#1 yongguk - my #1 pabo

bap one shots

"Youngguk will you please hurry up!" you yelled from downstairs.

Your beloved boyfriend was usually very obedient,except for today. Today you were going out to meet an old friend from school. Originaly you wanted to go by yourself since it might be boring for yongguk if he tagged along, however yongguk insisted he go with you. " he had nothing to do today anyway." or so he wanted you to believe, but you knew when it came to guys you meet that yongguk didn't know well he would get jealous.

"jagi~! i cant find my pants!" he replied to you, he knew where they were but he was making excuses to prolong you from meeting this man.you stormed into the bedroom.

"YA! what are you doing im not dressed" he yelled trying to cover himself. "yongguk its not like i haven't seen you before" you said picking up his nicely folded untouched pants and then throwing them at him.

"no more games youngguk! hurry up!" you yelled at him.

he acted as if he were clueless "what games? i was looking for my pants". you shook your head and walked out.

ten minutes later yongguk emerged from the bedroom and walked downstairs. you took one look at him "are you seriously going to wear that?" you asked pointing at his hat . he was wearing a yello hat that drooped down below his ears.

"yeah!... so?" he responded.

"nothing! lets just go!" you commanded, pushing him out the door. the two of you got in the car and there was silence. when you arrived the sun had just started to go down and it was getting dark. yongguk opend the door to the resturant for you and you both walked in. As expected your friend had already been sitting down for some time.

"OMG! hyunwoo-ah~! sorry for being late. i wouldn't have been late if it wasnt for this pabo" you explained pointing at yongguk. yongguks mouth dropped open "me? Pabo?" he asked pointing at himself. he scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"and who is he exactly" hyunwoo asked with a puzzling look on his face. you realised then that you never even told hyunwoo that you had a boyfriend.

"Oh hyunwoo i forgot to tell you|! this is yongguk my boyfriend". yongguk waved happily with a smug grin on his face. you all sat at the table.

when the waiter came to your table you all ordered your meals."so, hyunwoo what do you do for a living?" yongguk asked trying to make a pleasnt conversation. "oh nothing fancy, i'm just an achitect. what about you?" he replied. "ohh i work in the entertainment industry, i rap." he explained. "ohh" hyunwoo mumbled.

"sorry what was that?"yongguk asked. "well i dont mean to be rude but they say that people who as entertainers are only entertainers because the can't do anything else" he said.

yongguk scowled at him. the conversation became heated argument. words were being thrown around and people at the other tables were staring and you kept trying to apologize.

the conversation became confusing and you had no idea what was even going on. they were both trying to get you onto their side of the argument to prove to the other one that they were right. but you were too confused and just agreed with hyunwoo because you didnt know what else to do.

youngguk got mad and stormed out of the resturant. "well at least that brute wont be disturbing us anymore" hyunwoo cliamed. you felt sorry for yongguk but you were also mad at him for leaving abruptly.

the food arrived and you and hyunwoo ate together. the conversation was steady but awkward. the conversation picked up more when you finished your food.

the two of you talked for a while before leaving the resturant. you and hyunwoo decided to walk the nearby streets. "i can't believe you go out with such a loser!" hyunwoo said.

"yea i sometimes question my actions too" you said laughing i off, however hyunwoo was serious. "you deserve better!" hyunwoo stated. "well... i dont know about that. i mean i know yongguk is a big idiot and an total meanie sometimes but he has his good points!" you replied.

you started walking down an alley way. "you know i only came here tonight because i thought you were still single." he explained. "oh sorry about that" you laughed. he stopped you and pushed you to the alley wall.

"i mean it. i like you!... leave yongguk and go out with me?" he asked. "what no i can't do that i love yongguk!" you told him, trying to push him away.

"stop now! im feeling uncomfortable" you told him. "well i feel very comfortable here" he said.

"please? your scaring me" you whispered.

"to bad!" he yelled and began to move his body closer to you. you shivered and goosebumps riddled your skin. you started to tremble but he held you up.

"stop i said... I SAID STOP!" you screamed and tried to shake him off. but he still wouldn't budge. tears were forming in your eyes.

A quick pacing of footsteps was heading toward you and suddenly you were free of hyunwoo's grip.

it was yongguk he had shoved hyunwoo to the ground and proceeded to puch him. yongguk moved back and was in between you and hyunwoo. his arms were spread and he made a threatening pose "YOU TOUCH HER AGIAN AND I SWEAR I'LL KILL YOU!" his face was full of anger.

hyunwoo freaked out and ran into the distance.

yongguk turned around to face you suddenly. his quick movement made you jump. you were crouched on the floor. yongguk crouched down so you were face to face with him. "jagi~! are you hurt?" his face had turned from anger to concern as his hands and eyes examined your body.

you were so stunned that you only shook you head. he helped you up and steadied your body with his.

"lets go home" he said helping you to the car. he sat you down in the passenger side seat so he could drive. in the car all you could do was stare into the darkness through the window. your mind was still processing what had happened.

you arrived home and yongguk took you inside and sat you down on the bed. "Honey do you need anything?" he asked you, brushing away some of the strands of hair that were loose on your face.

you couldn't help it yongguks kindness as well as the recent event had begun to bring you to tears again. "Oh no jagi~" he said after noticing the tears.

he placed both of his hands firmly on your back placing you inside his embrace and rubbed your back soothingly to calm you down.

"my jagi needs to smile, shes much prettier when she smiles" he said smiling at her trying to encourage her to do the same.

his charm overcame her and a smile crept onto her lips. "you truley are a pabo you know." you told him as he nuzzled the side of your face and made cute noises.

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