BANGHIM - No More Ramen But You




Yongguk actually felt annoyed when time to eat comes. He couldn’t cooked anyway. Whatever he cooked but ramen, going to be burnt and went all black. It really pissed him off. He lived alone on his apartement as his family lived in Incheon.


Until Himchan came to his life. Himchan, the pretty boy, who would always grant Yongguk wished to cooked anything to eat so that he didn’t have to eat ramen or buy some fast food anymore. No, Himchan wasn’t his maid in anyway. He is officially Yongguk boyfriend since couple month ago.




“Morning pretty.” Yongguk wrapped his muscular arms around Himchan slim waist. “Morning too. Uh Yongguk would you lemme go? I’m cooking.” Himchan pouted, half blushed. “Gimme some morning kiss then I’ll let you cook.” He tightened his embrace and peck the younger neck. “Ummm later kay? Don’t you want your food get burnt don’t you?” he smirked as he felt Yongguk released him. “Okay you win.” He said with flat tone then stepped out of the kitchen.




LOOOOL i knew the title was very xD it split out when I'm starving like Daehyun kkk



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anyway this is going 2 more chapters :)


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Chapter 7: Are you write this becouse you have soooo much tutor time jow....? hehe
meohamTSxYG #2
Chapter 6: LOL =)))))
Chapter 5: is this story at the day end of national exam dude ?
Chapter 4: Dude....Himchan slim waist..?
meohamTSxYG #5
Chapter 5: Haha :)) I love all these drabbles xD short but always cute <3
crossing_by #6
Chapter 5: At that pillow safely landed on daehyun face... i wonder he woke up or not hahhaa
Chapter 4: LMAO 1-0 for Himchannie !!!
Chapter 3: babies-maknaes lol
Chapter 2: they're just so cute these two !!
love them !!!
KAZEYAMaru #10
Chapter 1: lol so funny >3<