Chapter One

Forever and Always

I was suddenly awakened from my short nap when I felt a soft object slam on top of my face. Makiko and I had just came home from a long day’s work from our Umma’s clothing store, and I always took a long, well-deserved nap after work. However, today was not one of those days. “WHAT?!” I screamed, barely opening my eyes to see who had dared to disturb me. As I expected, my little sister, Makiko, was staring down at me with a sweet smile. “Annyeong, unnie. Rise and shine, cause the guys wanted to tell us something. It must be important, considering they would never dare disturb your nap.” Makiko explained, pulling on my arm in an attempt to get me out of bed. “UGH. I SWEAR if this is about DooJoon losing his crayons again, I am going to punch him in the face.” I growled, kicking the blankets off of me before I walked into the living room. Whenever the boys wanted to tell us something ‘important’, it varied from losing a shoe, to losing an SNSD poster, to shopping. None of our meetings were really important, actually. There was only one of our meetings which were important, and it was about us all finding jobs. Since I was up and awake, I just decided to shut my mouth and not bother to argue as I followed my sister out of our apartment after I grabbed my jacket.

“Yah, wait up!” Makiko whined, running to catch up to me. She was always slow, so I usually walk ahead of her on purpose so that she would run to catch up to me. The skinny girl does need to get out and exercise more, anyway. We walked into the coffee shop right next to the apartment building, and we made our way over to the couch where we usually sat to host our meetings. “Okay, so what’s up?” Makiko asked, sitting down next to HyunSeung. “I MISSED YOUUUU.” HyunSeung exclaimed, hugging Makiko tightly, trying to lean in for a kiss. “Bleh! I saw you like an hour ago. Don’t be so dramatic.” Makiko grumbled, turning her head away from HyunSeung. “Oh, stop doing PDA, HyunSeung. It’s not attractive.” KiKwang commented, causing everyone to laugh except for HyunSeung. He pouted, leaning his head against Makiko’s. “What are we here for? You guys woke me up from my nap, so it better be HELLA important.” I demanded, crossing my arms over my chest while raising my eyebrow. Everyone was silent; afraid of what I would do if they said the wrong thing. Honestly, I still was a bit grumpy from having been woken up from a good nap, and even if the meetings were usually about something pointless, they were always after I had woken up from my nap. “Hyung has a new girlfriend.” YoSeob mumbled cautiously, scooting closer to Makiko. “You mean…” I tilted my head to one side, trying to figure out who YoSeob was talking about. “JunHyung. He’s the only one that isn’t here. He went to go pick up his girlfriend so that he could introduce us to her.” DongWoon explained, seeming as if he just wanted me to just relax a bit. In fact, that did happen. I wasn’t so tense anymore, but I did let out a sigh. I have gone through this so many times, it wasn’t even funny anymore. It was a bit depressing the first few times, but after the tenth time, I stopped counting. It was a bit sad to think I had feelings for someone that broke up with his girlfriend before they could even move up a level in their ‘relationship’.  “Another one?” I asked, leaning back in my chair. “Yup. Another one of those clingy one night stands.” DooJoon nodded, feeling comfortable again. “Oh.” I mumbled, looking away from everybody. Makiko sighed, and I knew she felt sorry for me. To be honest, I was never really used to meeting JunHyung’s es girlfriends, and I always felt uncomfortable when meeting them. What can I say? I…love him a lot. Shh! You didn’t hear that from me.

The awkward silence died out when JunHyung came walking into the coffee shop; with his new girlfriend. “Hey you guys!” he called, waving to everyone. He hugged me hello before he stood next to a short, petite looking girl. “I have been talking a lot about you guys to HyunJee, so she has been wanting to meet you all.” JunHyung chuckled. Everybody said their hellos as they watched HyunJee link arms with JunHyung. I looked at Makiko, catching her glance. We both smiled up at JunHyung, who had smiled back. “Well, that’s all for intros. We were supposed to go shopping, so we’ll hit you guys up later.” JunHyung said, waving goodbye. “Aight. See you later, boy.” DooJoon called, holding up his mug of coffee before taking a sip from it. And with that, JunHyung and HyunJee left, leaving us with the boys once again. “She actually looks smart this time.” YoSeob snickered, covering his mouth. “She doesn’t look like that much of a unlike the past five girls he’s dated.” DongWoon laughed, clapping his hands. We all laughed while recalling all the memories from JunHyung’s exes, and soon, it was time for all of us to head back home. Before I was about to stick the key into the lock of our door, Makiko elbowed me in the arm, causing me to miss the lock. “What?” I asked, a bit annoyed, as I turned to my sister, who was facing an open apartment door across from us. “JunHyung’s home.” Makiko informed, poking her head into the apartment. “Oh, HyunJee? What are you doing here alone?” Makiko walked into the apartment, and I followed her. “Oh, you’re Makiko and JaeJi! Yeah, well, JunHyung went out to go buy some food. What are you guys doing here?” HyunJee’s head rose up when she heard the two of us walk into the room. “Oh, we live in the room right across from JunHyung’s.” Makiko answered, smiling before she sat on the couch next to HyunJee. I stayed silent and walked over to sit next to Makiko. Talk about awkward. Here we were, about to go home, and Makiko decides to drag me along with her and talk to JunHyung’s girlfriend. GREAT.

