Taemin's Story 3

Agent Hyoyeon IV (Goes To Japan)

“Lemon!” Taemin shouts when they heard Miori screamed.

“Lemon, what happened?” Manami asks.

Miori is just crying and she can’t move her feet.

Jonghyun came to them when he heard a scream. “What’s going on?” he asks.

“Hyung, lift me up.” Taemin said.

“Ok.” Jonghyun said.

Jonghyun lift Taemin up to the window.

Taemin jumps inside the room and finds Miori said.

“Lemon.” He called.

It’s too dark but he can hear Miori’s cry.

“Minnie…” Miori cried.

Taemin founds her and hugs her. “It’s ok. I’m right here.” He said.

He looks around using the light from his handphone and his eyes widened of what he saw.


The girls with Taemin and Jonghyun stay outside the house while the policemen are coming inside the house.

Taemin and Miori found a dead man inside the room and he is not only killed by someone, his body parts were chopped. Also they found dead cats all over the house.

“You girls should go home now.” Jonghyun said.

“Hai!” the three girls said.

“Lemon, are you ok now?” Taemin asks.

“Hai! I was just surprised when I saw a bloody hand.” Miori said with full smile.

“See you tomorrow in class.” Jonghyun said.

“Hai!” the three girls said and left.

“Taemin, let’s go to Yui’s house.” Jonghyun said.

“What are we going to do there?” Taemin asks.

“I’ll ask Yui some questions.” Jonghyun said.


“Sir, Minnie, why are you here?” Yui asks.

“We want to ask you something.” Jonghyun said. “Why do you have these?” he asks showing the kentamine pills that Taemin took from Yui’s room.

“That’s my vitamins.” Yui said.

“Do you know what kind of drugs are these?” Jonghyun asks.

“Nurse Kayo told me that it helps me to relax.” Yui said.

“Yui!” her father loudly said.

“D-Dad…” Yui said.

Her father walks towards them and checks on the kentamine pills. “How did you get these?”

“N-Nurse Kayo gave it.” Yui said.

Her father’s eyes widened. “Nurse Kayo?” he asks.

Yui nodded.

“I’ll throw these. Don’t accept anything from that nurse.” He said.

“Sir, do you happened knows what kind of drugs are those?” Jonghyun asks.

Yui’s father didn’t mind him and just leaves.

“What’s going on?” Yui asks. “Minnie?”

“It is better if you don’t accept anything from Nurse Kayo.” Taemin said.

“Why? What is that medicine?” Yui asks.

“It’s drugs.” Jonghyun said.

“Drugs?” Yui asks.

“Drugs that killed Maeda Ami and the others.” Jonghyun said.

Yui’s eyes widened.

“Be careful tomorrow. We are sure that you are her next target.” Taemin said.

Yui just nodded.


On the next day, Nurse Kayo isn’t going to work. Last night, policemen came to her house but she is managed to escape before the policemen gets inside. The policemen found a box of drugs in her room.

“Minnie, did you called the police last night?” Yui asks.

“Iie. I thought you are the one who called.” Taemin said.

“Then, who?” Yui asks.

“What’s going on?” Miori asks.

“Nurse Kayo is missing right before the police raid her house last night.” Yui said.

“Huh? Why?” Miori asks.

“She is the one that giving the drugs to Maeda Ami and the other students who killed themselves.” Taemin said.

“No way!” Miori said.

“It’s true. She almost got me.” Yui said.

“You too?” Miori asks.

“Hai! She told me it is a vitamin.” Yui said.

“Now that is hiding from the police. I am sure she will find a way to get here. You are her target, Yuihan.” Taemin said.

“Her? Why her?” Miori asks.

“Because Nurse Kayo might thought that Yui was the one who called the police.” Taemin said. “Be extra careful Yuihan.”

“I will.” Yui said.


“Minnie! Minnie!” Miori shouts while running back to their classroom.

