Chapter 9

The Turbulent Times

Steven returned to his office and found Raymond sitting in his chair with his feet propped up on the desk. Closing the door quickly, he hissed, "What are you doing? People may see you."

Shrugging his shoulders, Raymond said, "Does it matter? No one knows your ties with Derek. They'll just assume that you and I know each other very well."

Steven glanced at the closed folder on the desk, "Did you read through it?"

"Sort of," Raymond said. "But if you're asking whether I memorized anything the answer is no."

Disliking Raymond's nonchalant attitude, Steven walked towards the door, "Come, I'll bring you to your department and introduce you to the people there."

Before Steven had a chance to open the door, Raymond called out, "Wait. I have something personal to ask of you."

Steven quirked an eyebrow at Raymond, "Personal?"

"Yes," Raymond confirmed and waited for Steven to take a seat. "I was out before and passed by the new Japanese restaurant. I saw you there having lunch with a woman."

"So what?"

Raymond looked at Steven with a glint in his yes, "Is she your girlfriend?"

Steven looked at Raymond strangely then remembered that Raymond had never met Charmaine. Slowly, he said, "No. She's a friend."

Raymond didn't know why but he felt relieved and thrilled with the answer. He walked around the desk to Steven and place an arm around his shoulders. "I know that we're not exactly the best of friends but we definitely don't have anything against each other right?" When Steven nodded in agreement, Raymond asked, "Can you introduce her to me?"

Steven got up and said, "Sure." Seeing the smile on Raymond's face he said, "Come now, let me introduce you to your office mates first."


Charmaine was back in her office and on the phone with Myolie, "Don't worry about it. I'll go myself, not like I haven't done that before."

Still, Myolie felt guilty about cancelling out on Charmaine at the last minute. "I know you made the reservations last month and I feel so bad about it."

Charmaine laughed, "Stop it. I know how tough it is to get a screening. Now that you finally got a call-back I want you to go and dazzle them!"

"Thanks so much Charmaine. Please don't say a word to Bosco yet. I want to actually get the part first before giving him the good news."

Charmaine laughed again, "I won't. Don't forget you're coming over for dinner tomorrow night. Auntie is planning a ten course meal just for you."

"I won't. I'll see you tomorrow then. Bye."

After hanging up with Myolie, Charmaine returned her concentrate on the numbers before her. No matter how many times she went over the figures, it just didn't add up. The bookkeepers were all under Derek and refused to answer any of her questions without prior consent from Derek. The books that she has in possession now were taken when no one was around. Charmaine felt her anger rise in shame of having to steal, like a petty theft, in her own company just to have a look of the accounting records. She opened the next book and started going down the column of numbers.

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HottestVIPSone #1
Gonna re-read this!
KwonYoona818 #2
Love char-ray! Thanks for the ficccc
HottestVIPSone #3
Was rewatching Charmaine-Raymond past shows and fell deeply in love with them! Had been searching for their fics to read! Luckily there’s you to write on AFF. Please let me know if you’ve more fics available, even in Chinese! (:
Chapter 33: Hey Simcon!!
Ive been waiting for ur update on d other story.. When I checked,ure back wit a new story!
I like it but somehow it feels rush.. And was missing something which ur writing possess..
But nonetheless,I liked it!
Please do update ur other stories cos am patiently waiting for them!
Hope to see an update soon!