At first, Makiko and HyunJee seemed to get along really well, since they talked about what stores Makiko shopped at and all of the jazz. I became a bit interested, extra emphasis on the word bit, when Makiko started asking HyunJee about herself. Turns out, she speaks four languages, is studying to become a lawyer, and has only been in a relationship once. She seems pretty innocent, considering Makiko has been with at least five guys. I don’t know, I kinda stopped counting after she got with HyunSeung. They’ll get married, anyway. WHAT’S A GIRL LIKE HYUNJEE DOING WITH A GUY LIKE JUNHYUNG?! The poor girl has only been with one guy in her entire life! Her heart is going to get trampled on when he dumps her. Aigoo, that’s not a very pretty picture. She’s going to be a LAWYER someday. JunHyung? Who knows what he’ll be. He raps really good, so hopefully he’ll be able to do something with that. Other than that, I have lost all hope in JunHyung becoming successful in any other profession. I began losing interest once more when the conversation lead to how HyunJee’s voice sounded like when she sang. Don’t tell her I said this, but I’ve heard Makiko sing way better the time she caught the flu and had a nasal voice for about two weeks. “I really like JunHyung. He’s the only guy I have decided to give a chance to ever since my last relationship failed.” I heard HyunJee say. Poor girl; she’s gonna get her heart broken in a span of two days. “Oppa!” HyunJee’s voice suddenly became annoying when JunHyung walked into his apartment with grocery bags. It kinda sounded like the kind of voice a preppy girl would sound around a guy she had a crush on. “Missed me?” he chuckled, setting the bags onto the kitchen counter. “Not at all. I do need to get home, though. My Umma’s gonna be on my case if I don’t get home in ten minutes.” HyunJee chuckled. She got up from her seat and started walking out, but not before JunHyung pecked her cheek. As soon as HyunJee was out the door, Makiko began rambling. “YAH, JUNHYUNG, I REALLY LIKE HER! I think you should marry her.” She said, jumping up from her seat. Pfft, this girl. I mean, I grew not to hate HyunJee, but I didn’t like her THAT much. “Ah, you think so?” JunHyung asked, not looking up from his grocery bags. He was unpacking everything, and I decided to help him. “To be honest, we don’t really connect. I don’t think I’ll make it far with her.” JunHyung shrugged, putting a bag of chips in the cupboard when I threw the bag at him. “YOU SAY THAT WITH EVERY GIRL.” Makiko and I shouted, high fiving each other at the end of our sentences. “If you just gave her a chance, then maybe you’ll connect with her.” Makiko chimed, almost begging for JunHyung to not give up on HyunJee. “Ah, alright. Just so you can shutup.” JunHyung mumbled, shoving the bags in a drawer. “YAY!” Makiko cheered, tugging on my arm. “We’ll be going now; it’s pretty late. Drop by at the coffee shop tomorrow afternoon after you take HyunJee somewhere and tell us if you like her more.” Makiko explained quickly, pulling me behind her as we headed into our apartment.

