The Cafe'

Perfect Scars




YunJi's POV

That night I went to the sauna house and just slept there. No good would do if I were to sleep at home. Besides I ran away, anyway. My parents wouldn't give a

crap in the whole world if I were to die anyway, so me running away will only put them to ease, better yet if I die. Here I am at the sauna, probably my new

home. Then I thought about "Him"... The guy that saved my life, what's his name again "Mixiu? Xiu? Or was it, Lixou? Ohhh yeahh, Xiumin" I thought loudly in

my head. Weird name he gives himself for a Korean guy, is he trying to be Chinese? Oh goshh, why do I even care if he is! I dont care about anyone.

"Urghhh!!!!" I said out loud and people stared at me like I was crazy. "Sorry!" I said to everyone, Yeap! I think im going crazy!!


Xiumin's POV

I got home that night still thinking about her. Her red shiny lips, those sad eyes and the way she looked away. Some how i couldn't seem to get her out of my

mind. I keep thinking about her every minute. Why I do keep thinking about her anyways? She's totally not my type... I think." Urghhh!!!" I said while taking off

my jacket and layed on the bed. "Aishhh!!!" I yelled while rubbing my hair.


    The next morning I woke up to see all 22 eyeballs staring straight at me. *Gasp!* "Stop staring at me like that! How did you guys get in here anyways, more

like in my house!?" I said while trying to sit up but could barely move. "You're mom let us in." Said Chanyeol while eating bread with his mouth full. I got up fast

and said "My mom's here!?" I went to my closet to find some clothes, and all the guys apparently just sat around my room doing their own thing. My rooms

pretty big it can fit more than just 12 people. And yes I do live by myself, that's why i was surprise to hear that my mom was here. "Eh, yo Xiumin hyung! We

should go to that one big famous cafe down the block, heard they got some hot girl waiters, wanna go?" Kai said while throwing the tennis ball back and forth

from his hands. I turned around and gave him a look, "That place isn't a hooters bar, you dip!" Kris said throwing a book at him. "Ouuu! I was just saying we

should go there and get some coffee." Kai said while holding his arm where he got hit. "Yeahh, sure so you can get some ladies. Don't you have like 3 girls on

yo atm." Suho said , Kai laughed and said "Doesn't hurt to get more!"  All the guys just laughed. " You're such a jackass! But whatever! Sure we can go." I

said while putting my shirt on. All the guys looked at me "Dude, I was just joking. You really wanna go?" Kai said "Yeah, i dont mind. It's not like we have any

other places to go anyway." I said "Guess we can go check out the place then." SeHun said . We all  went downstairs... Apparently this is my parents house

but they let me live here by myself when I told them that I was old enough now to live by myself. They hated that idea, so instead they bought this house so that

it can be for our family parties but then since I wanted to live alone they let me live here by myself.

When we got downstairs I found my mom in the kitchen. "Mom, what are you doing here so early?" I said looking confused, well of course I am comfused

she never really comes over. Only when she needs me or something from the storage room down in the basement. "I just thought you might need some extra

food, because your friends are living with you now and all. So I went to the market earlier this morning." She said smiling at me while putting the food in the

fridge. "My friends? Living with me? What? How come I didn't hear about this? When were they living with me?" I said in shock. I turned around and looked at

the guys. They avoided eye contact with me and looked away or either pretend I wasn't looking at them or didn't hear me. "We'll they all came to ask your father

and I saying they will like to live with you. Beacuse they all wanted to live on their own too. And before we approved we called all their parents and asked if it

was okay with them and apparently their parents didn't mind at all. Besides their parents are our best friends anyways and these boys are all like my sons.

Aren't you guys all?" My mom said and looked towards the guys. They all looked at my mom and faked a smile and said "Yes, of course Mrs. Kim."


