Chapter 1; My name is Lee Taemin

Into my world, Lucifer

Thump. Thump. Thump. There goes that noise again. Thump. Thump. Thump. Taemin groaned a bit, rolling his head onto his right arm that has been folded on the desk. Thump. Thump. BANG! Taemin jolted his head upward from his desk, searching around for the source of the noise. A black silhouette stood in front of him, their figure disoriented due to the haze in his eyes. He rubbed his eyes a few times whilst blinking. Once his vision came back to him, he was face to face with the culprit, his best friend, Kim Jongin. He faced Taemin with a slight grin on his face. He leaned forward and traced the intended skin of his best friend, letting out a low chuckle.

"Hyung, I really think you should stop sleeping in class. It's not good for you, ya'know." Jongin snickered a bit as Taemin swatted his hand away from his cheek.

"Shut up. Besides, I'm not the one who needs sleep. Just look at your eyebags. They've gotten worse!" Jongin stuck his tongue at the older boy before resting his own head on the table. Jongin was a year younger than Taemin. The two have been best friends since preschool and have been inseparable. Although, Taemin's parents are not too fond of Jongin's parents, they still managed to keep their friendship going. Many have told the two that they looked like brothers from a far. They were even called the others' names. They were so close that they practically had an identical mindset. Everything they did, they did together. From sports to dancing, the two were never apart.

"Hey, Jong? Do you want to go out tonight? Just the two of us?" Taemin blurted out randomly. He adjusted his posture, propping his elbows on the table for support. "Tonight? I thought it was movie night tonight. I invited Soojung and Jessica over. You know, kinda like a date night thing?" The younger winked at him, letting a smirk play along his lips. He leaned back on his chair, closing his eyes once more. Taemin let out a content sigh, resting his hand on his cheek, "Stop trying to hook me up with people, Jong. It's getting annoying." The younger chuckled, "You need to get yourself out there. If you don't start now, you'll end up a bachelor forever. Who knows, you might even find, ' The one. '." The elder erupted in laughter, tilting his chair back a bit, wiping away the fake tears from his face.

" 'The one'? Really? Don't pull that bull crap on me. No one can truly find, 'the one', even if they tried." Taemin wasn't too fond of the idea of being 'in love'. After the many attempts of having a girlfriend, he ended up being cheated on or just brutally dumped. After his last girlfriend, he vowed that he would try his hardest to keep his heart locked. To put it in an easier way, he simply just gave up. He hated the fact that love could tear you open so deep at any given moment. He just wanted someone who truly care about him, who actually wants to be there for him. Every night, he would stay up and wonder, "Why is love against me?" I took a while for Taemin to recover, but he's still not ready for another relationship.

"Hyung, this could be a good thing for you. We're having a movie night and that's final." Taemin scoffed a bit, crossing his arms.

"You know, you're really bossy to me. I'm the oldest. Shouldn't it be the other way around?" Jongin smirked and smack the older boy on his shoulder playfully, "Oh shut up. You know you love me." Taemin let out a chuckle, replying with a sarcastic tone, "Sure, I do." The younger one sent a death glare to him, causing him to flinch back an inch. 

"Alright! Alright! I love you. Jeez." Taemin stuck his bottom lip out as the younger danced in his seat.

The bell rang, indicating that the next period would start soon. Jongin stood up and ruffled his hyung's hair, "Bye, hyung. See you later!" The elder waved as he watched the younger gracefully leave the room. It's funny, he thought, for a guy, he's not really stiff when he walks. He shook his head, going back to reality.

After school

Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrring! The afternoon bell rang through out the hallways, overpowering the students' sighs of relief. They began flooding corridors, maneuvering their way around the crowds, looking for their friends, while teachers frantically made their way to their meeting. Taemin stood up from his seat, a smile spreading throughout his features. He stretched a bit, trying to fix the kinks that have been made from sitting all day. Just as he was about to leave, a worn out Jongin made his way through the sliding doors, dragging his bag across the floor with a pout sprawled on his puffy lips. Taemin let out a small laugh.