“Yah! Ichikagawa! Why are you so noisy?!” Sayaka Yamamoto angrily asks.

“I am not calling you so mind your own business, Yamamoto!” Miori yells at her that makes everyone shocked.

“Lemon, did you just shout at Yamamoto?” Erena asks.

“Yeah.” Miori said in a hurry. “Minnie, Yuihan is in danger.”

“What?!” Taemin asks.

“W-We were just going back here from the canteen but Nurse Kayo showed up. She looked crazy and she is holding a gun!” Miori said.

“What?! Where is she?” Taemin asks.

“She went to the rooftop.” Miori said.

“Tell to my hyung about this.” Taemin said in a hurry and left.

“Hyung? What hyung?” Miori asks Erena and Manami.

“Our homeroom teacher.” Manami said.


At the rooftop…

“Yuihan!” Taemin called her. He is very worried about her.

He looks around at the rooftop but no one is there.

“Yuihan!” Taemin shouts. ‘Is she dead? Am I too late?’ he thought.

“Minnie!” someone shouts. It is Yui’s voice.

“Yuihan, where are you?” he shouts.

“Help!” Yui shouts.

Taemin followed the voice until he reached the edge of the rooftop. Yui’s left hand is holding at the edge of the rooftop while her right hand is holding the unconscious nurse.

“Hold on, Yuihan.” Taemin said.

“I-I can’t! We are going to fall.” Yui said.

Taemin grabs Yui’s left hand and pulled her up but it is heavy because of Nurse Kayo.

Just then, someone grabs his waist.

“Pull!” Miori said.

“Pull!” Erena and Manami said.

Finally, they were able to save Yui and Nurse Kayo from falling.

“Thanks, girls.” Yui said. “And you too, oppa.”

“Oppa?” Taemin was confused.

“Minnie oppa!” Erena, Manami and Miori said.

“H-How did you know?” Taemin asks.

“I knew it already from the start.” Yui said. “I saw you and Jonghyun sensei in a market once. Your hair is short and you are wearing a guy clothes.”

“Yesterday, you called Jonghyun sensei ‘hyung’ which means older brother in Korea, only boys are allowed to call their older brother like that.” Manami said.

“And you repeated it a while ago.” Erena said.

“Manami and Erena told me that you are a guy.” Miori said.

“Ok. Ok. You got me. I am a real guy.” Taemin said. “Anyway, what happened to Nurse Kayo?”

“I used my pepper spray to her so I can be free but because of that she fell and I saved her but because she is heavy I also fell. Good thing I was able to hold.” Yui said.

“But why is she unconscious?” Taemin asks.

“Maybe she bumped her head after right after her fall.” Yui said.

“It is true. I saw red marks on her forehead.” Erena said.

“Let’s get her down.” Taemin said.

Then, they heard the police siren and an ambulance.


“What are you going to do now that Nurse Kayo is in the jail now?” Yui asks Taemin.

“Are you going back to Korea now?” Miori asks.

“We haven’t captured the drug lord.” Taemin said.

“How are you going to find the drug lord?” Erena asks.

“We will ask Nurse Kayo.” Taemin said. “And… It is sad to say this but I need go now.”

“Why?” they all ask.

“Because you are all safe now.” Taemin said.

“Will you visit us?” Manami asks.

“Of course I will!” Taemin said.

“We will miss you.” Erena said.

“I will miss you too.” Taemin said.

“Taemin, we need to go.” Jonghyun called him.

“Ne, hyung!” Taemin said. “See you again, friends.”

“Bye! Take care!” they all said.


After few days, Taemin and Jonghyun’s mission ended. Jonghyun went back to Korea while Taemin stayed in Japan for a few days.

He and Yui begin to date. Yui likes him too the first time she saw him wearing guy’s clothes.

“Miss Sato became our homeroom teacher. She really cares a lot to our class. Yamamoto Sayaka’s group stops bullying other students and they are now helping for the coming 50th Anniversary.” Yui said to Taemin.

