Clear as Crystal

A Chance to Life

Ta ja hao! LOL




 Days have passed. Dr. Erica Kim couldn’t give Margarette an answer. Same treatment was given to her and none happened. Her family has stopped hoping, they’ve accepted the fact that no one can help the girl.


“Doctor, let her go home.” Mr. Harrow said. “Let us take care of her in our home.”


Taeyeon and Tiffany held each other’s hands. They wanted to help; they wanted to keep the child to get home safe and healthy. Taeyeon cleared . “Are you sure about this sir?”


“Yes, yes we are. Look at her-” Mrs Harrow gestured towards the thin, emancipated-looking girl, with countless contraptions on her body.


Taeyeon could only nod in agreement. “Then, we will be giving you a paper later. You have to sign on it. It says there you chose to discharge the patient despite of your doctors’ advice not to. Do you understand?”


“Yes, the nurse kind of explained it to me a while ago.”


Tiffany interjected the conversation about Margarette’s condition. “Wait!”


The doctor together with the parents looked at her with raised eyebrows.


“Maam, sir can you give another day to figure things out? Just one day. Please. After twenty four hours and none happened, y-you can sign the paper.” Tiffany nervously asked.


“Fany-ah.” Taeyeon shook her head.


The couple in front of them thought for a while. “Okay. Agreed.”


“Okay.” Taeyeon gently smiled. She pulled Tiffany gently out of the room. “Tiffany, a day’s not gonna change anything.”


“But I know you can do it. Give this day a chance Taeyeon.”

Sometimes, Tiffany’s perseverance was too much for Taeyeon. When they were still together, they would get into a fight when Tiffany overly persists on something she doesn’t want to do. But today, just a look on the latter’s eye dissolved the exasperation that’s building inside her. “Okay, but this is the last. Okay?”


“Thank you. I know that look.” Tiffany noticed. “You’re stressed and irritated. Wanna grab some ice cold drinks?”


The shorter girl nodded.





Taeyeon and Tiffany bought two cups of tropical fruit shake a stall in the hospital’s cafeteria. The sudden brain freeze helped the doctor’s blurring mind. They were walking towards the hospital park and she stopped to fully feel the comfort of the frozen shake.


“Helped a little?” Tiffany, who’s standing ahead of her asked.


“This is good. Thanks.”


The latter smiled. Tiffany spent most of her time in the hospital, from going with Taeyeon during her rounds up to doing nothing in the doctor’s office. She enjoyed her time though. She got to know patients, their diagnoses and their treatment. And doing nothing while waiting for the doctor is way more okay to her than do nothing at home. The difference between having someone to wait than none is that the latter is lifeless.


“I remember my dad had an explosive diarrhoea when he ate random native food and drinks in Thailand.” Tiffany muttered as she waited for Taeyeon to catch with her pace. “It was the worst.”


Taeyeon took two steps towards the ebony head and abruptly stopped upon hearing Tiffany’s story. “Wait.”


She jolted away from her spot and ran like there’s no tomorrow en route for the hospital’s electronic library. She hastily mounted her identification card on the machine that reads ID barcodes. She entered the room and looked for their computer that provides their database.


She typed something on the keyboard and a lot of pages, cases and patients’ charts loaded almost instantly on the screen. Taeyeon sprinted yet again towards ICU room number three and saw a glimpse of the couple who hopelessly watched their daughter outside the glass door. She took out her phone and dialled the ebony head’s number.


“Hello? Where are yo-”


“Fany-ah, I think I know the answer.”


“Really?” Tiffany squealed with glee.


“I have to ask something on the parents first.” She paused. “Can you look for Yuri and you guys go at my office together?”




Taeyeon hung up. She patted Mr. Harrow’s back. “Sir?”




“May I just ask did you happen to go on vacation before she got sick?” the doctor casually asked while silently praying that they did.


 “Oh, yes. We went to Philippines for a three-day vacation. Why?”


One more. Help me out Margarette. “And where specifically?”


“It was Palawan.”








Yuri opened the door to Taeyeon’s small office. She hesitated at first because she might see the blonde inside her crime scene. She inhaled deeply and slowly opened the door, wishing she’ll see no one inside.


“Yuri!” a female voice yelped. “Finally.”


“Tiffany? You called me out here?”


“Yes, Taeyeon said so. I believe she knows the answer to the mystery of Margarette’s case!” the shorter girl stated in excitement.


“Really? That’s good!” Yuri faked her enthusiasm. She looked around the room and as much as she wanted to avoid Jessica, she felt a pang of disappointment when the blonde’s not around. They didn’t talk after the stunt she pulled four days ago. She couldn’t try to communicate with Jessica because she was appalled by what she did, and also the blonde might be so mad at her after that incident.


“You okay, Yuri?”


“Y-yeah. Just tired. I guess.” The tan sat down and fiddled with the edges of the silk cover of the couch.


