Ten years and three months ago. Winter.

"Springs Under Sworn Stars" by blueD.O.nut


------ Part Five

Ten years and three months ago. Winter.



"Hello?" You hear no response from the phone call you just received from an unknown number, but there is a deep hope inside of you that this person might be Donghae.

It has been two years since he left. You had no contact with him ever since. You haven't heard any news from him either. You check the television every day to see a familiar face flashing up the screen. Hoping that someday you would see that face again.

"Hello." It was a mere hello, but it made you jump from your seat at the office from all kinds of emotion you are feeling. Happiness, anger, loneliness and longing. It is his voice, you would recognize it even meters away.

"Donghae?" You asked just to make sure.

"Honey.." He said, which made you burst into tears. He IS the one who called, not just some prank making her feel worse.

"Donghae.." This came as a sob now. Your other hand is on your mouth, silencing the sobs.

"Honey.." He said again, you couldn't read his expression through the phone because you were too overwhelmed by the different emotions escaping from you. You wanted to ask him where he was, where he has been, and what he's been doing these past two years.

"H-how are you?" You ask first, realizing the danger of him being caught by Siwon frightening you even more.

"I am fine now. I confronted Siwon.. and... he seemed to be tired of all this running too.. and decided to forgive me.. even though the pain in his heart still seems to haunt him." He said slowly, taking his time to form the words. This was difficult for him since this was a serious matter; a matter of life and death.

"That's good! That's very good! Thank God!" You smile as another tear escaped from your eyes. You closed them to feel the invisible warmth in Donghae's voice, savoring the moment that he comes back to you.

"I promised I'll be back.. I will meet you back at your apartment later. I have a present for you." You bite your nails in excitement. You have a surprise for him too. You were going to see him once more after two years! Nothing could make you happier!

As soon as you get off of work, you went directly to the mall you saw the shirt you have been craving to buy him. You weren't able to give it to him on Valentine's day because he left only days before. You bought him the shirt and left the mall immediately. He sent you a text message saying that he was already in front of your apartment complex so you replied that you will be there in 30 minutes.

You rode a cab, but unfortunately the roads near your house was undergoing repair so you got off and decided to walk. You know a shortcut to your apartment, but it involves walking through a dark alley only blocks from your apartment. You decided to take it, hoping to be fast enough to take only five more minutes. You were also hoping that the repairmen already fixed the light fixtures by the alley, but you were disappointed that they didn't after you reached the alley.

You were walking down the damp alley under the tens and thousands of shining stars on a winter night. It was forecasted this morning that it was going to snow tomorrow, so you thank the heavens because you weren't able to bring your winter coat. It was still freezing cold, so you walked faster to reach your apartment that was just a few minutes away. You rub the palms of your hands together, not liking the feeling of your gloves sliding past each other. Scratching sounds when two pieces of cloth always irritated you, maybe it was a childhood hatred. You took your gloves off, hoping that the friction of your palms rubbing directly against each other would give you the heat that you have been craving for. You continue walking, seeing the cloud of white mist escaping from your mouth every breath you exhale.

As soon as you tug your scarf up against your nose to keep it from freezing, you heard faint footsteps from behind. You felt cold inside now, your heartbeat getting faster and faster with each step you take. You curse inside because the alley was too long and too dark, and prayed that the footsteps were only your mind playing a trick on you. Earlier, the footsteps were slow, whoever was following you must be observing something, but as the time went by, it sped up faster than your own. You started to speed-walk, not minding the fear as you as you feel your heart raise up to your throat. You were afraid that with each hurried step you take, the person behind you would do the same, hence would have the opportunity to do to you what he wants to.

The newsflash this morning flashed right before your eyes. A 22-year old woman was killed in an alley like where you're walking now, with the knife of the attacker lying right next to her. You saw the beaming eyes of the family of the lost girl. Paranoia strikes you. You started to ask yourself as you walk, 'Would that happen to my family?'

You shake your head in annoyance. In spite of thinking of what happens when you die, you start to think of ways of getting rid of this person following you. There was still about fifteen steps you need to take until you reach the other side of the alley, so you think that you could take your folded umbrella from your bag and aim it at the man behind you just after you reach the other end of the valley. As you started to act normally while fishing for your umbrella from your bag, you felt a can and its cap inside the compartment of your shoulder bag. You grabbed the pepper spray tucked neatly inside your bag and left your hand there. As soon as you reach the other end of the alley, you were going to use it. Probably after you reach the end, Donghae would see you and help you out.