“Oh right. The anniversary is on Monday, right?” Taemin asks.

“Hai! Lemon and the others are expecting you to come.” Yui said.

“Of course I will come.” Taemin said.

“Ah…Minnie, what if someone offers me a job right after high school?” Yui asks.

“That’s good but your parents want you to study college, right?” Taemin said.

“Hai… but for all of my life I have been following all my parents want. I think it is time to decide on my own.” Yui said.

“You’re right…” Taemin said. “Anyway, is there someone offers you a job?”

Yui nodded.

“Really? What kind of job?” Taemin asks.

“I can’t tell you.” Yui said.

“Is that illegal?” Taemin asks.

“Iie! It is just that this job is kinda top secret. After my graduation, if I pass their exam, I will be their trainee and if I will pass their trainee I will got the job.” Yui said.

Taemin thought that it is kinda familiar.

“Are you talking about being a secret agent?” Taemin asks.

“H-Huh? I-Iie!” Yui said but Taemin knew that he is right.

“Someone from Warrior Goddess Company came to you, right?” Taemin asks.

“H-How did you know?” Yui asks. “Are you a secret agent, too?”

“Just don’t join that company. It is too dangerous.” Taemin said.

“Why? Tell me the reasons.” Yui said.

“I told you it is too dangerous.” Taemin said.

“I don’t care it is dangerous! I always wanted to try something new.” Yui said.

“Being a secret agent is not a game. I don’t want you to put your life in danger because of that stupid job!” Taemin said. Silly! But haven’t he forgotten that he is also an agent? “And besides, being a secret agent needs to sacrifice everything. Are you willing to sacrifice me?”

“Minnie, it is not like that. We can still date even though I will be a secret agent.” Yui said.

“It is not easy than you think.” Taemin said.

“Minnie, for the first time of my life, I decided for myself. Can’t you just respect my decision?” Yui asks.

“I am respecting your decision but you need to trust me. Please do anything except for that.” Taemin said.

“Iie.” Yui said. “If you can’t accept my decision, it is better to not see each other again.”

Yui left Taemin without looking back.

“Yuihan…” Taemin wanted to stop her and convince her not to join WGCo.

His handphone rings. “Hello?”

“Agent Taemin, we have a mission for you. You need to go back.” it was his boss.

“I will.” Taemin said.

Taemin went back to South Korea without saying goodbye to Yui and the others. He wants to talk to her but he became busy with his mission.


“So, based on your story, you still love her, right?” Go Ara asks.

Taemin nodded.

“Then, tell her that.” Go Ara said.

“I can’t.” he said.

“Why?” she asks.

“She already has Agent Sky.” He said.

“Oh… Sorry.” She said.

“Noona, what should I do? I still love her.” he said.

“Be her friend again and if she accepts it, it means she still has feelings for you.” She said.

“How about Agent Sky?” he asks.

“If you’re meant to each other, then love will find a way.” She said. “For now, go home and take a rest.”

“But noona…” Taemin said.

“Taemin, listen to me, ok?” she said.

“But noona… I don’t have a car. Can you drive me to my house?” he asks.

“Fine.” She said.


WGCo. Japan Branch…

Sae-chan didn’t go home until Marikosama comes back. Marikosama and Boss Yuko are outside the headquarters for the whole day.

“Agent Sae-chan, you need to go home.” Mayuyu said.

“I’ll wait for Vice-boss Marikosama to come back.” Sae-chan said.

“You’ve been waiting for her since this morning. Miichan already told you that Vice-boss Marikosama and Boss Yuko will not going back tonight here.” Mayuyu said. “Just go home with senpai tonight.”

“She’s right, Sae-chan.” Hyoyeon said.

“Ok.” Sae-chan said.

Everyone went home except for Miichan who is monitoring the whole headquarters from the IT/Security/Lab Department.

