Chapter 11

The Turbulent Times

After work, Raymond went out for drinks with Ron and didn't arrive home till the early morning hours. When he entered the house he was surprised to find Derek waiting for him. Without turning his head, Derek said, "Do you remember that you have to report to work in the morning?"

Flopping down on the sofa besides Derek, Raymond said, "Of course, otherwise I'll be coming home drunk."

"Listen, although I'm not asking you to make a career at Landmark but at least try not to get fired so soon."

Raymond laughed, "Don't worry about it. I'm going upstairs to catch a bit of sleep and I'll be at the office 9:00 am sharp." He got up and was about to head up the stairs when Derek asked, "Did you meet Charmaine today?"

Raymond looked at Derek and a vision of Charmaine floated through his mind. With a wide grin he replied, "Yes I did. You're right - she's gorgeous."

Derek saw the flare of interest in Raymond and got up to walk towards him. Standing in front of him, he said, "That's all she has. Inside that beaufiful face of her's lies a cold and evil heart. Remember all that I told you about her."

Hardening his face, Raymond said quietly, "There's no need for you to remind me. Whatever you tell me to do I will do. No questions asked."

Derek eyed Raymond closely, "That's what I thought about Steven too. But now he's on our enemy's side. He's forgotten all that I have done for him."

"I'm not Steven. Derek, you're the only family I have and I will never betray you."

In a soft voice, Derek said, "Charmaine is trying to take away everything that I have worked so hard to build. She has already turned Steven against me. I don't want to lose you too."

Touched by Derek's brotherly affection, Raymond grasped his hand, "You won't. I promise that I will destroy Charmaine for you."


Ron walked towards the dock of the harbour dressed in all black with a baseball cap pulled down low over his face. The place was deserted save for Michael Miu, who stood leaning against the rail smoking a cigarette. In another hour would be dawn and the area wouldn't offer the same privacy as it did now. As Ron approached, Michael flicked his cigarette out into the open water, "Any news?"

Ron scanned the area cautiously, you can never be too careful. "Derek has sent Raymond to work at Landmark."

Michael turned to look at Ron with surprise, "Landmark? Why?"

"I don't know and Raymond hasn't said anything to me."

Michael took out a piece of paper with some numbers scribbled across it. "Here's my new number. Call me only if its an emergency."

Ron folded the paper and stuffed it inside the pockets of his jeans.

"Listen Ron, see if you can get a position inside of Landmark. If Derek has Raymond working there, I got a feeling its something very big and important."

Ron nodded, "I'll do my best."

Michael turned from Ron to look out at the waves of dark water. "I know you want out of this but bare with it a few months longer."

Walking to stand beside Michael, Ron sighed, "I feel so useless. I've been on their tail for two years now and I can't even find one piece of evidence to incriminate them."

"Derek is a smart man with too many loyal followers. But I have faith that we'll eventually get him for good."

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HottestVIPSone #1
Gonna re-read this!
KwonYoona818 #2
Love char-ray! Thanks for the ficccc
HottestVIPSone #3
Was rewatching Charmaine-Raymond past shows and fell deeply in love with them! Had been searching for their fics to read! Luckily there’s you to write on AFF. Please let me know if you’ve more fics available, even in Chinese! (:
Chapter 33: Hey Simcon!!
Ive been waiting for ur update on d other story.. When I checked,ure back wit a new story!
I like it but somehow it feels rush.. And was missing something which ur writing possess..
But nonetheless,I liked it!
Please do update ur other stories cos am patiently waiting for them!
Hope to see an update soon!