Then there was us


The door infront of me was about to open. Without thinking I ran to the side of the house, a place where he wouldn't be able to see. My heart was pounding out of my chest with each passing second. 

In the dead of the night all you could hear was the annoyed mans mummbling and curses. Once  I heard the door shut, my legs gave out. 

I fell onto my shivering. What kind of idiot am I? I came back to this place? Am I crazy?  yes . 


My body ran, without command it left. I ran off his property and drove away. My mental state was terrible, I couldn't think straight, my mind was a mess. 

It was all because of that one stupid visit. I hated it. 


When I got home I threw my jacket onto the couch and marched to my room, ignoring my servents. I jumped onto my bed and stared at my cieling. 

My eyes started falling, and soon enough they were closed. 

The one day that I go to sleep after visiting his house I dream of it again, the night where everything first happened. 

[flashback still Hongki]

I sat in my house groaning, I was bored, I was annoyed, I was young. All I did was look at the TV that played all the most boring re-runs you could ever think of. 

My phone rang, I looked to see the caller ID of Shin Hye. 

Without a second thought I picked up, that was the first mistake of out millions. 


"Hongki! Meet me at the All Star Cafe.." She said. 

"Why? I'm only going if you pay." I half joking. 

"Alright. Why aren't you  a gentlemen." She says chuckling. 

"Is Yonggie going?" I ask. 

"No.. He's busy." She says. 


That was weird she practically knows everything about what he was doing and vise versa. The 3 of us were practically siblings. You know except the fact that Shin Hye and him were dating.. That would be a little weird. 


"I see.. Okay. Meet you there in 20 minutes?" 

"Whatever just hurry up." 

"Aren't you a lady?" I tease. 

"Jerk, I'm hanging up now." 


And so I left. I got ready, grabbed my cellphone and wallet then left.


The walk from my house to the cafe wasn't really that far. Maybe a block or two. So I was able to get there fast. I spotted Shin Hye at a table by herself playing with her phone. 

I grinned and walked up to her. I slapped the back of her head causing her to scream while glaring at me. I simply laughed. She glared at me in return. I sat down in front of her. 

"So what do you want?" I asked taking a sip of the drink she bought me. 

"Kiss me." 

My eyes buldged out of my eyes. Is she crazy?!


"Yah! Park Shin Hye!? Are you crazy! Yonghwa would kill me!" I screamed. 

Tears started falling down her face. I would feel pity for her but.. I can't. Not after she asked me to kiss her. She's my best friends girlfriend!

"Hongki I can't!" She cried in frustration as she messed with her hair.

"Why..?" I asked in a hushed tone. 

"He's always gone! I don't even know what to do anymore! Jung Yonghwa is never here anymore!" She cried more. 

"Just because he's gone doesn't mean I need to kiss you." I hiss in annoyence. 


That girl in front of me, she isn't the Shin Hye I know. She isn't the innocent idiot who called me oppa, slapped me then went back to Yonhwa. This girl, this Shin Hye look alike, she's broken. 


"You don't get it!" She misrably said between sobs. "I don't know where he's been for 2 months already. I don't even know if he's alive." Shin Hye continued to cry. 

I knew where Yonghwa was. He was overseas. His parents called him, he begged me not to tell Shin Hye. So that's what I did. I knew he would be back soon, he promised. 

Looking at Shin Hye infront of me just broke my heart. I wanted to confort her, tell her everything is alright, say that he was going to comeback. 

But I couldn't. I wasn't in that position. This wasn't even my problem, this fight was between Yonghwa and her. I didn't know I was so wrong. I didn't know that I was the one who made this fight even worse. 


I brought Shin Hye home. I was going to leave until she pulled me back, she looked at me with pleading eyes. I coudnt say no. 


The rest of the night was a blur. She brought out her parents achcohol. We drank, we danced, we kissed. Just like she wanted to. 


The kiss started getting deeper, tognues were rolling, bodies were pressing onto each other and clothing was starting to fall.. That is until the door slammed open to reveal Jung Yonghwa holding a beautiful cake that was now smashed into pieces.

Tears framed his face. His face was pale. 

"S-shin hye.." He shakily called, "Hongki?" 

I couldn't say anything. Guilt was eating me alive. 

"God. Why the hell did I let you watch Shin Hye while I left for 2 months!" He screamed, the tears never ending. "And you!" He screamed at Shin Hye. "Why the hell did you let this guy kiss you!?" He screamed in annoyence. 

He grabbed Shin Hye and marched out of the house. 


I was left alone, tears falling down my face. My head a disaster, my heart even worse. I ran after them. All I saw was Shin Hye yelling at him on the side walk. 

Yonghwa yelling back. Shin Hye rolling her eyes. She walked onto the street. 

A car was coming. Yonghwa jumped infront of Shin Hye sheilding her from the impact. 


All I could do was call the ambulence and cry. 


In the end, the two of them forgot about each other. I was the only one who remembered, I was the only one who still hurt mentally from that night. I deserved every ounce of the pain. I ruined friendships that were years long. I runied the best relationship you could possibly imagine. 

Shin Hye and I went to America leaving Yonghwa.. The two of them didn't know anything. Only I. And all of this was practically my fault. 

The past has been revealed!!! DUN DUN DAAAAN. Well then. Poor Hongki! He had to live though this! Yet.. He still made out with someone elses girlfriend... awks. And I'm going to be on Hiatus for the next 2-3 weeks. I'm going to be on VACATION with the family~ I'm going NIAGARA FALLS. (for the third time) hahaha. 

See you guys later~ 


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Seria muito bom se houvesse a continuação e Shinhye realmente voltasse com Yonghwa.
madridlani #2
Chapter 32: Haaaist,no ending :((
sarahsusanti #3
Please update asap...
With shin and yong
Starligthangelcnblue #4
Chapter 32: update soon authornim i cant wait just finished reading this chapter damm i love this i cant wait for yongshin moments jajaj!
Ibraheem #5
I thought it is yongshin but why she have child with hongki?
Ibraheem #6
Chapter 32: Please update
daisy55 #7
Chapter 32: Please update :-)
2heartstrings #8
Chapter 32: Planes continue
seamusmommy #9
Chapter 32: Your not supposed to use kids that way, but I really hope they can work things out because of their little girl. They are the ones who got married and had her. She didn't ask to be born.
kyonkichi #10
Chapter 32: wah, an update after so long so bear hugs to u authornim. tq, i really miss this ff :D hope u cn give us mre after this, arggggggggggggghhhhhh cnt wait for ur nxt update :P i wonder who else will cameo in this ff??