“Oh? Agent Yuihan? What is she doing here this late?” Miichan asks while watching Agent Yui entering the headquarters from the monitor.


After the agents arrived in Japan from South Korea, Yui headed to the headquarters. She is going to stay there for the night.

When she enters the Agent’s Department, she starts working the report of their mission.

Then, she can’t help but to remember Taemin.

She is stupid if she denies that she wasn’t happy when she saw him again. Until now, Taemin has a special place in her heart. She never forgets their past.

After telling Taemin her plans, he never showed himself to her or even to their friends. After graduation, she took the exam in WGCo. and she passed. While training, she never forgets him and she even keeps his picture in her wallet. When she became an agent, she found out that Taemin is also an agent there. She wants to talk to him but there is no chance to see him.

And about Agent Sky, she met her when she had a mission in Manila. She and Agent Sky became partner in that mission. Agent Sky is friendly that’s why she easily became friends with him and later on they start dating.

She thought that she needs to move-on that’s why she accepts Agent Sky’s love.

‘I thought I finally forget about Taemin but why am I feeling the same way again when I saw him again?’ Yui’s thought.

“Agent Yuihan?” it was Miichan.

“Oh hi.” She said.

“You look problematic.” Miichan said.

Miichan is close to Yui. She always calls her Yuihan while the others sometimes forget her nickname because they prefer to call her Yui.

“I saw him again.” Yui said.

“Your ex?” Miichan asks.

Yui nodded.


“I don’t know what to do.” Yui said. “I think I still have feelings for him but I am thinking about Sky.”

“Do you love, Agent Sky?” Miichan asks.

She nodded.

“Why don’t take a vacation first with Agent Sky? Maybe you’ll find your answer once you have a vacation.” Miichan said.

“I hope you’re right.” She said.


AKB’s headquarters…

“Listen up.” Takamina said. “Next week, big boss will come back. We need to get Acchan before big boss comes back.”

“How we will gonna do that?” Tomochin asks. “She really doesn’t want to be part of us.”

“We will force her.” Takamina said.

“I like that.” Rena said.

“Everyone will have a part in the plan.” Takamina said.

“Even us?” Amina Sato asks.

“Yes. You three will have parts too.” Takamina said.

The three girls are happy because it is their first work.

Taemin and Yuihan's love story will continue in Agent Hyoyeon V. So watch out for that. =^.^=

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Chapter 25: Yay!! I can't wait to read Agent Hyoyeon V!!! SO EXCITED!!! Can't wait
StarUlzzang_Luhee #2
Chapter 25: I think they switch bodies!! Poor Taemin. Have to work with his love rival T^T!! Waiting for Agent Hyoyeon V~
Chapter 25: omo! did they switched body??
StarUlzzang_Luhee #4
Chapter 24: It's so good Kibum forgave Rena~ also all Of them became agents!! Yay~ I wanna see the preview soon~
StarUlzzang_Luhee #5
Chapter 23: This is going to end soon :( Waiting for Agent Hyoyeon Pt.5!! Haha~ Jaejoong and Sora are getting married!! Update soon!
StarUlzzang_Luhee #6
Chapter 22: Aww! I really hope Kibum can accept Rena's job even if it is very dangerous! Update soon!!
thekeytodestiny #7
Chapter 21: OMG! MaiMai is still alive!!!! This is weird cause I just listened to Oshima Mai's YOU. A Korean song for a Korean drama OST. And this comes about. Kahi and Yuko have and up it seems. Hope you update soon, I want to see what Kibum will say to Rena.
StarUlzzang_Luhee #8
Chapter 21: OMO! So, Mai Mai is still alive! Yay! Is the story going to end soon? :(( . I don't understand Kibum's mood, is he confused or Angry? Please update soon!
Chapter 20: I think I know who save them! Maybe I will be wrong or right. :D PLease Update soon!! <3
thekeytodestiny #10
Chapter 20: Who saved them?