small boy around.


B-Because...I-I told Umma....that I h-hated him...” Zelo managed whimpered out, hiccuping with small sobs after his confession. Yongguk’s eyes widened as he stopped in his tracks and regarded the small boy in his arms.


Zelo’s eyes were not sparkling with his usual childish curiosity and his small body was wracked with sobs, remorse and regret flowing off of him in waves. “Oh, Jello~”


Yongguk felt his shirt become wet with tears. He continued to pace back and forth, bouncing Zelo in his arms like when the boy was smaller, still attempting to soothe the toddler, humming tunes quietly in his ear. When the young boy was calmed down, Yongguk spoke.


Jello...you know you still have to apologize to Umma, right?”


Zelo nodded still a bit teary-eyed of Yongguk's wet clothed shoulder. Yongguk kissed his son's forehead, carrying him as he made his way towards the master bedroom. “Alright, let's get this over with.”


Zelo was visibly trembling by the time the pair stopped in front of the closed, no doubt locked, door. After a few seconds of hesitancy, Yongguk raised his fist and gave the door three knocks. No answer.


Yongguk tried again, this time calling out Himchan. “Himchan...”


Again no answer.




Go away.”


Both Appa and son flinched. Yongguk took a deep breath, holding a still trembling Zelo to him as he tried again.


Channie, can you open the door?”




Still the door was closed.


After a few seconds, Yongguk said,”I thought you said you'd open the door?”


You asked if I could, you never said anything about actually doing it.” came Himchan's scathing reply.


Yongguk sighed in frustration. Himchan could be really difficult when he wanted to be.


Channie, may you please open the door?”








Channie, please?”


...fine...” Himchan said it so quietly that Yongguk almost didn't hear it and wasn't actually sure he heard it until the door actually opened.


Yongguk expected an angry Himchan, a glaring-she-diva-devil Himchan, what he got instead was an eyes-rimmed-red-plop-down-onto-the-bed-face-first-as-we-just-came-in-and-I'm-avoiding-the-both-of-you Himchan.


Yongguk walked over to his and Himchan's bed, Zelo quivering slightly in his arms. Zelo looked at his Umma with a confused expression. Why wasn't Umma yelling at him? Or taking away any of his toys? Zelo pouted. His Umma wouldn't even look at him!


Zelo pulled onto his Appa's shirt, gesturing that he wanted to be put down. As his feet touched the ground, Zelo made reluctant steps towards his Umma, whose back was facing him. The small boy made his way up the bed and next to his Umma, who still wouldn't turn.


He crawled beside Himchan and leaned into his side. “Umma?”


Himchan stiffened, but still did not acknowledge anyone. Yongguk sat at the edge of his side of the bed, the opposite of Himchan.








Himchan sighed and lifted his arm fractionally. Zelo immediately threw himself into his Umma's arms. “Umma, I'm sowwy! I'm sowwy sowwy sowwy! I love you Umma! I didn't mean it! I didn't mean it!”


Zelo was stressing himself out with all the times he had cried today, clinging to Himchan tightly, even tighter than he had held his Appa, wrapping his arms and legs around Himchan and sticking to him like a leech, tears streaming down his face again.


He kept mumbling a string of apologies into Himchan's neck until his whimpers were indiscernible, Himchan quiet throughout. When Zelo's mumblings couldn't be understood even by Himchan, Himchan raised a hand and rubbed Zelo's back comfortingly.


Zelo leaned into his Umma even more, if Umma was letting him cuddle him and keeping Zelo to him, he wasn't that mad right?


Bang Junhong...” Himchan started softly, causing the toddler to stiffen.


You are to never, ever, ever have a tantrum like that again, yes?”


He finished softly as well, finally moving to sit up with Zelo in his lap, staring intently at the small boy.


Yes, Umma. Pwomise!” said Zelo, looking up and pouting at his Umma's red eyes. He put his smaller hands on Himchan's cheeks, cupping them and stood up on the bed, leaning forward and kissing his Umma's eyelids like Himchan did to him when he was sad. Himchan smiled a little bit sadly.


I wove you Umma!” exclaimed Zelo, as he flew at Himchan.


Himchan kissed his baby's head. “I love you too, Jello.”


Zelo moved back and looked into Himchan's eyes. “And Jello sowwy again Umma.”


Himchan nuzzled Zelo's hair, kissing his forehead. “And I forgive you baby.”




Both Umma and Baby turned to Yongguk who was shaking his head exasperatedly at his family. “Honestly, you two get so emotional over the weirdest things and you still didn't even get a gift today! Aish!”


Himchan looked at Zelo the same time Zelo looked at him. Himchan raised an eyebrow. “Push?”


Zelo nodded, smiling his gummy smile. “Push!”


Yongguk stared bemusedly at the two. “Push what-hey!”


Yongguk was promptly shoved off the bed and landed onto the floor ungracefully on his . He pouted up at the two, but was unable to truly feel anything except a smile creeping its way to his face as he heard Channie and Jello's cute giggling. 




lolol I finally finished this!!! Ughh so many feels...xD  thank you all for your patience!! And I hope you enjoyed this! ^0^




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Chapter 13: OMG I read all of this today and absolutely loved it! <3
dahni622 #2
Chapter 13: Ahh I haven't commented in a while but I still love this! A lot! It's always so cute! And you're going to the BAP concert?? Lucky! Have fun~! (Even though there's still a couple of weeks left, heh)
ijunnn #3
chromaticmadness #4
Chapter 1: bwahahaha! that was adorable and cute and funny. >\\\\\\<
I lost It at ramen locks, I just giggled hysterically because I had forgotten about the ramen noodle hair. xDDDD
Raveness #5
Chapter 13: Aw~ this was so cute!!! I loved the little "chyeah" part XD
Chapter 13: ahhh GINE this was beautiful =] oOOoOO love the BangHimLo =]
DinoCarrot #7

Chapter 13: Well happy one month early birthday for himchan ! ㅋㅋㅋ
Thanks for the update, awesome as always ! ;)
Chapter 13: Awh how cute!
Chapter 13: Aw that was really cute ;3; But dear, Himchan's birthday is in a month, we're still in March hehe ^^