“Have you seen Jessi around?”




Tiffany creased her forehead. “You still don’t talk because both of you are so stubborn to start a conversation?”


“We kinda had a situation after that.”


“And that is?”


Yuri nervously glanced at the curious Tiffany. She sighed and told the story about the whole teasing thing she did.


“YOU DID WHAT?!!” Tiffany yelled in a pitch that can easily break one’s ears.


The other girl flinched. “I’m sorry okay! I was surprised too. I didn’t know what happened but all the teasing, the fights, I just-”


“You are so gonna pay for what you did to my best friend.” The ebony head glared at the nervous intern across her.


“Okay. I know I was wrong. I’m feeling guilty as hell, Fany. I called her, I emailed and texted her too. Her phone’s off and she hasn’t replied to my emails.” Yuri was genuinely sad from Tiffany’s point of view. She rested her head on her hands and wailed like a suspect who got in jail. “I like her, I really do.”


Taeyeon opened her door with so much glee from her discovery. “Everyone, it is Malaria!”


Neither of the two black haired girls reacted. “What happened? Someone died? Without me, the doctor, knowing?” she tried to joke. Still, zero reaction.


Tiffany started telling the story Yuri shared a while ago, with much disappointment in her tone. Yuri on the other hand felt her heart quashed with more guilt.


“SHE DID WHAT?!” Taeyeon’s voice roared from her room out until the hallways of the floor. “Yuri, why!?”


“We had the same reaction.” Tiffany shook her head. She took out a piece of paper and scribbled on it. She handed it to the heartbroken girl. Yuri’s eyes shot open at the unfamiliar numbers. “It’s Krystal’s. Ask her if she knows Jessica’s whereabouts. That brat might be doing something stupid.”


Taeyeon nodded in agreement. “But first, we should save Margarette’s life.”

“Malaria? Did they go somewhere in Asia?” Yuri absentmindedly asked her boss.


“Yep, Philippines. I ordered a malarial blood smear on her and I got the result instantly. She’s positive for Plasmodium falciparum.”


“Plas- what?” Tiffany grimaced at the unrecognized medical words. “You know I somehow hate it when you guys all medical on me.”


Taeyeon chuckled at the cute behaviour. “Plasmodium falciparum. A parasite that kills our RBCs.” She looked at Yuri. “What are we going to do?”


“So we’re going for a primaquine therapy.”


“Good.” She handed Yuri the patient’s chart. “Write your diagnosis and your treatment and sign your name below.”


Yuri’s jaw dropped. She has never written anything on her patient’s chart because Taeyeon was so uptight about interns writing on medical papers.


“Go on. You deserve it.”


The tan intern excitedly took out her pen and wrote everything she has to write on the papers she was holding. She has waited for this moment. Taeyeon smiled at her intern and at Tiffany who’s grinning too.




The three gave the dose of primaquine to the patient. Yuri ordered an increase of 3000 ml of fluids on the patient to redeem the liquids Margarette has lost. The nurses were happy that Yuri was finally giving them the orders. They also knew that the tan intern deserves it. A pat on her back snapped her out of her daze. “You were good at this case, Yuri-yah. But when it comes to your personal case with Jung, you totally !” Taeyeon whispered in Korean. “Call Krystal. Now.”


Yuri took out her phone and the paper tiffany has given her a while back. She walked away the station while mouthing a silent “thank you” to her resident physician.




“Krystal, this is Yuri. Jessica’s friend. Are you by chance with her?”


“No. I’m at school. Why?”


“Where is she?” Yuri asked the younger girl rather hurriedly.


“She did mention before I went out this morning that she’ll go to this fancy restaurant at Vermont.” Krystal Jung tried to remember what Jessica told her earlier today. “Just look for her there, I can’t remember what restaurant was that.”

“Thanks!” Yuri hung up instantly.


“What was that?”


( So yeah. J here chose to sleep rather than update so you guys had to wait. haha! 

enjoy reading! lots of love. - T.
PS: wait, there's moooooore! :P )

-_-  --> 'J' (ask ask ask bbs)



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whiteroze #1
Chapter 30: Just post this the continuation of this story authorssi...please
Yurishi #2
Chapter 7: Good job author,,i love your story,
cwright01_ #3
Continued the story on SSF and it's soo good ! Cried while I'm reading it, got me so bad !
Thank you for writing an awesome story!
Cheesytaeny #4
Chapter 31: Wow i just finish reading this story worth the continuation on soshified and we'll cried a lot! This definitely affected my brain haha. But the story is so awesome! I feel I can kinda relate to it. Thanks for this story!
Chapter 22: BAM! Yeah this is what I'm waiting for XP
Josylol #6
Chapter 31: I can't found it
leslay #7
I love the description =D
cuilanseng12 #8
What is sff?
dorkydaeny #9
Chapter 31: I followed the link but I found there are only 10 chapters :(