Violet and My Love

Black Magic make this cool guy love me!

Note: you must read my chapter 1 to get understand it..



Bang!!!! where is this place? i'm not yet know here where is this place, that moment someone is hit my cheek!!!

'Ahhhh!!!!!' (>[]<(() i scream out so loud.

'Crazy girl!!!!! Who are you ???!!! : man said

Hik Hik.... Bastard!!! why that man hit me ? Even it wasn't so strong but it also can hurt my cheek ToT .. I look back to that man to what the hell is him, but......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! His face so perfect with big eyes, Nice nose and soft pink lip with white gold hair and he looking at me without any feeling == before this he just hit me, why he look at me like this? but that ok ! If he give me a kiss... i will forgive what he just did on me >o<

That monent, i'm not yet stop think about my dirty mind then someone come to pull my back make me go to hold that cool man.

'Ah!!!!!!'' I'm going to down!!!!!!

Than someone is holding me now

'Thank you'T-T

'Too small  =_=' Man said

He said without any feeling on his face ....

what !!!!!???? He is touching my !!!!!! TT[]TT

'Nickhun!!!!! why you stand here??? they not yet go back. '

I look at the man who just talk to The cool man.

'Huh??? !!!!! this girl is that girl who is friend's those girl!!!'  he said

What ??!! what is he talking about ?? i really don't know. I cant understand his strange word. .... Oh no... An other ugly man run to my side!!!!


That ugly man run to me and....!!!! he want to hit me too ??? oh no..... i will get hit again?? I close my eyes and feel scare of this.


Eh? what is this sound? why i didn't get a hit ? I slowly open my eyes to see what happen? ... O0O ... that cool guy help me to get away from ugly man. After that he stop hold me,. i sit down to the floor with a scare feeling. OMG! I never see people has a scary fight like this. why this crazy violet take me to this hell place? Before this it was big.. but now it's small. what the hell of this stupid thing? YoY

'Who is this girl?'

Shadow of tall man walk to me slowly, i stand to look at him (( _ _) (( --) (( 0[]0) hoooooooooo.......God!! What a handsome guy again? this guy really.. he has a good skin, small eyes, brown hair ... i can't believe that Sa Ka Dat guys so handosme like this.. why it didn't look like what i read in the book?

'Sorry.... Here is a XXXX mountain right? : Vic

'What!!!??? =_='

'Are all of you Sa Ka Dat boy??

'What !!??? '

Ahh... They didnt know what i said about. I start to change my question

'Where is this place?' '

'Here is a old buildings behind the XXX school ^_^' The lovely man is reply me.

XXX school??? this school is a very high show school in this city, and it also famous about the fight... wait!!! if this is a school mean that it really send me to find a love???.. Hoooo..... I'm exciting!!!

'You are the same with those guys that i just hit?' one of them ask me.

'No....No.....I'm not.' I said.

'If you not know them.. why you can come here?'

'Emm...... '

How can i tell them i come here because of the black Magic?

'What we have to do with this girl? Eh??? This is your girlfriend's friend right? Give she stay here or tight her with those guys?? If me !!! i will tight her with those guys ^^ ' lovely man said

He is crazy == ..... Eh??.. He said that this gy is my friend's boyfriend? I heard that i never have friend... Only Taec yoen !! Dont tell me that he is GAY !!! =[]=

'Keep she in here ... and let's go' Brown hair man said

They keep me in here with those ugly guys == eh ??? If my love not 3 of them!! It mean that ,,,, i dont want this ugly guy !!! my love have to be in 3 of them!!!

Tomorrow morning hurt. i got up and look at the mirror to check my cheek ..ahh.. it was so hurt and has a bad look. it mean that yesterday not a dream- -


Who throw the rock to my room?!!! i walk to the widow with my anger to see what the hell of it.

Grat!!!! when i open the widow small rock fly to my forehead so fast!!!

'Ouch!!!!!' I scream

'Victoria !!! Victoria !!! i'm here!!!

I look down ... to the lovely man like a puppy who stand at there. That is Taec yoen!!!

why he come to my home so early ? ==

'Victoria!! Do you know what day is today ? Taec said

Your dead day ... Bastard!!! == since i met him, my life always have a bad luck. Especially when the day open school, Taec yoen show that he love me on the stage. since that day many fans girl of him always bother and betray me.

I'm finding somthing to throw back to his head....But i'm not yet throw yet . he throw a bear to my face--

'Today is our 10 days, Vicotria!!! he said

'True !! you already have a boyfriend!!! and he very handsome!!!

'No.... i'm not. i love only you !!!! WO ai Ni !!!!!

what a bad day again?? that i met him this morning..





How was it>>>???? maybe all of you a bit misunderstand who is who... but it will show in next chapter ^^ for those three guy... hope that it not bored or anything... you can comment to complain me. and now i start to write my an other fic '' MY last love that is you'' hope you enjoy this ^^ Thank you !!!



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Chapter 2: what tell me the link i wanna see
Chapter 2: Awaiting your next update, author-nim. hwaiting!