You're walking faster now, but the footsteps seemed to be quicker than you. An arm grabbed you by your neck and a knife was now pointed at your chest. You could hear the heavy breathing of your attacker, he was awfully taller than you, and you could just see through the light of the moon his faint features. Choi Siwon.

"Scream and you die." He said under heavy breathing. You closed your eyes, forcing yourself to think clearly. Your hand was still inside your bag, holding the pepper spray. Your other hand was holding his arm like the way you held his arm last time you saw him. Your knuckles were turning white again and your fingernails digging into his skin.

"Are you satisfied with what you are doing? Did you ever think of what your brother would say if he sees you doing this?" You forced yourself to be calm, thinking that this man has a good heart inside of him. He is just overwhelmed with grief.

"Shut up. Your boyfriend killed my brother. It's just fair he should feel the same as I do." He said through gritted teeth, his hand holding the knife was shaking. You breathed slowly, hoping to be focused and calm. You ask yourself whether you should use the pepper spray now, and chose to do so.

With one swift motion, you got the pepper spray and firmly pressed the spray until white minty liquid was flying to Siwon's eyes. He made a sound in between a moan and a grunt, while forcing his eye shut. "I'll ing kill you !" He screams, and while blinded by the pepper spray. His arm was still on your neck, and with a quick move he stabbed you in the stomach, your eyes opening wide in the splash of pain.

"D-Donghae!!" You screamed as loud as you can, but soon enough you taste iron-like blood rushing out of your mouth. You cough up, as Siwon released you and you land on your hands on the concrete. Your sight was fading quickly, like a vignette photograph being slowly eaten up by the black background. You became dumb. Your hand just feels the liquid gushing out from your stomach while you were lying on your side. You see another pair of feet right in front of you, together with a scream of your name. The pair of feet ran towards you, and you could hear punches and thumps. You closed your eyes, they seem to close themselves. You have no energy to open them, you just feel like sleeping.

You feel arms by your back, lifting your upper body up. You also hear sobs. You wonder whose was it, and remember instantly that maybe it was Donghae.

You slowly open your eyes, only making it halfway through. "Dong..hae.." You whisper, you can't pull the energy to talk either, the numbness from your stomach just spreads towards the lower half and upper half of your body, paralyzing you.

"P-please.. Don't speak.. I called for an ambulance.. Stay with me dear.. Don't leave me goddammit!" It was Donghae.. You pull off a weak smile, looking closely at his face. His features are still perfect, but now his lips are wounded, maybe because of Siwon. You try to reach him, you try it slowly, but you are too weak to. He reached for you hand laid it on his cheek. Your hand was soaked in blood and now his face is too.

"I-I'm sorry.. Donghae.." You try to tell him.. Every second seem to be harder to move. Your sight is blurred even more because of the tears that are threatening to fall. In spite of this, you're still happy. You're happy that you see him again, alive and healthy.

"Don't say that.. Please.. Hang on.. I'm right here.. Please.." Tears were falling down from his eyes too, making yours stream down to your cheeks. 'I'm going to die.' You say to yourself. There was still so many things you want to do, most of it involving Donghae. You still want to marry him, have a family with him, and grow old with him. But now your movie seems to be cut short. But still. You were happy to have met him no matter what. If you were given a chance to do it all over again, you would. Even though it would cost you your life again. Your only regret is that you'll be leaving him too early.

"I love you.. I love you so much." You cry. Pain suddenly shot from your stomach when you spoke. Was it this hard? Was it this painful to say those words to him now that you only have minutes left?

"I love you more.. I'm madly in love with you.. Please don't leave me... I won't take it. Just wait a little more baby okay?" His face is wet from tears and blood, your blood. He is trying to wipe away yours, desperately trying to apply pressure to your wound.

"Thank you." You said finally, when consciousness slipped away from you.

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ilabya33 #1
MariELF #2
Chapter 7: This is a really good story!
I'm crying right now... Thanks for sharing~
adreamer4tonight #3
Chapter 7: This story was so beautiful, it made me cry and smile throughout.