A bad morning



In all seriousness, I should change my alarm. It sounds just like a heart rate monitor device attached to a patient suffering a cardiac arrest. Never failed to scare me awake but I am afraid that I just might get a heart attack one of these days.

It's my first day of school today. I have already picked out one of my best outfits and packed everything the night before. I am really excited but extremely nervous at the same time. The grayish sky had done nothing to ease the tension and the constant fluttering in my stomach.

Please don't rain on me now. I don't even own an umbrella.

My application for admission to X university has finally being approved with tomorrow being Easter Day. Such an awkward time of the year... I ought to be happily pursuing my dreams, dance and theatre double major, but my heart weighs heavily as I thought about how I would have to be extra wary of everyone around me.

Droplets of rain dripped down upon me, disrupting my train of thoughts. As I feared, I shall have to show up entirely drenched on my first day of school. An excellent first impression for everyone to judge me as they please, don't you think?

Dragging two large suitcases behind me, I approached the student dormitories' office, the gentle shower gradually beginning to pour on me.

"당신은 도움이 필요합니까?―Do you need help?"

A guy with a Mohawk haircut standing next to me tried to offer his assistance, smiling at me warmly. Nobody would be able to understand how ecstatic I feel right now, having heard my native tongue spoken by another on a foreign land as such. I would probably be leaping with joy if it weren't for my drenched state. My happiness, however, was short-lived as he soon turned his back on me and dashed off in a hurry before I could have said a word. I must have been spacing out for a really long time, too occupied with my thoughts. He even reached out his arm to wave his hand before me. I must have looked like an idiot.

"Well… See you around then, freshman!"

I surely hope so.

Having received my key, I attempted to follow the written instructions the lady gave me. I have to locate the right dorm quarters quickly for the rain is still not relinquishing its wrath upon me. My hair is utterly ruined now, looking like a mutt puppy, as my mom always told me. I only wish I had acquired its ability to shake the rain off my hair, keeping it dry and fluffy. Not quite liking my wet and scrunched up hair currently, not to mention the icky feeling of having rain water streaming down my neck and seeping through my clothes.

Fortunately, I was blessed with a great sense of direction. It did not take me long to be standing right outside my door. I pray for my roommate to not judge my current state. It really is the last thing I would need. The lady behind the desk had already stared at me as if I were some kind of alien life form after checking me out from head to toe. I sincerely hope that it is just a foreigners kind of thing. It's good to hear that I don't have to go for classes today as my priority is to settle down and get used to the new lifestyle.

My room is located in the ‘Ivory’ quarters. This dormitory seems to be bustling with life. It appears that most of the students have only just woken up, rushing down the corridor to their baths. It 's intriguing as I have never been to boarding school before, thus, everything is new to me. There seems to be a lot of asians here, of many different races too. I guess this is what they meant by an international campus.

Just as I was about to knock on the door, it slammed opened, sending me to the ground, clutching my jaw. Ouch!

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry! Wait! You must be the new guy! You're early! Oh my gosh! Just wait there…"

A student with a really bad case of dark eye circles, whom had just walked out of my/our room, rattled on. He left a garbage bag in the corridor, which would be technically inches away from my feet, before slamming the door shut again. A foul odor permeated my nostrils, seemingly alcohol from that humongous bag of trash. He repeated this process a couple of times, looking apologetically at me each time.

So… I guess I may have to get used to this, huh? He must be the Seung-Hyun guy the lady had told me would be my roommate. Well… Minus the suave, hot-looking part anyways. The lady must have been misinformed though he really isn't that bad-looking. I sure hope the room does not smell like those bags do. At least my roommate is korean too. He has a really strong accent.

It has been about five minutes since he left the room. All the rattling and shuffling in the room appears to have ceased, thus, I knocked on the door. Clearing my throat, I asked, "Mind if I enter now?"

Then came a loud thud and some mumbling… and did someone just groan?

"Sure! Come in…"

Dragging both suitcases behind me, I opened the door and entered the room with a little bit of a struggle. "So… You're Seung-Hyun? My roommate?"

"Umm… Well… Hi! I'm your dorm head, Lee Seung-Hyun and that's your roommate, Choi Seung-Hyun, right there…" He said, poking at the bundle of blanket on the left bed. However, as soon as those words left his mouth, an arm reached out from beneath the blankets to smack his head. "I mean Choi Seung-Hyun hyong! Hyung! And, you can call me Seung-Ri."

I couldn't help but snicker at the scene before me. So, there are two Seung-Hyuns huh…

"안녕하세요 권지용 입니다.― Hello, I'm Kwon Ji-Yong."

"Well then, Ji-Yong-sshi, I shall leave you to settle in. My room is the last room down the corridor. Let me know if you need anything."

With that, sighing, I kicked my suitcases aside and plopped onto the right bed face down. Too lazy to sit up, I wiggled in my bed to get out of my drenched shirt only to get my arms tangled in a mess. Hearing a deep chuckle next to me, I tensed before my shirt was yanked off of me and onto the floor. Instinctively, I flipped onto my back and sat up, staring into the eyes of a man with a hot mop of hair and pronounced facial features. "Hi? Umm… Seung-Hyun-sshi?"

Smirking at me, he grabbed my wrists and pinned them above my head with his right hand. He then clutched my jaw with his left, before bending down, darting his tongue out to the cut left behind by the door. "You're bleeding." I shuddered upon hearing that deep baritone voice. Stunned, I could only gulp as he moved his hand southwards, pinching my . "Stop! Please…" My pleas served no purpose as he continued to trace my abdominal muscles with his long, slender fingers.

"Seung-Hyun-sshi!" A voice called out, causing him stop his unwanted ministrations and direct his attention to the doorway only to find that the startled boy at the door had already ran off. Seung-Hyun finally released my arms and returned to cradling in his blankets not before telling me to shut the door with his commanding tone.

Of all the things I imagined my roommate to be, this wasn't it. I fear for my safety. That smirk, that strong grip and that voice. Oh god, that voice. How am I to live with him? I suppose the answer would be to not live at all. Lord, please save me.

© 2013 Clint & W8ight.

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Chapter 1: D'aww,, Hyunnie is a _______ed freak here. :(