Chapter 3

The Turbulent Times

Raymond walked into the club and searched for Ron. He caught sight of him at their usual table and made his way towards him. He also noted that besides Ron, there were some females in attendant, fighting with each other for his attention. Raymond approached the table and the women turned to survey him. They smiled at him with appreciation and cleared a seat for him.

Ron removed a female's arm from his shoulders and bent forward to offer Raymond a beer from the bucket. "I'm up to my fifth one already. You have a lot of catching up!"

Raymond laughed and in one gulp downed the entire bottle of beer. The females surrounding them all clapped and looked seductively at Raymond.

Ron patted Raymond on the back and whispered, "These girls are all hot for you."

Raymond scanned the faces of the women and laughed, "Aren't they all?"

The two men fell back in their seats laughing, ready for another fun filled night.


Charmaine walked into the club knowing that she stood out in her conservative gray suit. All the other female patrons were in clothing that were either too tight or too revealing or both. A woman in a halter top and mini skirt who was passing by, glanced at Charmaine, laughed and walked away haughtily. Charmaine could feel the heat rise to her cheeks. She stood to the side, hoping that people would not notice her as she waited for Myolie. Myolie had insisted on dropping her off and having her go inside first, while she parked the car.

Charmaine heard her name being called and quickly searched the area for the source. She saw Selena waving her arm and hand wildly calling her attention. With an embarassed smile of acknowledgement, Charmaine ducked and twirled through the crowd towards the table. Throughout her short trip across the room, she could feel the hair on her neck stand up. She had the uncanny feeling that she was being watched.


Raymond didn't know why he looked up when he did, but it was as if something was drawing him to her presence. He looked her up and down and noted her erect posture. She was definitely pretty, no doubt about that. He took in her hair neatly tied back at the nape of her neck, the stiff collar of her white shirt and her polish suit. Even from afar, he could make out that it was designer. For a few seconds, he watched her. She was so out of place that he felt pity for her. He could tell by her hesitation that she rarely visited these places. Suddenly he saw a flicker of sadness in her eyes but it was gone just as quickly when she started walking towards her friends' table.

"Hey Ray, what are you looking at?" Ron asked as he craned his neck at the direction where Raymond was looking at.

Raymond turned his attention back to Ron, "Nothing," but not before Ron caught a glance of the person Raymond was seen looking at just seconds ago.

"Wow," Ron exclaimed, "She's beautiful!" Having said that, the women in their group all turned to search for the culprit. "But she's not your type. Too serious."

Raymond laughed, "I didn't even say anything!"

"You don't have to! Just one look at your face and I know what you're thinking."

Raymond darted a glance at her once more. She was among her friends now and was sitting straight up in her seat with her hands clapsed, resting on her knees. He shook his head, "Definitely not my type."

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HottestVIPSone #1
Gonna re-read this!
KwonYoona818 #2
Love char-ray! Thanks for the ficccc
HottestVIPSone #3
Was rewatching Charmaine-Raymond past shows and fell deeply in love with them! Had been searching for their fics to read! Luckily there’s you to write on AFF. Please let me know if you’ve more fics available, even in Chinese! (:
Chapter 33: Hey Simcon!!
Ive been waiting for ur update on d other story.. When I checked,ure back wit a new story!
I like it but somehow it feels rush.. And was missing something which ur writing possess..
But nonetheless,I liked it!
Please do update ur other stories cos am patiently waiting for them!
Hope to see an update soon!