
A Chance to Life

Annyeong! Ok so yeah we're nurses! How come no one's playing the guessing game with me? /sulks! 




"Good afternoon, Margarette. I'm Dr. Erica and this is Tiffany, my uh-" Taeyeon awkwardly glanced at the girl beside her. "Consultant. Yes, consultant."

Tiffany got the signal to act as the doctor's consultant, even if she doesn't know what that means. "Good morning." She smiled.

The weak looking girl slightly smiled. Tiffany felt a stab on her heart at the sight of the patient. Standing in front of a very sick person is difficult, let alone treating them. She stood there rooted while Taeyeon assessed Margarette. 

"Tiffany?" asked Taeyeon, who is stooping to auscultate the child's heartbeat and breathing. 


"You okay?" Taeyeon stood up, went close to Tiffany and held her arms. "You're shaking."

"Taeyeon, I-"

"It's okay, I feel you." The doctor gently rubbed Tiffany's back. When the latter relaxed, she turned to the patient and her family.  "Okay, Margarette, Mr. and Mrs. Harrow, we will go now. We will inform you of any progress. As of now, we will continue with the treatment until we know what we are dealing with."

"Thank you, doctors. We couldn't thank you enough." Mr Harrow said with gratitude.


“It’s okay. We will do our best.” Tiffany gently smiled.

They went outside the room and stopped at the nurses' station. Taeyeon studied every detail Margarette's chart offered her. "Tiffany, this is really something new. I've never encountered anything like this."

"Taeyeon, she looked so frail. How could you be so strong in front of patients like her?"

"Doctors have to, Fany. If they're weak, we should be strong for them. I'm sorry you got shocked." Taeyeon stopped flipping through the pages and looked at the other girl worriedly.

"It's fine. I should be sorry I acted that way." The ebony head gently rubbed Taeyeon's creased forehead. "Don't worry now."

Taeyeon's lips slowly twitched up. "I see sleepless nights ahead Fany-ah. You okay with that?"

"Oh, I am very much trained with that." Tiffany beamed.

"Okay, if you say so."


Kwon Yuri slouched at the lounge's couch when her shift for the week's over. She looked at her phone disappointedly. She got quite a lot of messages and missed calls from different people but not from the person she expects. The blonde even did not visit her at the hospital. "Jung, what are you up to now? Playing games with me? Game on." She scoffed, still looking at the screen.

She's fighting the urge to give Jessica a message or even look at her phone, but after a few minutes, impatience is getting into her. "Ugh! Are you that busy to even greet me?" Yuri started typing a message on her phone.

Good evening. How are you?


Were you busy today?




"Ugh! I hate this!" She sulked. She threw her phone inside her backpack. Yuri had a glimpse of the clock hanging on the wall that read 6:45 PM. "I should go ahead."


Taeyeon, Tiffany and Sunny were at Taeyeon's office. Tiffany is making coffee for the two doctors while Sunny and Taeyeon study Margarette's case. 

"Taeng, I'm not supposed to be here. I have patients at UCLA." Sunny muttered.

"Help me out here. This is just something I can't figure out my self." Taeyeon reached out for the coffee Tiffany was giving her. She mouthed a silent "thank you", and the latter smiled.

Sunny grinned at the sight of the ex-couple. Their magic, the feeling of warmth they emanate were still there. "You have Tiffany here."

"Oh yes, she's a great help." Taeyeon proudly said.

Tiffany chuckled. "I'm only good at making coffee."

Their conversation was interrupted by a phone ring. It was Tiffany's. She stood up and went outside the room to answer the call.

As soon as she closed the door, Sunny went towards the girl across her. "I see you're really getting back to treating hopeless patients." She whispered on Taeyeon's ear.

"Tiffany. She-"

"Oh, it was Tiffany." Sunny concluded, she is rubbing her chin while pacing behind Taeyeon.

"What are you trying to say?" The other doctor looked at Sunny sarcastically.

"I know that you know what I'm talking about, girl."

Taeyeon laughed. "Don't call me GIRL. It's annoying." She paused for a thought. "I don't want to, at first because I was afraid. I can't let another patient die in my service. But Tiffany, she gave me hope, the hope I needed to say yes on the case."

"You're still in love with her, Taeng. Admit it."

"In the first place, did I even deny it?"

Sunny stopped pacing. "Oh yes, that's right. Will you give yourselves another chance?"

"That's not for me to answer. And, we were long over, Sunny. You know that. Let's just keep it this way."

"What if she goes out with someone else? Will it be okay?"

"Of course not. It'll freaking break my heart to bits!" Taeyeon let out a defeated sigh.

"Hello, Jess? What's up?" Tiffany closed the doors behind her. 

