Chapter 5

The Turbulent Times

Raymond turned to look at the time. 7:30 pm already. Derek has been home for over an hour and dinner should be served just about now. Closing the magazine he was leafing through, he left his room and walked down the stairs. Just as suspected, Derek was already seated at the head of the table in the dining room. He heard Raymond's approach and tilted his head slightly in greeting, "There you are."

Raymond sat down to the left of Derek and poured himself a glass of wine. "Its been a while since we had dinner together."

Derek sipped his wine as he looked at Raymond, "So what have you been up to lately?"

"Nothing much. Drinking with Ron every night. The usual."

Derek didn't say anything at first but then, "I think its time you joined me at Landmark."

Worried, Raymond looked at Derek with eyebrows raised, "Why? You know I don't know anything about business. Besides, I'll be bored in one day."

Derek laughed. "I'm not asking you to actually do work there."

Relieved, Raymond smiled, "Then why do you want me there?"

Re-filling their glasses, Derek smiled cunningly at Raymond. "I have something that needs to be done there and you're the only person who can do it for me."

Bewildered, Raymond asked, "What can I possibly do for you there?"

Derek smiled slowly as he watched Raymond's reaction, "Since the boss of Landmark Limited passed away, his daughter has been fighting with me on every thing. She's trying to kick me out of the company. I don't mind leaving but her father's dying wish was for me to oversee the running of the company. He once told me that all his daughter knew how to do was waste his money and he didn't want his company left in her incapable hands. So I want you to pretend to come and work at the company and do what you do best."

Raymond was intrigued by Derek's words and had an idea what Derek wanted from him. Grinning, he asked, "And that is?"

Changing into a serious mood, Derek said, "I want you to make Charmaine Seh fall in love with you."


Charmaine came out of the shower, her wet hair wrapped in an oversized towel. There was a soft knock on her door and she called out, "Come in."

Bosco, who was her step brother and also Myolie's boyfriend, walked in carrying a tray with two bowls of soup. "Sophia insisted that I bring this up to you," he said. Sophia was their cook.

Charmaine smiled and patted the seat next to her for Bosco to take. "Where's Auntie?" Charmaine asked, referring to Bosco's mother. Charmaine's dad had married Bosco's mother when Bosco was only ten years old. Charmaine and Bosco's relationship was like real siblings. They loved each other very much and yet still fought like typical brothers and sisters. Charmaine also loved her stepmother like her own mother, only she could never bring herself to call her mom. In Charmaine's heart, she could only call the person who died giving birth to her mom.

"She's downstairs going over tomorrow night's menu with Sophia."

Charmaine laughed. "I can just picture them arguing in the kitchen now and both trying to keep their cool at the same time."

Bosco finished his soup and looked at Charmaine with concern, "I just got off the phone with Myolie. She said you've been very stressed out lately."

Charmaine didn't want Bosco or his mother to worry. In an offhand manner she said, "Yes I was but I'm over it already. You know how work can get."

Bosco looked at Charmaine but didn't pursue any further. He knew how stubborn she can get. If she didn't want to say anything, nothing can get it out of her. With a smile, Bosco said, "You know if you ever need me for anything, I'll be there."

Charmaine gave Bosco a quick hug, "You're the best brother anyone could ever want."

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HottestVIPSone #1
Gonna re-read this!
KwonYoona818 #2
Love char-ray! Thanks for the ficccc
HottestVIPSone #3
Was rewatching Charmaine-Raymond past shows and fell deeply in love with them! Had been searching for their fics to read! Luckily there’s you to write on AFF. Please let me know if you’ve more fics available, even in Chinese! (:
Chapter 33: Hey Simcon!!
Ive been waiting for ur update on d other story.. When I checked,ure back wit a new story!
I like it but somehow it feels rush.. And was missing something which ur writing possess..
But nonetheless,I liked it!
Please do update ur other stories cos am patiently waiting for them!
Hope to see an update soon!