And of course this is a surprising news to me. Apparently they all know Imma kill them tonight once we all go to sleep. I gave all the guys a look, and they all

mouthed "Sorry!" I signed to them telling them they were all dead. I turned back to my mom and said "Well then I guess that's that. Anyways, mom the guys

and I well be heading out now. Thanks for the food too. Love you lots mom." I said and hugged my mom and left with the guys. As we all were walking down

 the streets I  said the the guys. "You all are so dead! Why didn't you guys tell me about this?" I said and stopped walking. "Well, if we did you would've have

said 'NO' so it was best to ask your parents." Kris said and then Suho added "Besides that means we all get to hang like old times again, ever since high school

was done it was like we all just disappeared from eachother's lives. But then found eachother again after 2 years." I nodded at what Suho said, it was true

though. After high school was done, we all didn't keep contact with eachother until our reunion at school and we all finally met again.


  When we got the Cafe, it was huge. Bigger than the other ones around here. It was awkward though, because all 12 of us walked in and everyone stared at

us like we were some Hallyu star or something. But I understood why they all stared at us, there's 12 of us so it's not hard to miss a group of 12 boys entering

a Cafe. I moved to the front desk to ask for a table but instead the lady replied and looked to the side of me "Hello, Kai. VIP table for 12 right?" She smiled while

saying that to Kai, and Kai replied "Yes, MinJi my dear." *Gross!* I said in my head, but that's Kai for you. MinJi lead us to the VIP room. Apparently Kai already

set an reservation for us. No wander we wanted to come here, there were alot of pretty girls here, or HOT as Kai puts it. "Hyung! You are DAEBAK!!!"

Chanyeol said happily. "Yeah, how did you even get us a VIP room?" Luhan had asked what we all had in mind to ask Kai. He just sat there smiling like a big

idiot. "Yo man! I'm Kai the GREAT! I can get us VIP rooms or VVIP rooms anywhere." He said smiling. *Yeap, that's Kai for you. Everyone apparently knows

him, around the block now. Because he's such a big player. I excused myself from the guys to go to the washroom. Then I bumped into someone. It was a

girl. She dropped the cups she was holding and they all broke on the floor. "Oh gosh, I'm so sorry! Here let me help." I bent down and helped her. Then I

noticed her face, it was that girl from the cliff. The one that tried to kill herself. "Suicidal girl?" I said and she looked up at me, her brown creamy eyes and the

way her sad face looks like. "You again! Are you like stocking me or what?" She said in a bad tone. Guess she hates me now. "Go away, I can clean this up

myself." She picked up a piece of glass and it cutted her. *Gasp!* "Owww...." She said and dropped the piece of glass. "It's like everytime I see you, you're

always bleeding." I said and held her hand, she snatched it away and said "That's because you seem to always come in the wrong time. Now leave me alone."

She said still in a bad tone. She picked up the rest of the pieces and left me hanging.


YunJi's POV:

Jerk! Why does he always have to be everywhere I go. *Urghh!* I'm so annoyed by him now. Stupid finger, why did you have to bleed. I stomped off while

holding my hand. I put the cups in the sink and went to wash my hands. *Man i'm totally gonna be in trouble now for breaking the cups.* I said to myself

And walked out the restroom. I went back to the kitchen but then everything was normal. "Ummm.... manager Anh. I..."  and she cut me off "You don't have to

explain. That guy over there already paid for the broken glass." She pointed to him, that guy! *Him!?!! Oh goshh!* "So don't sorry just go back to work." she said

and left. Why is he getting invovled with my life problems. Next time I see him, he is so dead!



SO SORRY FOR THE LATE UPDATE! but still i hope you like this chapter! IT'S MORE OF XIUMINS POV in this Chapter i guess... Well hope you like it!

Subscribe too! I'll try to update sooner this time! =]]]

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YYSdyno #1
Chapter 6: AHHHHHHHH ! can I make a cameo ? Jebal ? With ChenChen ? Jebal unnie :3 i lurve it! Good Job Leader (;
YYSdyno #2
Chapter 2: (: choiae !
My6TeenzOnTop #3
Chapter 2: Nice ! You should 've made it longer :(
It's really good so far !
My6TeenzOnTop #4
Chapter 1: Girl , you really need more views & subscribers ! It 's so good already ! Hope you update soon , okayy 's ?? ;D
I 'll help promote your story too ! For real though , update soon . I wanna read what happens next !
YYSdyno #5
Chapter 1: Ahhhhh ! When he said "Dont die." my body had the chills & Goosebumps! (: <3 love !
YYSdyno #6
Kekekeke , you actually made it ! Yay ! (3 hwighting !