"Hey, zombie? Do you know where my best friend is?" Jongin sent him a disturbing death glare, making holes into the elder's skin. The younger sighed, picking up his back and cracking his back.

"Aish, can we just go home and watch our movie? I'm getting sick and tired of this school already." Taemin just laughed his best friend's comment, not wanting to add on to it. They made their way to the entrance whilst being in a deep discussion of what movie they wanted to watch, when suddenly, BAM! Jongin was tackled to the ground by a familiar figure.

"Jongin oppa!" The attacker squealed, causing both of the boys to cover their ears. As Jongin stood up, he gently pushed the attacker off his back. "Yah, Soojung-ah. What the hell did I say about jumping on my back like that?! What if I broke something?!"The younger sent daggers to the girl, causing her to flinch a bit. "O-Oppa.. I-I'm sorr--", "Save it. I don't have time for that right now. Hyung and I have to get going." He slid his hand around the elder's wrist, tugging him away from the stoned figure, fuming.

As soon as they walked about two blocks, Jongin let go of Taemin's hand, clearing his throat. "Well then, I guess movie night will just be with the two of us. After yelling at Soojung, I don't think they'll be coming over tonight." The younger sighed, continuing up the road to Taemin's house. "Aw, I was kinda excited for that whole date night thing.." Taemin let out a fake sigh, feeling relieved that he wouldn't have to put up with Jung sisters for the night.

As the two reached the house, they were greeted by two big poodles. Jongin leaned down, ruffling the dog's head, "Annyeong, Jjangu. Hey Monggu. Did you miss oppa?" Taemin stood at the door, mentally rolling his eyes at the cute scene before him, "Alright, lovers. Time to move." They moved to the side, letting Taemin slip past them. He trudged his way to his room, dropping his bag on the floor whilst walking to the closet, looking for pajamas. As soon as he found two pairs, he quickly slipped his on and walked out to the living room, finding a relaxed Jongin sprawled across his couch. The elder shook his head slowly before throwing the clothes at the boy.

"Hurry up and change while I get the food." The younger whined a bit before giving in, changing his clothes right on the couch. Taemin scoffed at his actions, watching him through the kitchen window, "Idiot. You're lucky my parents aren't home right now or else you'd be screwed." The boy went back to his original position, grabbing the blanket that draped the back of the couch. He grabbed a laptop that was resting on the bottom of the coffee table, turning it on and going on Netflix, "Hurry up, old man. I picked the movie already." Taemin rushed to get the food prepared, setting the food and drinks onto a tray, slowly making his way to the living room. As he set the food down, he made himself on the sprawled out boy, resting his head on his chest, nuzzling closer. The younger coughed a bit at the position they were in, but chose to ignore it.

"Press play, please?" Jongin clicked on the play button, settling himself into the couch. The two laid there in complete silence as the boring film began. Taemin began to drift to sleep, while Jongin averted his eyes to the sleeping figure. He felt his heart jump out of his chest as the elder nuzzled closer to him. What the hell is this? why am I feeling this way? He shook his head quickly, mumbling, "It's nothing, Jongin. it's nothing." The elder shifted a bit before falling asleep once again. The younger leaned over slowly, grabbing the remote to turn off the television. After setting it down, he glanced at the other boy one last time before slowly closing his eyes, "Good night, hyung."

Wooooooo! Finally finished the first chapter! 

Update to story ;; I have a coauthor now and hopefully we will be able to update frequently. Till then, keep reading! 

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Guardian_angel #1
Chapter 2: i will wait for this story. c:
Chapter 2: I will wait patiently since I love your story so much TT_TT
taekai69 #3
Chapter 1: Up daaaaate
Chapter 1: Woosh~ Kai is starting to notice Tae in that way~
Wow! I love your story! Can't wait to see what's happen next!
Chapter 1: Jongin is already having feelings for Taemin ;)
Update soon please! It was interesting! :D
imsocuriousyeah #8
Chapter 1: it was great, really! i hope to read more soon!!
Subscribed! seems interesting ♥
imsocuriousyeah #10
oh god yessss this sounds AMAZING please update when you can i cant waaait
i am so happy; the world definitely needed some more taekai