"Tiff, I called our office in Korea. I told them you and I will be basing here in LA. Our managers will be sending us the project themes." Jessica smiled on the other line. She never left the Korean office since they started. But this time, she has a reason to stay.

"Really? That's good!" Tiffany grinned. She on the other hand, occasionally leave their office back home but never really stayed out long. Like her friend, she also has a reason.

"Are you with Taeyeon?"

"Yes, why?"

"Talked to her yet?"

"Nope." She has forgotten about the issue she has to settle with her ex. "We're really into this case. Might as well talk to her after we treat the child."

"Okay. Did you see Yuri though?"

"No. Why?"

"She never called nor messaged me. She's really getting in my nerves now." Jessica grumbled through her gritted teeth. 

"Why don't you do it first?"

"Uh, excuse me? Why should I?"

"You two love playing games, don't you?" She laughed at how immature her friends are. Someone patted her back and she turned her back. It was Sunny. 

"I'll go ahead." The short girl whispered.

Tiffany nodded and went back to her phone call. "Hey Jessi, I have to go. Talk to you later."

"Sure, bye!"


Tiffany opened the door and she had a view of the overworking doctor. Taeyeon massaged her temples with her right hand while absently playing with her pen with her left. It was one of habits Taeyeon does when she's in stress and when her head aches.

"Migraine again?" Tiffany asked as she sat across Taeyeon.

"I guess. The cups of coffee and chocolates we had are killing me." Taeyeon grimaced at the pain her head gave her when she moved a bit.

The other girl took Taeyeon's hand and started massaging the space between the thumb and pointer finger. "Still works?"

"Never had that in years."


"Noone has touched my hands."

Tiffany looked at Taeyeon with much surprise on her face. "That's quite impossible. I bet people line up to go out with you."

"Never said yes to any of them though." The doctor smiled bitterly.

Somehow, the words which came from Taeyeon's mouth made Tiffany smile. "Why?"

"Never had interest." Taeyeon replied. "How about you? How many relationships did you have before Mr. Song?"

The idea of putting Brian in the picture distracted Tiffany. As much as she enjoyed Taeyeon's company, it was again Brian who stops her. Was it guilt? She thought. If it was, but why?

"None." She answered flatly.

Taeyeon immediately got the signal from the other girl's cold reply. She silenced herself from the questions she already formed on her mind. "Thank you, anyways."

"Hm? For what?"

"For this." She pointed at the area Tiffany was pressing ever so gently. "And for staying. Shouldn't you be somewhere else? Don't you have work back in Korea? You can always go, you know. I'll handle everything here."

The ebony head was disappointed add the drop in her mood earlier when Taeyeon mentioned Brian. She let go of Taeyeon's hand, which surprised the doctor. "You want me to leave? Is it because I can only offer you coffees instead of answers?"

Taeyeon sighed. She reached for the other girl's hands and those gently. "You're mood Fany-ah. It's not what I meant. What I'm trying to say is you shouldn't be pressured to stay here because of the drama I caused."

"You think it's only about that? I want to stay here Taeyeon-ah. For the patient and for you." Tiffany bowed her head. 

"I know, I'm sorry." Taeyeon stretched her hand to lift Tiffany's face. "My head's hurting so damn much. Can you massage my hand again? It still works if you're the one doing it." And the latter gladly relented.


Jessica Jung spaced out yet again. She was counting the leaves of the tree outside her huge room when Yuri came into her mind. “Playing games, Kwon? Okay. Okay, I’ll give you what you want.”



Leave some comments! Oh and btw, I asked 'T' if she's gonna type a message and she's like "Nahh" ... Lazy bum! pfft. LOL <-- ask away babies! ^^ And oh please do read my two-shot that i wrote 3 months ago and feel free to leave some reactions... ^^ Chances 

---- 'J' <3


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whiteroze #1
Chapter 30: Just post this the continuation of this story authorssi...please
Yurishi #2
Chapter 7: Good job author,,i love your story,
cwright01_ #3
Continued the story on SSF and it's soo good ! Cried while I'm reading it, got me so bad !
Thank you for writing an awesome story!
Cheesytaeny #4
Chapter 31: Wow i just finish reading this story worth the continuation on soshified and we'll cried a lot! This definitely affected my brain haha. But the story is so awesome! I feel I can kinda relate to it. Thanks for this story!
Chapter 22: BAM! Yeah this is what I'm waiting for XP
Josylol #6
Chapter 31: I can't found it
leslay #7
I love the description =D
cuilanseng12 #8
What is sff?
dorkydaeny #9
Chapter 31: I followed the link but I found there are only 10 chapters :(