Twelve years and eleven months ago. Winter

"Springs Under Sworn Stars" by blueD.O.nut


------ Part Three

Twelve years and eleven months ago. Winter.



"This looks good on you!" You smile as you laid a checkered shirt on him, admiring the perfect fit of the shirt. You decide to buy it for him, smiling because of the thought. He looks handsome whatever he wears, even in plain white shirts and denim pants. Up until now you couldn't believe that this man chose you to love.

"C'mon, I'm hungry. Let's get something to eat." He smiled as he held your right hand, while your left was returning the shirt to the rack. You decided to give it to him as your Valentine's gift, since it's only weeks till then. You walk out of the store with you making a mental note of the name of the store so that you could come back here alone to buy his gift.

You scan other stores that you pass, making more mental notes on your head of what to buy later after you eat. "Hey honey," you hear him say.

"Yes?" You look at him, he seems to be looking at something far away from the both of you. You turn your head to follow his sight, but you don't see something, or someone familiar. "Honey?" You ask him, making him snap out of his daze and return his attention to you.

"Uh. Where do you want to eat?" He asks, with something quite different in his way of saying it. You think this is just paranoia and let it slide. You tell him your favorite fast food chain in the mall and describe it to him being cheap and offer delicious food at the same time. When you got there, you see a vacant seat just by the glass panels near the opening. You offered to order your food, so you stood up from your seat and walked to the counter.

"What are you doing here?" You hear him say to the man standing right in front of him by your table. You were carrying a tray of two glasses; iced tea for you and coke for him. You stop walking and tried to observe what was happening.

"What are YOU doing here, Lee Donghae?!" The man seemed to be angry, judging by the way he raised his voice to your boyfriend. You almost dropped your tray when the man grabbed Donghae by his collar and made him stand up. He was taller than Donghae, with a bigger built. You set aside the tray by the counter and walked towards them, holding the man by his arm that was holding your boyfriend by his collar.

"What are you doing?! Stop it please!" You exclaim as you tighten your grip to the man's arms. You could feel your fingernails digging to the skin of his arms, which were shaking.

"You won't dare killing me here, will you?" Donghae calmly said without blinking, his eyes stabbing the other man's.

"The I will. You will die by my bare hands you murderer." The man shakily said, not even loosening the grip on Donghae's collar. Your knuckles were turning white because of your tight grip on him too, but you didn't mind the pain on your hands because of the fear and panic you were feeling when you said that the man would kill your lover. Your eyes were blurring, but you didn't mind because you weren't thinking clearly at that time.

"Security!" Someone yelled finally. You didn't realize that because of panic, you didn't remember to call security. You forgot people even existed around you except for the two men with deadly stares standing in front of you.

The security guards came almost immediately, pulling both men away from each other. The man resisted, swinging his arms held by the two guards. Donghae remained calm, so the guards didn't bother to hold him after pulling him away.

"You evil bastard should pay for what you did to my brother!" The man said before leaving the store, leaving you speechless. You turn to Donghae again, he was fixing his collar and his sleeves, not even a care in the world. There he was again, the bad boy that you once met a long time ago.

"What.. Aish. What was that all about?" You ask him angrily, heat rising up to your face. After fixing himself, he walked pass you, getting the tray of beverages that you laid on top of the counter. He brought it to your table, and started to drink the coke you bought him. He just sat there like nothing happened, which angered you even more.

"Why won't you answer me?" You sat in front of him. He pushed your iced tea and your straw closer to you, ignoring you. Again.

"Don't mind him." He said with a straight face, observing the people walking outside the store by the glass panels.

"Don't mind him? Oh yeah, now you're telling me not to mind if people just walked by you, threatening to ing kill you? Great lesson Donghae." Sarcasm reeks off of you again, a trait you're not very proud of. You made a little girl cry because of your sarcasm, that's why you prevented yourself from using it these past few years. Today is not included in those years. You were mad at Donghae, angry even. Angry because you feel worried sick.

"He can't kill me. Don't worry... He won't" He said the last sentence after a few seconds, which makes you worry even more. Another first for you.

"Why? What happened anyway?" You asked again, hoping that he would respond quickly. The suspense is killing you, but the worry is killing you even more. How many times would you say worry?

"I think it's not appropriate to talk about it here." He said, laying down his glass of coke. He took a deep breath. "Let's go home." He took his jacket that was hanging on his seat, stood up and held out his had in front of you. You took his hand, hoping for a spark of calmness from his warm hands. You expected to feel relieved, but what you felt just made you fear even more. His hand was ice cold.

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ilabya33 #1
MariELF #2
Chapter 7: This is a really good story!
I'm crying right now... Thanks for sharing~
adreamer4tonight #3
Chapter 7: This story was so beautiful, it made me cry and smile throughout.