

It was only meant to be a song, Going Crazy



Yongguk sat on the couch in the dorm with Zelo beside him. He was flipping through the channels as Yongguk was busy with the next big hit for BAP. Yongguk glances at the television then quickly grabs the remote going back a few channels.


"Do you know her?"

"Aneyo, I don't watch this drama"

Yongguk puts the incomplete lyrics aside turning his attention to the screen and the actress who caught his attention. The maknae does his best to sit still not disturbing his hyung while not really caring about the show or any or the actors/actresses.







GHE NOTES:     I wanted to do a story where the idol wants someone but the other is too focused on something else and in this it would be her rising career to notice the others affection. Since I love the song Going Crazy and I love love love BYG....not to mention when I tried this with Taeyang it didn't make sense. Cause if Taeyang liked someone I get the sense that he'd just tell them but Yongguk is kinda shy so this works in a way.


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Chapter 9: Omo, this story was so interesting! If possible, can you make a sequel please? ^^
GGSone #2
Chapter 9: Omo! I love the ending...i didnt expect that to happen. Very well written.
Chapter 7: Wow. I can't believe it.... Please update! It's getting really insteresting!
Chapter 6: >~< YongGuk! AHHHHH!
Hahahaha. Please update soon!
Chapter 5: Awhhhh. Short chapter. :(
But a short chapter is better then nothing! ^ ^
Chapter 4: Cute update!
woah nice story! I like it! Sounds interesting!! Can't wait to read more!

Hope you check my story out too! :D
Chapter 3: Cool update!
Can't wait to read more!
Chapter 1: fanboy yongguk really works for me omgggggggg my feels omg omg omg ..
Chapter 1: I like it so far!
Can't wait to see what will happen!