
The Love Between Us (Confession From The Loves Of The Heart) - HIATUS

Today was Saturday and they had their school holiday for today. Daehyun and Minhee went to the library to read books. Their parents had already decided that they will get married after their graduation day.

Their parents were so happy and looking forward to their wedding. Maybe,it was their parents feeling to see their son and daughter to walk along at the aisle in the church...Daehyun's mother and Minhee's mother even told Minhee to get pregnant after get married. Their feeling to become grandmothers was so strong.


'Minhee-ah..After you get married..please do with Daehyun..' Minhee's mother said.

'Do what umma?' Minhee stared to the mothers blankly.

'...Do that thing to have a baby...' Daehyun's mother sounded.

Both of the mother chuckled when they told that to Minhee.

'What?? Yah..Umma..Mum..We were still young..',Minhee pouted.

'Aigoo..You are old enough to be a mother Minhee..',Minhee's mother replied with a cheeky smile.

Minhee eyes went widened when she looked to her mother.Such a cheeky mother she had same as Daehyun's mother too.

Their mothers laughed as they discussed in Minhee's room.

'Yah..Mum,where's Daehyun and appa and dad?',Minhee asked to Daehyun's mother.

'Oh..They were at our house,Minhee baby..Discussing about something important..that only men knew',Daehyun's mother answered and smiled to her.

'Something important??Oh God,Don't tell me..Mum..',Minhee closed her ears with her both hands.

Although,Daehyun and Minhee still not married but each of them already told them to call dad,mum,appa,and umma.


*At Daehyun's house*

'Why are we separating,dad,appa..with them?' Daehyun asked looking to one by one the fathers face.

'Well..This is for only men discussion..You will be soon to be Minhee's husband..and..',Daehyun's father said but stopped with the word 'and'.

'...and what dad?' Daehyun asked blankly.

'..and you have to be a strong man..' Minhee's father continued it.

'Strong man? What are you two saying?' Daehyun asked again still not having the clue.

'Um..A night for both of you...',Daehyun's father continued after that with a chuckle.

'What...?' Daehyun asked again.

'Granchildren for us..Daehyun...',Minhee's father said and patted Daehyun's shoulder with a smile.

'What?..Don't both of you meant..Ahh..We were still young to be parents,' Daehyun answered.

'Well..We hope it after you get married..Daehyun..', Daehyun's father smiled cheekily..

What both cheeky parents that Daehyun and Minhee had together.

*End Of Flashback*


*In the library*

'This is our parents fault..oppa..',Minhee spoke with a low voice as they were in the library.

'Yeah..but..we have to get to know about it...Beside..We've already 18 right....',Daehyun smiled cheekily.

' do want it right oppa?',Minhee hitted his arm playfully.

Yah...babe..Let's find some of the books that our parents wanted us to read..' Daehyun said and pull Minhee's hand to another book shelves.

They were scanning at the bookshelves with their eyes.Suddenly,their eyes stopped at a book. The title of the book was 'Husband and Wife'.

They looked to each other as they were like suprised and didn't believed that they found the book.

Daehyun took the book and they sat at a table with only two of them were sitting there. They read the book together.

'Are you ready baby to read this book?' Daehyun asked with a teasing smile.

'Umm..I'm ready..Don't laugh at me..oppa..',Minhee pouted before they start to read the book.

'Okay..okay..babe..I will not laugh..',Daehyun answered and he opened the book.

After a few pages,their eyes goes widened.

' we really have to do that??',Minhee asked with eyes widened.

'I guess..babe....',Daehyun smiled.

'Yah..oppa..I don't want to read this book again..',Minhee quickly closed the book.

'Babe..We will sure have our little Daehyun and Minhee someday..Hahaha',Daehyun smiled cheekily to Minhee.

Minhee glared to Daehyun. They didn't realized that their voices were already loud and can be heard by the librarian.

'Shhh..Please be quiet..',the librarian put his finger at his mouth as a sign to be quiet.

Daehyun and Minhee quickly made themselves silents but they were about to laugh and immediately they run out from the library because they already cannot hold their laugh anymore.

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MitsuKyuYamazaki #1
Chapter 6: OMG XD
Please update soon , nae~~~
Chapter 5: Yay~~~~ Update soon~~~ Very cute~
MitsuKyuYamazaki #3
Chapter 5: XD aaaawwwwww
please update soonnnnn~~~
Chapter 5: Wahhh~!!! They're going to get married to each other? This is just soo cute i can't stop squeling!!! Update soon!!
Chapter 3: kyaaaahhh.... this story is cute... update soon author-nim... ! ^^
MitsuKyuYamazaki #6
Chapter 2: aarrrgghh he is a tease. XDDDDDDD
MitsuKyuYamazaki #7
Chapter 1: XD daehyuuuunn~~~~
Please update soon! XD