The next day went by pretty fast. Work at Umma’s store today was really busy, and Maki and I were going to pass out at the end of work. We took a long two hour nap, but it was interrupted when KiKwang kept calling Makiko’s phone. “WHAT. DO. YOU. WANT?!” Makiko screamed into the phone. Sure, it’s never a good thing to wake me up, but if you want to get yourself killed, be my guest to wake up Makiko. She is one hell of a brat to deal with in the morning...or, whenever she has just woken up. “U-Uh, come to the coffee shop now. JunHyung says he’s on his way.” KiKwang replied quickly, hanging up soon after that. I looked at Makiko, who just threw her phone to the side and walked out of my room to go change. I chuckled, having a very strong feeling that KiKwang was going to be a dead man. As soon as the waiter set down our frappicinos on the coffee table in front of us, the dynamic duo walked in. “Did you guys have fun?” HyunSeung asked, not looking up. He was quite occupied with braiding Makiko’s hair, and from the look on Makiko’s face, I was sure she was going to wash her hair tonight. “We had an awesome time! We snuck into two movies today!” HyunJee exclaimed, laughing. JunHyung chuckled, taking a seat next to HyunSeung. “I’ll be right back.” HyunJee called before she walked towards the restroom. “SO? HOW WAS IT?!” Makiko asked, slapping JunHyung’s arm lightly. “It was great! We talked about…pretty much everything! And I felt like we understood each other…and I felt the connection, you know.” JunHyung explained, totally ecstatic. I looked away, not wanting to hear another word. If they really did hit it off…I wouldn’t know what to do. JunHyung stood up when HyunJee came back. They exchanged their goodbyes, blah blah blah. This happened, that happened. JunHyung left, and HyunJee was waiting for her Appa to pick her up. “So, how was today’s date with JunHyung?” Makiko asked, leaning closer to HyunJee. “Oh, it was…okay.” HyunJee shrugged, causing me and Makiko to exchange glances. “Just okay?” I asked, raising an eyebrow. “Well…here’s the thing. I don’t really feel the connection between us like I thought I did. Could you just tell him that I’m not really looking for a serious relationship right now?” HyunJee explained, biting her lip. Makiko was speechless, and I just dropped my jaw, deciding whether to feel happy or upset. “Oh, I have to go now! That’s my Appa’s car! I’ll, uhh…see you guys soon?” HyunJee bade, dashing out of the coffee shop before Makiko could say anything.

“THAT…THAT…UGH! I just convinced JunHyung to give HyunJee a chance, but then she ends up not wanting anything to do with him! UGHH.” Makiko ranted while she was cooking dinner. I just sat on the couch, listening to her complain about what HyunJee said. The rest of the guys were there too, but they sat in front of the television, focused on some stupid video game. “Maki-ah~ Why’d you convince him to give her a chance anyway?” I asked curiously. “Why? Are you mad that he actually likes her?” Makiko replied. Whoa whoa whoa. That was pretty harsh. “No. Well – okay.  Why would you do that to me? I mean, you know that…I like him a lot.” I really did want to know the answer, and I was not going to accept a lame answer from her. “I only did that so you would move on. He hasn’t noticed your feelings for him, so I thought I should change a few things.” She explained, shrugging, as if all of this didn’t matter. Believe me, I had many things to say back to her, but JunHyung barged into the room with the brightest smile on his face. “I can’t thank you guys enough! I’m glad I listened to you guys. I think I really like HyunJee!” JunHyung chimed, hugging Makiko. He went over to me, hugged me, and then ran over to his apartment. I looked at Makiko, and we both sighed. The truth was, Makiko was the one that did all the work. I just watched, not getting myself involved. Whatever; I scored a hug from JunHyung, and that’s all that mattered to me at the moment. “Which one of us is gonna break the news to him?” Makiko asked without turning around from the stove. “I’ll do it.” I offered without hesitation.
“You better go over there right now before he decides to call her or something.” Makiko advised, and I stood up to walk to JunHyung’s apartment. I found JunHyung walking around his kitchen, seeming as if he was trying to think up of something. “Oh, hey JaeJi! Can you help me think of something?” he asked, flashing a grin. “Sure; anything.”  I replied, closing the door. “I want to take HyunJee somewhere tomorrow. Where should we go?” JunHyung questioned. With the look on his face, I just didn’t have the heart to tell him what HyunJee wanted me to tell him. “Should we go to the beach? The park? A café?” JunHyung asked, resuming his pace around the kitchen. “JunHyung-“ I began to attempt the heart breaking news, but he continued on with his little list of places to go. “The museum? The mall?” he just kept talking, and I had to tell him before I was going to explode from guilt. “YONG JUNHYUNG, SHUTUP AND LISTEN TO ME!” I shouted, stopping him in his tracks. “Ah, mianhae. I was just so caught up.” JunHyung apologized, sitting on the chair in front of the kitchen counter. “What do you want to tell oppa?” he asked, staring at me with curious eyes and a calm smile. “HyunJee…told me and Makiko that…she’s not really looking for a serious relationship right now. So technically…she doesn’t want to be with you anymore.” I blurted out, not wanting to see his reaction. His brightly lit up face disappeared instantly, making my heart drop. “Oh.” JunHyung mumbled, nodding once.

He stared at the floor, and I climbed onto the seat next to him. JunHyung never had a girl break up with him, but I didn’t expect him to be this upset about it. “You okay, Junnie?” I asked, poking his cheek. “Y-Yeah. I mean, now I know the reason why she won’t answer my calls.” JunHyung replied in a voice barely above a whisper. I felt so sorry for him, and I immediately regret offering to tell JunHyung about this. Makiko would have done this better than me, anyway. “Yeah. I’m fine.” JunHyung mumbled, sighing. He completely avoided my worried looks. “You know, I really thought she was different.” JunHyung sighed, resting his head on my shoulder. I hesitated, but I patted his head with my hand. “You know, if only I met another girl like you, JaeJi. We had a great connection the first time we met.”  JunHyung chuckled lightly, adjusting his head so that he was comfortable. “Really? I didn’t think you noticed we had a great connection.” I shrugged. “Yah.” He chuckled, bumping his shoulder against mine when he lifted his head up. “But if you felt such a strong connection…then why didn’t you…um. Like you had any feelings for me anyway.” I began to explain, but I ended up mumbling my last words. I didn’t like where this was going, but it was a bit too late. “I was afraid of rejection.” I heard him mutter. He moved away from me and looked down at his hands, too afraid to look straight at me like he usually did. I laughed a bit at his reply. He would expect that from me, since I rejected every single guy that was interested in me. Little did he know it was all for him. “Ji, why would you always turn away from guys when they came to you? You could have given at least one of them a chance like I gave HyunJee a chance-” At this point in his sentence, I interrupted him. I couldn’t stand it anymore. My secret was just scratching at my throat, begging to be let out. I just had to tell him everything – the truth. “I rejected them because I loved you!” I blurted out, shutting my eyes closed.

I snuck a peek at him with one eye open and one eye closed. He was staring at me with his mouth gaped open, and I just turned away from him. “So there. Now you know why I never went out with any guys, why I felt uncomfortable around you and your new girlfriends, why it was so hard to see Makiko with HyunSeung – “ I swear to you, if I had said one more word, I would have burst into tears. But, I didn’t say another word. Why? Because JunHyung had grabbed me by my chin, and I felt his lips press against mines. When he pulled away, I was just speechless. I could not say a word; not like I thought of anything to say anyway. My head was so…shaken up, I guess. “There. Now you know that I have always hopped from one girl to another because I thought it would make you jealous. I was…trying to get you to notice me, I guess.” He mumbled, ruffling his hair out of embarrassment. “You know, we should start telling each other EVERYTHING from now on. It won’t be good for our relationship if we keep stuff from each other.” I laughed, punching his cheek lightly. “Yah, does that mean you’re my girlfriend?” he chimed, nuzzling his nose against my cheek. Keep your cool, JaeJi. Keep your cool. Don’t break the icy character. “Well, I’ll have to go ask DooJoon oppa. He did say I was his property, after all.” I exclaimed happily, jumping off the seat and striding into my apartment. Everyone looked at me, and I turned to Makiko to flash a smile. “So, how did it go?” Makiko asked me, biting her lip from nervousness. However, I could not answer my sister’s question.“YAH! DOOJOON! STAY AWAY FROM MY GIRL! PARK JAEJI IS MINE!” JunHyung’s voice was very loud and clear, and I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist. He stuck his tongue out at DooJoon before kissing the back of my neck. “YAH, STUPID JUNHYUNG, ALWAYS STEALING MY STUFF!” DooJoon shouted, stomping over to argue with JunHyung like he always did. You know, this all happened because of HyunJee.

I’m starting to think I do like that chick after all.

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Mayenne #1
Chapter 1: Nice one. Junhyung is really something else.
suju1375 #2
Hahaha Doojoon!
^^<br />
i love the whole one-shot xcept how the paragraphs were so clumped together ^^<br />
love your stylee~
That's kinda true, though. The description just gives a description of what the story is about. xD Not the whole thing. But. Yeah. ^ ^ ~
in response to the comment below, the foreword should NOT define the rest of the story >>
im loving the foreword so im sure its gnna b AWESOME ^^<br />
some people dont realise that their foreword defines the rest of the story~~~<br />
super interestd~~~